I am such a traitor

FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
Not because I don't live up to the ideals of this group, but because I don't count/track anything. Honestly, I don't count carbs. I just don't eat any. I don't count calories. I just eat until I'm full.

My friend has challenged me to track everything, for him to look on and get an idea. I tell him how I eat, he wants to see what it really looks like. I am going to try and be better with logging. There's no real point. I know my ribeyes and other steaks aren't going to be exactly the same macros as on here (even weighing them).

I just hate counting. I hate weighing, logging, and all that other stuff. Yet, here I am. I'm on a site dedicated to counting, logging, and otherwise doing what I refuse to do most of the time. LOL

Note: There's no message here, no point. I just wanted to post something so people know I am still here.


  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    If you are doing fine then it is for your friend. If not then maybe its a wake up for you. Either way you help SOMEONE!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    If your performance and/or scale weight is going the direction you want, then keep on doin' what you're doin'! :)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yep, doing just fine without tracking. I don't gain, at the very least. Typically, I lose slowly. Sometimes I stay the same. Although I would like to lose another 5-6kg, I am also happy with my current weight. So, I am in now rush. A nice slow slide into that weight works for me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi! Isn't the goal to do it without tracking? You're not a traitor, just really successful. :)

    I didn't log to lose either. There was no MFP when I lost. I hate logging too.

    granted, I'm not low carb, but the idea holds: you know what to eat to accomplish your goals. So did I. cheers.
  • oyadancing
    oyadancing Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a ditto head, adding to the chorus: You've found a WOE that has allowed you to reach your goals, so much so that you don't need to quantify for yourself that you know what you're doing. I know that's my end goal.

    And you've a good friend to log so that others can see. I can tell you for true, if I weren't already logging for me, I wouldn't do it just to show someone else! LOL
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    LOL, I will log for him. And, I'll do the same exercise thing he's doing (p90x3) just to be encouraging. BTW, one day in on that one and it sucks! But, he's got about as much weight to lose as I had when I started. So, if it will help him to have someone going through the same amount of suffering, I'll do it.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    If it works for you then don't worry about doing it just to appease someone else unless you choose to do so.

    I log my food because I like to see that carb count at the end of the day. Even if it's higher than I'd ideally like. It keeps me accountable to myself. :D

    I don't know how accurate my logging is because I never weigh anything, I just eyeball it. I'm having a steak? I guess how much it weighs. At the end of the day I don't mind the calories. I just eat it until I've had enough. I'm more careful with carbs though.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    That's really kind of you FIT_Goat and I'm sure your friend will really appreciate it.

    Other than that, I am really looking forward to the day that I can get away from weighing and recording. It feels dangerously like calorie counting but, as I'm new to LCHF, I think I need to track and record until I know what I'm doing. Made a few mistakes so far with eating something while I'm out and then having my jaw hit the desk when I look up the carbs in it :(
  • melyndavaz
    melyndavaz Posts: 67 Member
    FIT_Goat, you are a true friend.
  • Nicole9187
    Nicole9187 Posts: 122 Member
    I hate tracking. It's a pain. But for me if I don't I will eat way to many calories. I think it's really nice that you are doing this for your friend. I hope he crosses over =)
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    To each there own FIT_Goat...you already know what works for you, and it isn't tracking! So kind of you to attempt the logging and I am not going to lie, I am totally going to creep in your diary!!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    lol, if you're creeping my diary, you'll see the same thing I told my friend. I don't usually log because there's not a whole lot of variety. It's basically a steak, some ground beef, butter, and maybe eggs or cheese. It's why I don't log. I could almost copy each day to the next and just change the amount of each thing I ate.

    Today for example: 16oz ribeye, half a stick of butter, a 4 oz burger patty, and a slice of swiss cheese. No seasonings except salt. No beverages except copious amounts of coffee (about 12-16 cups) and water.

    Yesterday was pretty much the same except my steak was a smaller NY Strip and I had some eggs. The day before that was a bit of a "splurge" day and included a 20oz bottle of diet coke with some capocollo.

    So yeah, there's not a whole lot to see. When I tell people I basically just eat meat, it's pretty much the truth.
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    Wow Fit! How long have you been doing the steak/hamburger/butter thing? Oh and some eggs. I would get bored with that pretty quick. And I would have to be taking a multivitamin to sleep at night(and not worry about being deficient). What is capocollo? Thank you for all you do to help people like me on MFP! You have helped me many times.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've done it for about 7 months, although I was nearly there for 9 months before then when I was doing keto. Except, back then I would eat a vegetable or two a couple times a week because everyone knows "you have to eat vegetables." Back at the start of July, I decided to try it for the month. I've never looked back. I did eat junk during my honeymoon, but that's it.

    s9wh3dorbwe6.jpgCapocollo is just deli sliced ham. Yes, I realize my splurges tend to be things that would be fine anyway. ;)

    I don't take supplements of any sort. That includes vitamins, fiber, or anything else. Went and got blood work done recently and [although they don't test for everything] nothing was out of range or unusual. You would be surprised at how nutrient dense meat is. On top of that, the nutrients in meat are well absorbed, unlike many in plants. The things meat is low in (like Thiamine and Vitamin C) tend to be those things you need little/none of when eating no carbs.

    Not that I would recommend this way for everyone. It works for me though.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    dawlfin318 wrote: »
    Wow Fit! How long have you been doing the steak/hamburger/butter thing? Oh and some eggs. I would get bored with that pretty quick. And I would have to be taking a multivitamin to sleep at night(and not worry about being deficient). What is capocollo? Thank you for all you do to help people like me on MFP! You have helped me many times.

    There was a post in the general forums one time that had a picture of a giant bowl of colorful fruit -- strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, etc. The caption on it was "Nature's Skittles."

    If fruit is Nature's Skittles, then liver is Nature's Multivitamin. Check it out sometime, and you'll see it beats all the so-called "superfoods" hands down. So, if you're worried about it, just eat a few bites of liver a day (ideally raw; in fact, the best way is actually frozen).
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @Dragonwolf Do you have any good recipes for someone who's never loved liver? I was thinking I could tolerate pate, and there were some great deals on liver at the store the other day, but I've no idea how to cook it at all!!!! Anyone?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @Dragonwolf Do you have any good recipes for someone who's never loved liver? I was thinking I could tolerate pate, and there were some great deals on liver at the store the other day, but I've no idea how to cook it at all!!!! Anyone?

    Grind it up and stick it in chili (or other ground meat recipes). http://cavemanketo.com/caveman-chili/ <- awesome chili recipe to start with. Just include it in with the meat content.

    From what I've heard, another easy way is to cut it up into little bite-sized pieces (raw), then freeze them, then eat them frozen (swallowed whole if you want/need).

    I think you can also get it as pills, though that kind of defeats the purpose of eating it to not deal with supplements, but at least it's better than synthetic vitamins.
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @Dragonwolf Do you have any good recipes for someone who's never loved liver? I was thinking I could tolerate pate, and there were some great deals on liver at the store the other day, but I've no idea how to cook it at all!!!! Anyone?
    Chicken livers are super cheap. Take a 1/2 pound, poach or saute for 3-5 min until just slightly pink. Cool them then add to food processor with 1 1/2 sticks of butter and salt/pepper and any other seasoning you like. Refrigerate covered well with plastic wrap (I use ramekin with a lid over the wrap). I like to take a couple of TBSP out, bring to room temp (much better texture) and eat it off the spoon sprinkled with a bit of sea salt or even a squirt of lemon, topped on a steak or smear on sliced cucumber or spread on celery.
  • oyadancing
    oyadancing Posts: 91 Member
    edited February 2015
    sborn1: Yum!

    I do love all liver. Make sure not to overcook, it gets tough and lousy if well done. For cooking beef liver, I pan fry in bacon fat 3-4 minutes on each side over medium heat, and serve with sautéed mushrooms and bacon.