Couch to 5K - Running Plan

ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
Has anyone started one of these? I've been doing similar goal setting for my bike, and would like to start running/jogging by following the C25K plan(s).

My biggest concern right now is the excessive weight, and how that will affect my knees. I'm also not entirely sure my cardio is up to it, except I can walk the 35 minutes they reccomend you be able to travel before starting the plan.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • shballa
    shballa Posts: 133 Member
    I was thinking the same thing. I would like to try it but I'm worried about my knees.
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    I know a few people who have successfully completed C25K at 300 pounds. They never mentioned any issues while completing the program other than the usual complaints. I started it but had issues with my leg. It wasn't until I joined the C25K group on here that I understood my problem. I was trying to run faster than I was ready for. It's more about distance than speed so even if I'm going at a slow pace, it'll help me in the long run (ha).

    If you feel good doing a 35 minute walk, then I would say go for it and really listen to your body. Get fitted for shoes before starting and take it one day at a time. And run at the pace you feel comfortable with. I try not to worry about speed and focus on my form and breathing.

    I don't remember where I found this, but someone created a pre-C25K, which I think is about a couple weeks, and it prepares you for C25K.

    Found it:
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I started c25k at about 272 pounds… which is still 50 pounds heavier than my family thought I should ("running is hard on your knees when you're as big as you are."). I didn't listen to them. Tomorrow night (okay, technically it's tonight since its after midnight) I will finish the final run of c25k.

    When I'm on the treadmill, I don't have any problems with my knees. When I run outside… I will get a little sore. But it's not severe, it's not debilitating. And it goes away with a good nights sleep. Take it slow. A good rule of thumb that I heard was that when you are just starting out… if you can go slower… you're going too fast! Personally my jogs are barely more than a brisk walk. Listen to your body. If you need to repeat a day or a week… do it. But by the same token, don't be afraid to move on. I would suggest only repeating if you really find that you can't do the next workout. It will challenge you… every day has been a challenge. But it's do-able. For me it was almost entirely mental. My body will 100% obey what my mind tells it. If I think I can't do this… my body will respond, "you're right. You can't." And it will give out. But if I think "I can and I will," then by body will keep going. Seriously. If I can get my mind right… my body has not once failed to do what I've asked it.

    Be smart. Listen to your body… But go for it! You may surprise yourself.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Good to hear I'm not off base for considering it. Thanks @jocoblossoming‌ and @cincysweetheart‌.

    I think I will start working towards this as soon as the weather thaws a bit, or is at least a little light out when I get home.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I started with this Pre C25k, it eased me into it.