Anyone knows of a really good all-in-one supplement formula/multivitamin?

KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
I've been trying to find a complete multivitamin/supplement since I started LCHF.

I've been perusing Dr Atkins Vita Nutrient Solution and it seems like I need every supplement known to man.

I searched and searched and it is very difficult to sort supplements without getting too much of this and too little of that. And then there is the quality issue and whether the supplements are in a bioavailable formula and what not, this gets complicated quickly.

From my searches this one, Damage Control Master Formula - Ultra High Potency Multivitamin, seemed to be the best:


This and some additional omegas should cover every lacking nutrient I may have. But I would feel safer if I had some feedback from real people before starting.

Anyone has any experience with DCMF or recommends another brand with a similar/better all-in-one formula? Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The best feedback you can get is from a blood test to see what you're actually deficient in. An integrative physician will usually do this pretty readily, though you may be able to get your standard primary physician to do it, too. Get the actual numbers and go form there. Don't try to mega-dose everything.

    Then there's also the fact that there's a difference between what you consume and what you absorb. Even if all of the ingredients are bioavailable, they won't all be absorbed, necessarily. Calcium inhibits iron absorption, for example, though Vitamin C aids iron absorption. Omega-3 and Omega-6 also compete, as do copper and zinc. Inositol is more effective in the presence of folate, etc. (Also, calcium is lower in DCMF, because the general consensus among the Paleo crowd is that the RDA value for calcium is actually on the high side and the issue lies in lack of vitamin D -- which is required for proper calcium absorption -- which is why DCMF has 500% DV for D and "only" 70% for calcium. Cordain goes into the extensively in a number of places if you're interested.)

    There was actually quite a bit of discussion in one of the low carb groups here a week or so ago, though I'm having trouble finding it at the moment (I don't remember if it was this group, /r/keto, or Low Carber Daily). It might be worth searching through and checking it out.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Those percentages of daily values seem insanely high. Are you sure you are THAT deficient?
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thank you Dragonwolf, I'll search for it. I can't test for all those nutrients right now, my doc already thinks I'm nuts and is not very cooperative. But it is very likely that I'm deficient in most as, before starting LCHF, I had been a vegetarian going on vegan for 30+ years and it clearly didn't agree with me.

    I'm not worried about that, strawmama, there's nothing toxic there so worst case is the excess being expelled naturally.

    I'll start at half dosage and I'll see how it goes. I'll give feedback in a month or so (sooner if it all goes terribly wrong, lol).
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Agree with have an awful lot of stuff in there. I highly doubt that you are (or even need to worry about being) deficient in Quercetin, for example... It's a bioflavonoid found in onions...skins of wine, green tea, etc. Its a natural antihistamine and mast cell stabilizer. I take it in a complex with Bromelain and Vitamin C (as that's how its most effective for my condition), but I have mastocytosis and some autoimmune issues. I don't know that I'd feel the need to supplement it...because until this year, and my diagnosis, i didn't know what it

    Found this online. TIFWIW - "...fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K, are stored in the body for long periods of time and generally pose a greater risk for toxicity when consumed in excess than water-soluble vitamins. Eating a normal, well-balanced diet will not lead to toxicity in otherwise healthy individuals. However, taking vitamin supplements that contain megadoses of vitamins A, D, E and K may lead to toxicity. The body only needs small amounts of any vitamin..."

    Good Luck!
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    I also agree with everyone here so far. That seems like a LOT and not all vitamins are simply washed out with our urine. Also, it may seems like it covers all the bases, but as dragonwolf points out... stuff competes and other stuff prevents, while yes some things will enhance other vitamins to be absorbed. Just cause it has it all in there doesn't mean it should. If you eat your vitamins from real food it is likely almost impossible to overdose as your body has built in mechanisms. ie- you really really won't want to eat any more of it. But if you're going to supplement, it is best to know exactly what it is you're deficient in and supplement only that and in a way that will actually be effective, with guildelines. For example, is it even same to just all of a sudden up the amount of a given nutrient to WAY more than your body is used to. Or is it more effective to do it slowly? I don't know. I'm just putting it out there. I take a therapeutic does of omegas every day. 6g. But you don't start off with that. You're just wasting your money as it just gives you slimey trots!!!! You have to go gradually, your body recognizes it and you take if from there. Otherwise with such a seemingly random (to your body) high does it thinks "Whoa, there must be some mistake or accident here, we better not absorb all of this, shunt it out of the body ASAP".

    Just my two cents.
  • tmdalton849
    tmdalton849 Posts: 178 Member
    i dig carlson's super 2 daily. my naturopath recommended it and i have been taking it for years. it also has omega 3 (fish oil) but not a ton, so i also take their fish oil capsules.
  • DinoChicken
    DinoChicken Posts: 44 Member
    I take a multivitamin +iron with 1 capsule of lysine and fish oil in the morning.. Vitamins D, E, A, K are fat soluble so that fish oil aids in their absorption.. At night I take a half dose of calcium.. It can interfere with absorption of other things so I take it separate.

    I logged my micros for a while without entering the vitamins to see what I needed that I wasn't getting from foods and I was close to the daily recommend but since I give platelets regularly and my hgb drops a lot when I menstrate I decided to take iron to boost my level