Stay Strong?

If I stay on track for 10 months, I could be at a healthy weight for once in my life! I keep going through bursts of restrictive dieting that lasts for 1 day, then fall of the wagon again :p I need encouragement to eat in moderation. I had bulimia for 7 months, and I haven't purged in 2 months. Just working on moderation is so hard. Im either eating way too much or not enough. I hope you are all doing better with your goals than I!


  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    It's really easy to go super high or super low. It's much harder to work out the balance between perfect health and enjoying what you eat. There is strength in that. And the challenge won't stop once we reach our goal weights either. It'll always be there, especially for those of us who have eating disorders in our pasts. But we are strong and the more we work at it the stronger we get. We'll rock it out! Good luck, darling. *hugs*
  • TonyTimn
    TonyTimn Posts: 2
    thanks gurl :)))
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    It's awesome to see support! Kept at it ladies. This is a tough life style choice and there will be ups and downs. But we can do it!