Well, it happened again.

I did it. I binged today. I'd say I probably ate around 5-6000 calories total today. I was going on a 6 day streak too, the longest I've gone for months. I almost stopped myself. I looked at the Ice cream I was getting out and said, "What was I doing?" But I did it anyway.

And you know what? I'm stronger for it.

In the end, I will not look at today as a defeat, but as a day when I accomplished 6-days straight of non-binging. I've forgiven myself. I've realized what I did wrong and what I should fix for the future.

Tomorrow is Sunday. A new morning. A new day. A new week. A new year. A time to forge ahead and persevere. But this time, I will make it to my goal of one week. For one week, I will have complete control.

And I will not fail.


  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    You can do it!
  • gr33nslime
    gr33nslime Posts: 192 Member
    Yes, you can do it! A week is a nice small micro goal we can all aim for. The key i find is not falling off the wagon once you get to that milestone. That i have yet to learn! But still learning! Welcome to the group.