February Book



  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    L...here's to your new vision!!!!!
    M...Hope your recovery continues positively. Ugh, on the ending of Outlander.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Oh, glad I missed that book. Im resting my eyes this weekend. Hope you all are well.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I might still have some brain fog. I think we agreed to make In the Woods our April read, at least in a theoretical sense, since M is having company for Easter and L is probably still resting her eyes.

    I bought a book at the dollar store and I don't like it, so I'm glad to move on to something else soon. Mostly I'm just lazing in the recliner these days. I tried a 10 minute walk outside and needed a pill afterward. Having the maids come over tomorrow afternoon to clean up. They will (hopefully) take out the 2 bags of rotting garbage. Then I just need to find someone willing to come over to do my 8 loads of laundry and I'll be set.

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I was thinking about you this morning and hoping things were improving day by day. The maids would probably do a laundry load or two while they are at you apartment. I think we decided on that book. L suggested a Tana French book. I thought I would try it as an audio as I read it the first time. Hope you all like her as much as I do. I more week of company. I am going to try to read Round House by Louise Erdmann. It is my book club choice and am thinking of attending the next meeting. Take it easy, recuperate. Good time to get caught up on movies or tv shows...there are some good ones out there. M
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    HI all , my eyes are doing better. Go for more surgery to the left eye on 4/28/15. Not reading much lately but will pick up Round House by Erdmann if you want to have that be this months read. I would come over and do your laundry if I was nearby. It will get better Im sure.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi L - I'm glad you are doing better. You have been so brave about this surgery, I'm very impressed. I'm sending good wishes and hugs your way for the next round of surgery.

    M - Do you still have house guests? And did the kiddies find lots of eggs? It's wonderful your family/friends are there to support you during these holidays now. I'm also sending you good wishes and hugs.

    I'm still waiting to receive In the Woods. I went to my post op yesterday and the doctor refused to give me pain meds. I guess he feels he is such a good surgeon that he can go in there and take out my organs and I shouldn't feel any pain. So, my recovery will be slower because it really limits my ability to be active, if I don't have something to help me through the pain. He said something odd. He said I shouldn't lift more than 5-10 pounds. I asked him, how long does that restriction stay in place? He said Forever. What? He said, even if a woman has never had a hysterectomy, women my/our age should never lift more than 5-10 pounds, because we run the risk of doing internal damage. Have you ever heard this advice? Maybe he's just a bit too macho?
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Ive never heard that advice from an MD but my sister who is very fit fitness fanatic says 5 lbs should be the max. I didnt ask her why but she mentioned that one time.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I never heard that 5 lb rule. The new rules for pain pills are very strict. When I hurt my back they gave me a total of 10 pills even when they said recovery might be 6 months .

    Easter break was good. The kids had fun and the visit was wonderful. The holidays are tough to get thru and I appreciate family and friends so much.

    M I hope you are continuing to recover and will soon put the pain behind.

    L Glad your eye is recovering and you will soon have the other done. Most I know are so pleased with the result .
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Well I suppose really we can lift what ever we want but I wonder what really heavy weights would do to your joints?
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    L - I found out that, apparently, the strain on the pelvic floor can give you a prolapse. After you mentioned the 5 lb rule, it reminded me thatmy old fitness trainer would have me sit down when I used anything over 5 lbs. So, 5 lbs standing, the rest was done sitting on the exercise bench. So maybe there is something to it.

    Just spent 4 days in the hospital. Had my gall bladder removed. Bile was getting blocked and it was wreaking havoc on my liver. Back to square one with recovery, although I am glad the ER doc was so thorough, otherwise I would have continued to have the problem with the gall stones.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Im pretty comfortable with 5 lbs in each hand and feel I am getting sculpting results. Hey, glad youre over that and you got some good care. I am going for outpatient surgery to the left eye next week. Excited about my new eyes. The right one is so clear, I dont need reading glasses. Keep getting better.......
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Glad to hear the eye surgery has gone well! Reading In the Woods and finding it intriguing. What is everyone else reading?
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Just back from 5 days of babysitting. Nice to have the quiet and my own bed.
    M - you have been through the ringer. I hope recovery is swift and you will back in the swing of things soon.
    L - glad you have had such a success with your eye surgery. I remember when my husband had it done, he was amazed with the result.

    I will pick up In the Woods...so we can soon compare notes. I do like the atmosphere the author creates.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi all, I'm excited to go to the doctor tomorrow, I'm hoping I get cleared to start driving again. This op has been easier to recover from than the previous one. Actually, I'm still recovering from the first one, too. I'm so ready to feel 100% again, and I think doing more fun stuff is the ticket! I have to get down to business, too. My lease expired, and I'm month-to-month, which is way more expensive. I want to pare down while I'm recovering so I can have an easier move. I'm going to make looking for a new place a fun activity.

    L - best of luck with your eye surgery this week. Clear skies ahead!
    M - I'm with you with sleeping in your own bed, nothing is better after a trip. What is your next adventure?

    In the Woods is good, very good, so far. I'm about 100 pages into it. I'm assuming that we have already been introduced to the killer, so I'm enjoying trying to figure out who did it. I think I know, but we'll see....
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hey, Mary. So good to hear you sounding so upbeat. I think you are right, making whatever we do an adventure helps us move ahead. It is something I have to remember in changing for the better. My adventures have been minor ones mostly traveling within the Bay Area to see grandchildren. I do have a summer trip planned...my first solo outing...more about that later as I am still working on it.
    I am so glad you are liking the book. I am reading it for the second time and still think Tana French is a really good author. Enjoy.
    Stay well you two wounded soldiers. M
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hey all, they cancelled my other eye surgery til next month which is ok as my right eye is still recovering but my vision keeps getting better. I cant believe the color and details I have been missing and I dont have to wear reading glasses. I think I have already read In the Woods, maybe not anyhow. I think I can get back on track this month or next if anyone wants to suggest a May book. I am doing well, working out 5 days a week- going on my first ziplining trip on May 17. Yikes. And also have joined a bunch of friends that play tennis everyday so I am really happy these days. I have started a book called "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers" and will probably be done with it quickly as it is very short.

    Mary- hope you are doing well and thanks for the considerate thoughts- yes CLEAR skies
    M- where are you going on a solo outing???
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Lenore...You sound so full of energy. Glad to hear your happy voice is back. Exercise is great medicine!!! Your vision recovery is great.

    I have a suggestion for May...The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka has long been on my list. Well reviewed and the fact that it is short...we can all get on the same page. Recently been to Locke...Mary do you know it?

    Travel will be in the Mid West. I have never been. The Great Lakes, etc
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Lenore - sounds like you have some fun times ahead; very nice.
    M - Oh yes, I've driven past Locke many times, but I've never actually visited Locke. What did you think of it? Are you going to visit the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island? I would be so jealous if you did.

    I'm on board with The Buddha in the Attic.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Ok I will get the Buddha in the Attic; sounds good. I reread my post and I realized Im only doing workouts almost everyday not working out and playing tennis; one or the other. But YES, my depression has lifted. I am not fighting with it as long as I hit the gym almost everyday. And people are noticing me and I feel proud to be so strong. Still working on the weight. Some days I have an easy workout like today- I am going to yoga. Tough but very good for stretching. Sounds like a fun trip to the Midwest. I am helping my daughter finish engineering school and so moneys tight for us but we might try a florida keys trip this summer. Already been there 15 or 20 times but still find it awe inspiringly beautiful.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Locke was interesting. I had read this book called, Water Ghosts years ago and as I walked the main street it came flooding back. A sidebar of Ca. history and glad I went. Driving around the Delta is lovely. I don't know about the Grand Hotel, I am staying about an hour and a half away but as a house guest I don't know the plans. I have always wanted to see the Florida keys that sounds like a great trip. I think in this economy we all have to help our kids. L. you inspired me to work out a lot today, I have been kind of depressed for a few days and it made me feel better. M. How are you doing with In the Woods? Wonder if you guessed the killer correctly.