New SAHM in need of some friends an motivation!



  • mommaporter11
    mommaporter11 Posts: 56 Member
    Just added you ladies :)
  • kmacintosh83
    kmacintosh83 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm a stay at home mom of one little guy who is 1.5 :smiley: I am at my heaviest now and would love to lose 30 lbs at minimum. Feel free to friend me and hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    Sent you an invite. I had a baby in November and lost most of my baby weight within a few weeks, I credit the breastfeeding. However I had an "obese" him prior to being pregnant. Currently somewhere in the 160lbs, looking to get down to about 115lbs
  • sbgusn
    sbgusn Posts: 3 Member
    I just sent all you guys friend requests :D
    I'm new to being a SAHM, just turned 33 and have a 7 year old, 6 year old, and a 1 month old baby. I was already over my desired weight when I got pregnant and then gained 40 lbs for my pregnancy. When I was weighed just a few days after I had my baby I was at 193
  • Lydia1012
    Lydia1012 Posts: 2 Member
    ok so anyone else do daily burn? (or a workout program at home) Did you gain weight at first? the scale keeps going up. I am not doing any major body building or anything because I do know muscle weighs more than fat. I've read some that it could be water weigh and blood volume? but Im on week 3 and id like to see at least ONE lb come off. Any tips would be great. I watch sodium since I tend to retain water a lot. Advise would help or see if I'm not the only one tyia!
  • nanfan82
    nanfan82 Posts: 1
    Anyone here breastfeed? Do you count it as excersize? How do you track that on mgp?
  • lrob87
    lrob87 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm a 27 year old Canadian SAHM (for this year at least). My daughter is 3 months old and I'm breastfeeding and supplementing. I would like to lose 55 lbs and just heard about this site from a friend yesterday. Would love to connect - feel free to friend me! :smiley:
  • fitcait
    fitcait Posts: 1
    Hi girls! =) I'm a new SAHM, my little boy is 10weeks old! Pre pregnancy I weighed 70kgs, I had GD throughout my pregnancy and weighed 100kgs when I had him. Since then I've lost about 11kgs (which was mainly due to birth) and am sitting around 89kgs! (No idea in pounds sorry I'm in Australia! Lol) I would love to make some new friends in hope we can all motivate each other! =))