Deadlift confusion

lovtolaff Posts: 65 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
Did my first set of deadlifts this morning and I'm a bit confused on something.

First of all, I don't feel like I'm doing them right, however after reading the other thread by AndreaWhite611, I am going to do as suggested and raise the barbell b/c I'm not up to the 45 lbs of plates yet. So I think that will help me somewhat.

Now onto my confusion - I'm overthinking as usual, but when you do a deadlift (bend over, grab bar, bend knees, stand up to lift weight, return weight to floor) do you then stand back up WITHOUT the weight and start the process again? OR do you stay in the bent over position (after putting the barbell down from the previous deadlift) and lift it from there?

I've probably just confused the he** out of anyone reading this :smiley: but I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Thanks!


  • MissHolidayGolightly
    You don't need to reset. Do your reps continuously - lift, put on ground then lift back up and repeat until you're done your set.
  • lovtolaff
    lovtolaff Posts: 65 Member
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    Just make sure when you put it on the ground you let it come to rest completely, so when you start to lift it again it is from a dead stop (thus the "dead" part in deadlift). I'm guessing you're already doing that if you thought you might have to stand up, but just a reminder :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    You don't have to reset - but you can.