restarting after being sick...

has anyone ever fallen ill during BL and got back on track afterwards? did you start from the beginning or where you left off?

I was in phase three, week 10 when I got a pretty bad sinus infection, I'm still struggling with it right now but I finally have antibiotics so I hope it'll be over soon!
for a week now I've mostly been sitting or lying down and didn't leave the house besides going to the doctors and I'm getting so sick of it! on the weekend I did some gentle yoga and noticed how my strength, especially in my arms, was significantly weaker :( trying not to freak out about losing all my hard earned muscles over this! I'm pretty sure I won't be able to jump right back into phase 3 again, but hopefully somewhere in phase 2. I don't think (and hope) that starting with phase 1 again will be necessary...

I guess I'm just looking for some encouragement! I'm so disappointed with this set back! :( good job everyone who does this programme in 3 months and finishes strong!