Team Daryl



  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    Hey Team Daryl -

    I am Team Carol and this week I am supposed to share a "weapon" or some advice to keep y'all motivated. I don't really have a weapon per se, but two things I have found helpful are:

    1. Planning meals and snacks for a week at a time. It will keep you from having to make multiple trips to the grocery store and will gives you an idea of how your calories will stack up for the week and what days you can splurge a little on.
    2. I like to cook from recipes that taste like real food and not "diet" food. My favorite recipe website is

    Good luck on your goals!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Cardio 183/80
    Strength 56/45
    Have been staying under on my calories
    Got all of the challenges and punishments done!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Computer issues everyone. Sorry, not trying to neglect you. Hopefully be up and running better soon.

  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good morning Daryl's - part of the Carol challenge this week is to give you all some words of wisdom and motivation. So here is my two cents worth -

    I hear this in my weight loss surgery support group every time I go, but I think its something that needs to be heard a lot in order to really let it sink in.

    To be healthy and successful at weight loss you need to do 4 core things - 1) Drink water, A LOT, 2) Eat protein, 3) Take your vitamins everyday, 4) Be Active. These things vary per person but they should all be on your to do list everyday. HOWEVER - don't assume your a failure if you are slacking off in one area or another. If you don't exercise for a week, you are not a failure. If you don't get in all your water during the day, you are not a failure. If you binged and has all carbs one day and no protein, you are not a failure!

    YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!! Always keep this thought in the forefront of your brain and recite it to yourself a couple times a day. Its worth repeating.

    You fail when you quit trying to be healthier, not when you keep trying but don't do everything perfectly. I have to remind myself of this thought everyday, because I am by no means perfect on any of these things. But if I can get through a day where I accomplished 3 out of 4 then I am definitely a success and I just have to tell myself I will try harder tomorrow to get them all right.
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    cardio: 120 / 90
    strength: 40 /50
    stay within calories: 5 days so far. I always have one cheat day
    High protein recipe: I like to cut up an apple and dip with peanut butter or almond butter. Makes a good filling snack

    Team Daryl Challenge:
    This was difficult and I've been thinking about it all week. We all have challenges at some point in our lives. I couldn't pick just one and I don't think mine are too much different than anyone else's (premature baby, laid off work, teenage issues, death in family etc.). The only thing that got myself and family through all these hard times was never stop talking to each other and have a positive attitude (don't be a victim). There is always someone that is better off than you are and always someone that is worse off than you are. Keep yourself grounded and push on. Before you know it you've made it through the tough time and are stronger for it. Things happen for a reason.
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    Hello my fellow crossbow experts. I will try to make this short.

    I lost my dad last year. He was traveling with my mom in Florida when his health caught up to him. I work in a profession that I deal with everyone else's loss of love ones, never my own. My dad was in failing health for a while and as much as I tried to prepare myself for the inevitable phone call, it was still a shocker to get it. He was hospitalized for 3 days on a ventilator. He was not supposed to be put on a ventilator, but that is another story. My mother gave the doctors the benefit of the doubt and allowed them to try to wean him off the ventilator. My siblings were calling my mom constantly wanting updates, but knew from my career experience, it was a matter of time. 3 days later when I got the text that dad was not going to be able to be taken off the vent, it was decision time. My mom knew what to do. I broke my silence and called her to let her know she had my complete and total support for the decision that had to be made. I have made the decisions before as a paramedic, sacrifice one for the welfare of many, it isn't an easy decision or one that is taken lightly. By giving my support to my mom, it made it easier for her to let go. My siblings were not as understanding, and that is yet another story. Anyways, this experience has made me understand the effects of loss in a family. I have to notify families of the loss of their loved ones frequently and it has become more of a humbling and understanding experience.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hello Daryl, momma Carol here. I'm here to tell you that it's all gonna be alright *hugs* and small peck on the forehead. Now that Beth's out of the picture (pant pant)!!! Totally joking!!!

    My advise is similar to TJ's with weight loss and fitness and that is to get it in your head that it's a journey. As Jillian Michaels often says, stop beating yourself up every day for the things you did not accomplish. Focus on how far you have come. Know that you are not a failure! You are worth it! Put yourself first for a change. It may feel selfish but it's really necessary to move forward.

    Carol out!
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    Team Daryl Intermediate (posted on both)
    So as far as an unusual protein recipe I follow a fitness trainer on instagram and she posted a pretty unusual recipe the other day which I would like to try. (dawn Estelle fitness)
    Fresh Kale & cooked Salmon Eggs:
    spray muffin pan with coconut oil, mix eggs +drop in, rip kale + drop in, shred cooked salmon + drop in, bake on 450 until golden brown on top.

    As far fixing the music box:
    Looking back the biggest tragedy in my life was losing my dad at 17. I was always daddy's little girl and while I was always the bigger kid I began my weight hike that year. Life's struggles have always made me gain weight but when I stopped losing weight to be skinny and more to be healthy and began to melt off. Trying to fit a type was my struggle and meeting the love of m life and staring our family became my happiness and now its about keeping up with my daughter!

    Sorry to everyone who has lost anyone
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Carol here! Dropping in to give some advice! As we have seen on the show they do better when they have a goal or a plan. Do the same! I keep on my exercise the best when I'm signed up for a 5k. Can't slack off then! :-)
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Wow, I really got to learn a bit about all of you this week. And I am glad to have got to know you all. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes and motivation.

    Here is mine,

    I married at 18. Had little self esteem. Raised my two wonderful children. Then they left. I had hardly ever done anything for myself. No job, no schooling after high school. Very few friends. So I got a job at a juvenile detention center. I really enjoyed working with the teens. But I worked graveyard. Hardly seen my husband even now. There was a deputy sheriff officer who convinced me, after leaving several applications with me, to try to join the force. I looked up the requirements. Run, maybe, pushups doable, situps, laughable. But I tried out anyway. Passed the written, the oral, the psych evaluation. I aced the situps and maxed the pushups. I had been working on these. But I had shin splints! I could not pass the run. I had to complete the academy within one year of my hire date. I squeaked through. :Do:) So now I had a great career doing something I could be proud of and meet lots of exciting folks. I was asked to go back to the academy several years later. I was 50 at this time. I decided I would more than squeak through this time. I would not be in the slow group. Going back to the academy was an extra 13 weeks of training to get my PO (police officer) basic training completed. I currently had held a detention officer certification. This would open more doors for me. I worked out like crazy. I completed 73 pushups in 1 minute. I passed everything and was in the fast group. I placed second for over all physical fitness and received an award. I have never been so happy with my accomplishments. We can do this at any age if we just do not quit. And I am still married to my best friend. B)<3

    I did post my numbers on the advanced board.

    Did my jackalope jump into a pool of freezing water for charity last night. It was really cold jumping into that pool and then running to the other side. But we did get to go inside and into the lap pool afterwards. And I got a shirt! I so will wear it with pride.

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Cardio 197/90
    Strength 65/50
    Still need to do the punishment and the Challange
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    edited February 2015
    love the poster. I need to try some of the recipes and add up my numbers.

    I am staying in my calories. Yesterday was tough, but I squeaked in. I did an hour of kickboxing when my zumba class was cancelled.

  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member

    I married at 18. Had little self esteem. Raised my two wonderful children. Then they left. I had hardly ever done anything for myself. No job, no schooling after high school. Very few friends. So I got a job at a juvenile detention center. I really enjoyed working with the teens. But I worked graveyard. Hardly seen my husband even now. There was a deputy sheriff officer who convinced me, after leaving several applications with me, to try to join the force. I looked up the requirements. Run, maybe, pushups doable, situps, laughable. But I tried out anyway. Passed the written, the oral, the psych evaluation. I aced the situps and maxed the pushups. I had been working on these. But I had shin splints! I could not pass the run. I had to complete the academy within one year of my hire date. I squeaked through. :Do:) So now I had a great career doing something I could be proud of and meet lots of exciting folks. I was asked to go back to the academy several years later. I was 50 at this time. I decided I would more than squeak through this time. I would not be in the slow group. Going back to the academy was an extra 13 weeks of training to get my PO (police officer) basic training completed. I currently had held a detention officer certification. This would open more doors for me. I worked out like crazy. I completed 73 pushups in 1 minute. I passed everything and was in the fast group. I placed second for over all physical fitness and received an award. I have never been so happy with my accomplishments. We can do this at any age if we just do not quit. And I am still married to my best friend. B)<3


    WOW!! What an incredible story. It must have been great out performing the younger crowd physically at 50 in the police academy. I am with a county Sheriff's Dept assigned to the coroner's office. I love what I do and get to meet and help a lot of people on a daily basis. I too was in the fast group in my academy, but things got sloppy when I started working, tacked on a lot of weight. The past 2 years I have been able to get back into a shape I am proud of, and one where the uniform fits a bit better :D Looking to hit that final goal in the next 12 months.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Dead man we have a lot of things in common. B) Wearing a uniform actually helps to stay in shape. We have to turn in our sizes when it is time to order new ones. No way do I want to order a larger size. :s I have a really good idea of what you do. Vicks is probably a good friend of yours. :p I work in the courts now. Out of the jail! o:) My favorite district court judge took a position as a Federal judge. At his retirement party I went to shake his hand, he ignored it and pulled me into a huge hug. It has been a long road to get here. But it was worth it. Ok my fellow Deputy lets kick this into gear! (*) (*) My name on my favorite aquarium site is Code4

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Today was busy. Went to zumba and then walked my boys. Spent a couple hours working to fix my aquarium hood. The timer was fried. We took apart the old one to get the timer from it. Then ordered a couple hundred in parts to fix the old one. Might as well have a spare.

    I am interested to see what the new group is like. But of course I don't trust them!

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Team DARYL
    Cardio 60
    Strength 22
    Got my character challenge done. I'm totally going to step it up a notch this week! Go team!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    I started with shoveling snow for 40 minutes. Has to count for something. It was wet and heavy. Just what the trees need. I am for stepping up the strength training this week.

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Anyone else relieved that DARYL didn't shower? I think I'd be a little freaked out to see him all shiny and new.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    I like Daryl just the way he is also. Not to mention he could plug up the system! :D

  • KiraJade88
    I was soo glad Daryl didn't try to pretty himself up like everyone else! He looked like a caged tiger during most of this episode. Did you see him pacing back and forth ready to attack in that one fight scene? With Rick trying to subdue him. Lol. I loved it. I'm guessing Carol will make him shower in the next episode though, while trying to coach him on how to act civilized. ^_^