February Book

mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
Outlander! I've read about 5 pages. It sounds promising.


  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    So, I read this book every night and I'm on page 11. I keep falling asleep; no reflection on the book, but I'm just tired. I hope I will have more energy after my surgery next week. Well, eventually I guess, but not right away. My friend said I can get this book on CD from the library and maybe I should do that. You wouldn't consider that cheating, would you?
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    No thats not cheating. I hope your surgery goes well. I havent had the energy to do any extra reading but I will go by the library at some point and look for it.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Not cheating at all. I am doing more audio books these days...hard for me to concentrate on the written page. Boy, I hope that reading comes back it has always been such a good thing in my life. But I am trying to let things be. Mary wishing you a quick recovery. Hope you have a back up team in place. L. take your time and hope you have some chocolate around to give yourself some love today. Too bad we are so far apart - a cup of something together would be nice.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hi all, just checking in; havent had any ability to read at all. Just need some more time; I might have to skip til March
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi L, no problem with the skipping; I would love it if you will keep in touch during the skips. I'm now on page 16; I read page 14 four times before making it to 16. I think the book is interesting, honestly, I do, I just can't read right now, either. My laundry list of complaints right now are: * I have to have further surgery because they found something they didn't like during the first surgery. * The elevator in my building broke yesterday and they haven't fixed it yet; I can't do stairs because of my knees so I feel like a trapped animal on the 3rd floor. * My friend at my ex-job was put on admin leave and she is probably going to get pushed out of her job. * Another very good friend is helping to do the pushing; quite frustrating since I like them both and I am in the middle, listening to confidences that I'm not supposed to share with the other. * And, my number 1 peeve is the library does not actually have this months book in an audio format! Mady - would love that cup of coffee with you sometime. Raincheck?
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hey - I made it to page 21 yesterday. Hanging in there, how about you?
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Oh we are a bunch of limp rags. I think the book has real possibilities but I have not gotten very far either. I checked into CDs which the library does have. But 18 discs, please, that would put me to sleep. And now my back has gone out and I am also trapped in my house. I have not gone for the mail in days as it is too hard to walk down the street. I might ask a neighbor but bills won't start to come in until the end of the week, so I don't care.

    L so glad you checked in. Please continue to do so. Give yourself time.

    M. Sorry to hear your surgery has brought new issues. Do you have any one to help you as you spend your life on the third floor? Caught between two friends, not a pleasant time.
    Luckily you don't have to spend every day with them.
    Take care of yourself.

    Let's check in as we go through non reading times.
    Latte anyone?
    Sending good thoughts across the country. M
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Nice to hear from you, M. I'm so sorry to hear about your back. That is something I can identify with; there will be no rummaging under the kitchen sink, or picking up things that drop, or putting something heavy into oven for awhile. It sounds like you're in that hard stage where every step jerks your back. So good you have neighbors that will help you out, even if they only bring the bills.

    Blow me down! I had no idea there were 18 discs. I'm on page 34 now; making progress.

    My next surgery is where they remove all of my lady parts. It's a long recovery. My son will move in for at least a few days. His wife will help when she can. A friend has asked how she can help. I'm going to ask about a visiting nurse since I'm essentially on my own, being single. I'm remaining optimistic that I won't need further treatment after the hysterectomy.

    We should skype someday with a cup of coffee or tea. I'll have plenty of time on my hands.

    Thanks for your good thoughts; and I'm sending good thoughts to California and northern Florida.

  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hey Diamondettes, yes it would be fun to skype. I also have facetime on my apple phone. I am not reading anything right now and might be able to get into a book soon. I dont really feel motivated but I will stay in touch. Still going through emotional stuff. Ups and downs. But really working out hard; it helps. Sorry about your need for surgery. I hope you can get people to help you. I am a home health nurse but dont do custodial care. You might be able to hire an aide for a few hours at a time to assist with stuff.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hey all, just checking; I got a couple of books= Burn by James Patterson and another new one by Janet Evanovich. I may start one of those.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Dear Diamondettes.
    L I am glad you found some books that might engage you. I know it is so hard to concentrate on the printed page when you are grieving. I, too , have that problem. I have Outlander on my desk and I read a page but my mind soon wanders. A happy solution for me has arrived Tana French one of my favs latest book is at the library after a four month wait. I hope it will spur me to read with enjoyment.
    M. Wondering if your surgery is still coming up or it has happened. I am thinking of you and hope the long recovery goes smoothly. Hope you found some home help.
    My back is improving but so slowly that it scares me. My Florida family arrives next week and will be around until after Easter. I am happy for the company and help with some outstanding tasks around here. I will probably be occupied for the rest of the month but will be back when it quiets down. I want to take this opportunity to wish you both a Happy Easter. Hope a little chocolate comes your way. M
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hi all, actually started and read a book while taking a little mini vaca this week and my spirits are much improved with the change of scenery. Hope your surgery went well M and do we have a book for April -perhaps Tana Frenchs' book?
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I like a mystery. Which book by Tana French would you recommend? In the Woods?
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Yes. Her books are best read in order.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    M - it sounds like you may have read Tana French already?

    L - I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.

    My surgery is on Wednesday. Tomorrow is the dreaded bowel prep. :(
    My son will help me for a little while. I think his wife will be glad to have their apartment to herself for awhile :smiley:

    I'm half way through with Outlander and I'm enjoying it very much. I'm immersed in the late 1700's where men are men and women are sometimes treated like children. Hmmmmmmmm. That part is a little frustrating but it is interesting to read about what life may have been like during that period.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hope today is over soon for you. Good luck tomorrow.

    Yes, I have read her books. Just wonderful...such good writing, rereading the first book is no problem for me. Just love her work!!! Another author I would recommend is Louise Erdrich. Most of her books reflect her Native American heritage.

    The Blue Van arrives soon with my visiting family. Excited to see everyone.

  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm back! My surgeon and anesthesiologist were fresh and chipper and the surgery went well. The best news was I don't need further treatment. It'll take about a month to heal but I am over the moon now that I am through with that cancer.

    M - I trust you are having a good visit from the Blue Van folks.
    L - Are you back from vacation?

    I'm almost finished with Outlander. Let's make In the Woods our April read.

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    M...that is great news. I can "hear" the happiness in your note. I still plan to read Outlander , I am glad you are finishing it. Okay on the April read. I am just finishing her latest, The Secret Place. Company off to Hawaii but will be back for Easter. It was a good visit. Hope recovery continues to go smoothly. M
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    So glad your surgery went well and you are on the mend. Ok I had cataract surgery today and am recovering well. I have to do the other eye soon. I will look for the book but it might be slow read because my eye is on the mend. But I will have probably close to 2020 vision for life. I can probably read more after this. I know this surgery will be 4 weeks of healing and then onto the other eye. But I will be able to work and stuff so I dont think reading will be a problem.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi, all!

    L - I'm sorry you have the cataract problem, but I am so happy that it is fixable. 20/20 vision will be so nice to have! More books! More wildlife watching!

    I'm nearly finished now with Outlander. It took a bad turn toward the end with some torture. So, I'll not read anymore of these books, I'm afraid. We get enough of that in the news....