Week 1 "Prime"

mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
Hello everyone, How did everyone do on the first day of the first week. Just remember you're just getting your feet wet so don't get discouraged if you didn't follow it to at T the first day. It's best to follow the plan as close as possible, especially the things you shouldn't have, such as regular soda, sugar, and be mindful of sodium(salt) intake. But other than that there are a lot of choices and you can make substitutions especially with snacks, smoothies, protein drinks and soups. I didn't do too bad my first day. The hours when I was supposed to eat was a little hard because I was busy. So I need to plan my meals and snacks ahead of time. As far as meal three I substituted homemade coleslaw for my salad and serving of veggies( not neccessarily recommended) :-). And for meal 2 I only had italian sausages, because it was already made and I was in a rush. So the first day is more or less adjustment day. I'm sure we'll get in the swing of things by the end of the week. Also don't forget to exercise, even if it's just a half an hour a day. So good luck and God bless!

p.s. Let me know how you did.


  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi my first day went well. For meal 1 I had cheerios with 1% milk. I got the lactaid milk so I couldn't even taste the difference. For meal 2 I did mess up because I didn't have any ice to make my shake so I just had a banana and a 100 calorie snack. Meal 3 was pretty good and for meal 4 I made squash and green beans. My mother was like where is your meat?! Lol but it was good. Last night I made a pot of chicken noodle soup to take with me for the rest of the week. I also did 42 minutes of Insanity last night.
  • mistij68
    mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
    Excellent Kyoung, you did a great job on your first day! Good thinking making a pot of chicken noodle soup for the week. I need to do that my self. Also, great job with doing Insanity. I'm part of the Insanity Lovers group but I haven't been able to get my workout in these past couple of days. Just too busy. But I will be able to get back on track tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Keep up the good work! :smile: