
Msyl03 Posts: 8 Member
Hi! I'm Yolanda. I'm new to the group. I am trying to stick to this low carb lifestyle, wich can be hard. I love all things bread! Please don't hesitate to share any helpful tips you might have.


  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome! It is hard at the beginning, but it gets easier!
    Good luck!!
  • ibetty55
    ibetty55 Posts: 48 Member
    When I started I thought bread would be the hardest thing to say no to but it was surprisingly easy. Ice cream is another thing entirely!
  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Yolanda, I love bread and pasta too! But it is getting easier for me to find satisfaction in other foods. I am never hungry eating this way and that helps control the cravings. Good luck, you can do it.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    You can have your bread (and ice cream) and eat it too. Even pasta. Just a different kind.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Welcome Yolanda! I was a bread (and sugar) addict through and through but I don't miss them at all now. It happened incredibly fast and I'm still stunned by that! I hope that happens for your too. I'm pretty sure it will actually ;) Stay true to your beliefs and give them a fair go *hugs*
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    For me, the best tool to handle adjusting and/or any cravings is to jump up my fat and my sodium. So far, it has been the cure to almost all my ills... Best of luck to you.