New to the Group

Hello, My name is Trish I am 35 years old. I am 375 pounds and miserable :( so many health problems to do with my weight. I have tried this before and lost over 30 pounds and fell into depression and gave up and gained all of it back. Today is a new start for me I am ready for a new me..Last time I tried this alone. So this time I am looking for people to motivate me as I would them.. :)


  • cwms3rd
    cwms3rd Posts: 31 Member
    Do not give up. I have been in the same boat with weight and depression. This is my fourth time around with MFP. Just stay strong and keep your head up.
  • Lots of support in this group! Especially in the weekend thread. Welcome! I look forward to working together!
  • johnm8703
    johnm8703 Posts: 118 Member
    Trish, Welcome back! I too am coming back after a lay off because of a bout with depression following my moms passing. Now that I've been back on for just over a month I can already see the results of being back. It's always tough to get started again! Just remind yourself, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one craving at a time. It's ok to stumble, you can get right back up and get back on track. One bad meal is just that, a bad MEAL. Don't make it a bad DAY. You've got this! We're all here for each other!
  • ambermarie143
    ambermarie143 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 35 and 375lbs. Would you like to be buddies for support? I deal with depression. Lots of health problems since I had half my thyroid removed 7 years ago. My hormones are all over the place.
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome Trish!!
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member