NROL4W + Half Marathon Training?

KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
Once I finish Insanity Max 30 in a couple of weeks I have to start training for my first half marathon in May. However, I'm also really interested in starting to lift heavy for the first time. Is it possible to do both? How many net calories should I consume to lose fat?

I realize training for a half + starting to lift sounds like a really ambitious plan but I would really like to give it a shot. I'd appreciate it if anyone can share advice about it!


  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I am just getting back into a workout routine after having a baby and I have a half marathon in April. I will be starting NROL4W in a couple weeks when I get my mew cage set up. Until then I am doing SL modified for the equipment I have.

    My goal is to run 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday, and a long run on Saturday) and lift on Tuesday and Thursday. I say goal because I have been missing a lot of workouts with a newborn.

    On days I lift I eat and extra 300 calories as suggested by the book. For my runs, I eat back most of the calories my HRM says I burnt. I use the MFP formula for daily calorie goal.

    Prior to pregnancy I had had the same workout schedule (but I was doing SL 5x5). I had my calories set for a 1 pound per week loss and I was very satisfied with how I was working towards my weightloss, running, and lifting goals.

    If you want another half marathon running heavy lifting friend just send me a request. Hopefully I will be back to my normal routine soon.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I trained for a half marathon last year. This was the longest distance I'd run but I had been running a few days a week, doing 5ks here and there before. I also started to read NROL during this time and started to lift. I couldn't truly commit to both, however, because of the amount I had to train for the race. Part of it is time, when you're running 5-6 days a week including some longer runs, there just isn't much time to lift on top of that. The other part is recovery. Running that much puts a lot of strain on your body so if you lifting intensely on top of it, you can wear yourself out/hurt yourself.

    You can certainly start lifting as it can supplement your running nicely and help retain muscle mass. Just be careful not to overdo it and allow your muscles to rest and recover. When training, I got so tired of running that when the race was over, I got really into lifting and have kept with it ever since.

  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks everyone! I was thinking of running 3 days a week, lifting on the days inbetween, with one rest day. Good to know it's doable. :)