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Misc. Chat Thread - Feb. / March 2015



  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited February 2015
    @crabada I hope you'll feel better this morning, and just a little bit hungover. ;) Heartbreak are no fun, I feel you. xx

    @dawnembers I had someone in the gym calling me "chérie" wednesday. Not that weird because we are both french speaking, but still, I was like: dude, I just need the 10 pounds plate, could you please shut the *kitten* up with your chérie?! Anyway. I smiled. That's what I do when people pisses me off. (not good, I know)

    In other news...

    The younger brother of my friend Ralph is coming in town next week and asked me to go on a gym date.

    This is a video of him clean and press 319 pounds with a log press, a part of his regular training as a strong man. You know, those one pulling bus with their shoulders and rolling 600 pounds rock over stilts?

    I'm so nervous to spend a day working out with, omg.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    OK so I am working from home today to get my presentation all written up and all of a sudden it starts to rain in my kitchen. There is a hot water tank upstairs and it seems to have just given up holding water. Now to make matters even worse the damn thing was installed by the previous owners who then built a wall and installed a toilet in front of it.
    I am trying to keep a positive out look on things (hey the hot water tank is procrastinating for me and all that) but damn.
    We have the water to the whole house off (because I guess a shut off valve to the tank was just too much work) so there shouldn't be any more leaking. We are going in to town to get some stuff and the damn truck won't start. I am tempted to ask if this could get any worse but I know the answer to that question. Yes, yes and yes it can always get worse.
    I'll be skipping my run and my weights today and probably stress eating like no tomorrow but it will get done and <enter other positive out look sayings here>.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas ladies! I will try to work some of them into my life. I CRAVE girlfriend time! I love my husband, but he doesn't want to shop/wine taste/talk about the real housewives/ etc. I think it also doesn't help that I am an only child. Hoping my girls (5yo and 1.5yo) cherish each other as they get older :-)

    @VeryKatie - What a bummer! I went through the same thing at my gym. And I agree with @llamapants86 - It really is a sales pitch/interview!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So nice to have a day off from work. However, I think all the sleep from being sick and after (as I slept in a lot for the last 2 weeks) finally caught up with me. I was in bed by 2 am, sure, but didm't fall asleep till some time around 5 am. Yet I got up at 10, after waking up several times in between. Thank goodness for coffee because I need to edit at least a few chapters today.

    Lately I've stalled on a lot of things and I've been rather forgetful. I forget things at work (last time mug I used for soup, this time water bottle), stuff I planned to take to work (like protein drink so end up consuming after midnight), stuff I need from the store (forgot needed broth for the black beans I'm attempting to cook) and the list goes on from there.

    That and I have an odd bruise situation. My right wrist had a small bruise on it after lifting on Monday night, even though I didn't hit it on anything. It lightened and was almost gone, then I lifted last night and now it's darker and reddish again. Didn't do the same lifts either, so not sure why my wrist just decided to have issues, though it is the wrist with the most problems from years of bowling and such. It's the size of a dime, so not too big but I see it even as I type, so noticeable enough.

    Oh well. I have black beans in the slow cooker. I have never cooked from dry beans before or any recipe with black beans so hope it turns out. I'm going to get to the running store to check out options and prices, then edit time.

    Hope everyone has a good day and weekend.
  • @Daiva -- Sorry to disappoint, but no hangover. Which makes me happy.

    @Llama -- So sorry about your water tank. Sounds like it's going to be quite a production to have that fixed. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.

    @Symba -- You should come to CA on Thursdays for girls' happy hour. We'd have the best time!

    Not much to report. I have to do a bunch of reading, and research, and writing this week. Send me productive thoughts, please.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Made my little refund splurge and found a pair of running shoes and a travel foam roller (it was cheaper than the other foam rollers at the running store and convenient). Now I have shoes for when I start training for 5k and can foam roll at home. The shoes were more expensive than I usually spend since I don't like paying more than 20, but they weren't super expensive either. Though technically I can't wear them to work because we're supposed to have black or white only, but that's okay.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    edited February 2015

    This was the end of today. I hate water so much right now.

    @crabada *productive thoughts*
    @dawn that sounds like a lovely way to have a little splurge but still be something worthwhile
  • ^^ HOLY *kitten*. I'm so sorry. :(
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Yeah, we had to uninstall a toilet and remove 2 walls to get at the hot water tank and then we had to take down all the soggy drywall on the ceiling in the kitchen (right below the hot water tank).
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    OMG @Llamapants86 - that looks like a stressful way to end the week. Hopefully the restoration is cheaper and easier than anticipated. House troubles suck.
  • @Llamapants86‌ - you definitely earned the pizza and beer!!
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    @Llamapants86‌, that sucks so much! What a mess! I've experienced something like that. When my husband and I moved to New Haven 3 yrs ago we rented an apt. in a big house with about 6 apts. in it. One morning I heard a big thump in the wee hours. I thought maybe I'd dreamt it and went back to sleep. When I got up I was having coffee in the kitchen and sitting at the table with my 6 mo. old. I noticed a white scrap of paper under a door to my studio/storage room. When I opened it I found a huge, wet mess. A tenant upstairs had gotten a new toilet installed (improperly) and it had leaked and our ceiling had collapsed. Plaster, lathe and water was all over my stuff. Thank goodness it wasn't the baby's room!
  • What a mess, @Llamapants86‌! Hope it's fixed soon. It's hard when your home is unexpectedly under construction.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    OH MAN that totally sucks!!!!!

    My thing today was, I haven't lifted since last Wednesday. And it's what, Sunday? Out of absolutely nowhere tonight it abruptly occurred to me that on Wed my squats were 5lb heavier than they were supposed to be. I thought I was squatting 90 but it was 95. Holy crap no wonder I could BARELY do it and thought I would die.

    I R math gud
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    @Llamapants86 - I feel so bad for you! Hope everything comes back together quickly. Kitchens are not a fun place to have construction going on.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    @Llamapants86, so sorry...hope you’re doing ok!

    @threnjen glad to hear I'm not the only one, you should have seen me last night trying to calculate the total weights! These weights are not working! My goal is save enough Amazon points to purchase an Olympic poll.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Total mess @Llamapants86. Hope you guys get back to normal soon.

    @Symba -- You should come to CA on Thursdays for girls' happy hour. We'd have the best time! - @crabada - No Doubt we would have some fun!!

    Nothing super exciting to report but I have reconnected with a long lost friend. She came over last night and had dinner with me and my girls and then stayed until almost 11pm just BS'ing. Forgot how much I missed her. We just got back in touch last fall, but this is the first one on one hang out we had. She moved to another state in 2009 and we lost touch. So glad she is back!

    And I have a short "work" week. I am taking Thursday and Friday off to volunteer my time for a local kids consignment sale. They are held 2-3 times a year. I can sell all my kids old clothes/toys/shoes and for my volunteer time I get back 80% of what it sells for. Then I take my profits and buy "new to us" clothes for the next size up. LOVE IT!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Wait Symba are you in Oregon, or does your area's big kid's consignment sale just happen to fall around the same time as ours?
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    edited February 2015
    @threnjen - I am in Washington State just north of Seattle. Its called the Jack and Jill sale.

    I always sign up for set up day, that way I don't have to deal with the public and I get in an extra workout! I also like seeing all the stuff that comes in so I can snatch it up first. HA!

    What part of Oregon are you in @threnjen??
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I'm in Portland area, volunteer time for our big kid consignment sale is this weekend too,although I'm skipping the sale this time!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Interesting. I'm near Portland too.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Well the repairs are pretty much all done. Painting still needs to be done downstairs but that can wait until my husband gets back from Houston. I repainted the bathroom and did a massive reorg of it too so that makes me happy. Life is starting to get back in some sort of order, now if only all the %@&amp;*ing drywall dust would go away.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited February 2015
    i learned on wednesday that these people either have hired me a minion, or have one lined up and all ready to go. i've onboarded and 'oriented' and collaborated with a lot of other testers as peers to get something done, but this is the first time i've ever had even semi-formal responsibility for someone else.

    as far as i know i'll be expected to 'lead' this person, in the sense of actively deciding and then directing/overseeing their work. yet i wasn't asked if we needed one, consulted on what kind of things the person might actually do, or invited to any level of the discussion and clarification on what to look for. much less involved in the interviewing. and i'll just point out, none of the people who did do all this are formally testers themselves.

    is it just me, or is this a little bit odd?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    That is odd. Hopefully they are capable of the job.
  • Odd and backwards, but sadly not abnormal. I feel like that kind of "this is for you but we didn't bother to talk about it with you" stuff happens all the time. :( Also, given what you've told me about the folks you work with, not surprising in the least. Fingers crossed it works out well. xo
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Just got back from the chiropractor... I am usually not fond of them because of their "you must come 3x a week for your back to be better" style, but I liked this guy! He did xrays, showed that yes indeed my L5 is a bit buggered and my right hip is rotated. He cracked me, pulled on my legs and tried to realign my hips. Apparently childbirth can f**k you up in more ways than one and carrying 2 heavy babies has not done my body good.

    And for the ongoing care...I was SHOCKED when he said come back in 2 weeks! OK, that I can handle. For now I feel fantastic! We shall see how I feel in the morning :-)

    For exercising this is what he said...
    No jogging, if you must jog use elliptical or don't do hills.
    No deadlifting
    No squats except hack squats
    for the next 2 weeks no lifting anything heavier that 10 lbs. For petes sake, by lightest child is 25lbs!

    I will be following these guidelines at least until I can move without pain. I am so sad that after 6 months of progression I am pretty much starting over. BUT, I look forward to really working on good form once I can lift again :-)
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    So did anyone see in the check-in thread that DawnEmbers and I GO TO THE SAME GYM HOW WEIRD IS THAT OMG SMALL WORLD
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    @DawnEmbers did he tell you he is planning to do this every other week?

    If the 8AM class is always this dead, you and I could go to the 8AM together and basically get something tailored to Stronglifts (although I guess if people keep not showing up to the 8am he would stop having it at that time)
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    That's really neat. I am not sure why but small world like stories really amuse/amaze me.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    symba1130 wrote: »
    I am so sad that after 6 months of progression I am pretty much starting over. BUT, I look forward to really working on good form once I can lift again :-)

    you're not starting over. two weeks is really hard to just sit through, but it sounds as if you were in real pain. you're not going to lose all the muscle you've built in that short space of time, and cleaning up form is a fun project just in itself. i hope it all goes away quickly for you.
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