What do you have on your cheat day?



  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    No planned cheat days here either. LCHF if my way of eating but I enjoy some foods in moderation as well. A glass or two of red wine with a steak dinner, one roll of sushi before switching to sashimi, french onion soup (minus the bread), etc. I just keep everything in track and it evens out.
    I couldn't imagine eating high carb foods for an entire day. Actually, I can because I tried it once almost two years ago and it was painful and gross. I carbed up to try and reset and I felt disgusting for two days. Haven't had sugar since Halloween 2013 because of how bad it made my stomach feel. I had a constant stomachache for over 24h.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Ever notice who the people are that say that most of the time? In my experience, they're very often the people that seem to be convinced that making an effort to lose weight should come with a certain level of misery

    Yes, yes, a million times yes. You have no idea how often I have to explain to people that I don't suffer at all with how I eat. I am not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat. I don't deprive myself. I don't go to bed unsatisfied. I may move calories around (like I am doing now), but I am not into suffering. I don't do it.
  • ElmerLourens
    ElmerLourens Posts: 6 Member
    Hi There, A colleague of mine had a birthday and I had a small piece of chocolate brownie, half of it . I felt like absolute crap the following morning as I have been LCHF and ketosis for over 2 months, max carbs per day 25grams.

    Cheat is not the problem,its what you cheat with.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    It has taken me close to a month to get to ketosis.... No way am I blowing this for a couple of cookies.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    To me, cheat day sounds more like, oh I ate something without knowing what was in it and now I'm sick as hell. Definitely nothing I would intentionally do or plan out.

    I have done that a few times, eaten something that had sugar or similar sweetener in it without realizing. Usually the consequences are so immediate, I know before I get more than a few bites in and can stop.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    The wife got some sirloin tips the other day and did not want them all. I ate one and realized they had been marinated in a sugar based solution. Some people even put sugar in like cole slaw so I find pot luck dinners to not be so 'lucky' in my case.

    I find the lower the quality of restaurant food the more sugar they are likely to put on the food.

    Even almonds taste like candy now. :)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I ate at a buffet a couple weekends ago. I stuck to the meats, although all of them had some sort of marinade on them. Based on the amount of water weight that showed up over the next couple days, I'm guessing there was sugar or starch in those marinades. Not the end of the world, but it is a nice reminder of why I prefer to cook my own foods.
  • LowCarbHeart
    LowCarbHeart Posts: 69 Member
    So, I do have high carb days where I don't pay attention to my net carbs at all. I'll eat a bagel with butter, real pizza, or ice cream. I don't have these days often and when I do I pay for it the next day, but I don't let it throw me off track. When I was losing the bulk of my weight though I had very few if any high carb days.

    I really like what KeithF6250 wrote. Lifestyles are all about choices. Some days I'll make choices to help me lose weight other days I'll choose to eat higher carb foods and stay the same and be OK with that.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    The high carb day last month loading up on oranges and fresh cherries was not bad like the pasta and refined sugar load Thanksgiving but my ketone levels stayed low for like a couple weeks. It is the pot luck dinners at church and the like that can nail me hard if I go and have not eaten in like 8 hours. I do a better job of selecting foods if I do not go hungry. :)

    Since I do low carb 1st for pain management for me to carb load is like skipping taking one's critical medicine.

    My BMI has been under 30 for about 10 days and it makes me happy the US gov no longer labels me as Obese. If I drop another 20 pounds over the next four months I will be at 190 which will be OK but 175 would be best. I still have gut fat to address but am OK other wise. I do miss my butt fat when sitting on hard benches very long. :)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I would like to get to where the government stops saying I am overweight. Just to say I am not overweight.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I would like to get to where the government stops saying I am overweight. Just to say I am not overweight.

    LOL. Because the gov't has such a sterling record. They're always right... Particularly where health is concerned.
  • nsoss
    nsoss Posts: 34 Member
    If I listened to what the government says, I'd be eating grains all day long and justifying their corn and soy bean subsidies.