what has been the best/worst health impact for you on keto?



  • Lil14U
    Lil14U Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, I had the blood test done at 3 months of lchf and after loosing 5kg. I have been on Thyroxin for over 5years and the levels have dropped but still within normal.
    Dragonwolf I have no idea as the whole way of eating is new to my system. I have reduced dairy (cream, cheese etc) and replaced it with fish meals (omega 3) to see if that changes things. I am learning, so thanks for all the comments and support.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    radiii wrote: »
    dawlfin318 wrote: »
    My doctor says this diet it very energizing(stimulating)- which I have definitely noticed. I am starting today, to get exercise in daily, so I get tired enough to fall asleep (my brain just wont shut off when I want it to). Not always stress related- sometimes it is the chorus of a song that just keeps playing, like my brain says it must use up the extra energy since I am just lying in bed and not using it.

    Have you ever tried listening to calming music/meditation/ASMR audios when its time to sleep? I've learned a lot about ideal "sleep hygiene" lately, but am not ready to implement most of it because of what you mention, my mind simply will not shut off. I also take Ambien, eventually I want to get off it but its on the low end of priorities for me, as I have had no ill effects from it and have never had to increase my dosage or anything. I personally don't like the meditation type things on youtube, but I love ASMR. Once I'm ready to try to fall asleep, I take my ambien and put on a playlist of ASMR videos (typically whisper/ramble stuff) and it helps a bit with the mind racing issues and seems to help me fall asleep more easily.

    Like you, mind racing isn't always a sign of stress or anything being wrong, its just what happens to me and has since I was a kid.

    I love my calming music I have a few I listen to depending how I am feeling. 528 hz is good to help stop the loop of brain thoughts. I use headphones. Listening to this music I just fall asleep and do not worry about the headphones until I wake to let the dogs out. I feel so much more relaxed overall. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpp8fJUSz-c

    Another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jotWbCDN3EA
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Sorry about the large images. Not sure how to post just the link.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    That sounds very soothing Shades. I find that practicing meditation is very relaxing. I took 2 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses and found meditation to be very relaxing. I do have CD's of our instructor prompting and guiding the different meditations in very soothing tones, and from time to time play them with headphones. It truly transports you into another realm far away from whatever stress you are having. It's free and can be done anywhere. ( Quite often participants would fall asleep in class.)

    However, since going lower in carbs, I find that I am quite content, and do not meditate as often as before keto.....I think people eating too many carbs have more stress !
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    I do think carbs can add to internal stress for sure. I am still stressed with hubby having PC. Even though he is doing well now it is never gone from my mind or our minds. I listen to some thing almost every night and keep my kindle or nook charged and even a cord for the nook if I run out of battery. LOL I do not think I am awake more then 10 minutes. The second one really knocks me out fast.
  • Katherine77777
    Katherine77777 Posts: 16 Member
    Lil14U wrote: »
    Thanks for all the replies, I had the blood test done at 3 months of lchf and after loosing 5kg. I have been on Thyroxin for over 5years and the levels have dropped but still within normal.
    Dragonwolf I have no idea as the whole way of eating is new to my system. I have reduced dairy (cream, cheese etc) and replaced it with fish meals (omega 3) to see if that changes things. I am learning, so thanks for all the comments and support.

    Why making the transition to armour is imperative for your health
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    For 8 months last year I ate low carb high fat. Not only did I lose 60lbs but I was pain free, and my moods were stable and positive. Even though things at home weren't perfect (horrible teenage stepchildren). For the last 3 months I've had carbs (yes, like the true addict I am I let down my guard over Xmas and I've been out of control ever since).

    I've gained a little weight, not heaps. BUT I'm so sore in my joints I can barely function. I have headaches all the time. I'm so depressed I feel like crying most mornings. I want to crawl into a corner and die. Things with those damn kids are getting to me, yes. But they are no worse than they were. I am suffering terrible anxiety, I'm so tired from being so wound up all the time. I'm convinced something bad is going to happen and I'm always asking my partner if things are okay between us. It's nuts.

    BUT before I go to the Dr, I'm going to go back to Keto. It's day two. Yesterday was a bit rough, but today is better. Had a coffee with coconut oil and butter in it this morning. Cream cheese and Vegeta stock with butter in it for morning tea. I'm okay, I'm not starving. The salt has helped. I really hope it helps with the anxiety. I'm going to give it a week and see if it's any better at all before I make a Drs appointment.
  • Lil14U
    Lil14U Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the link Katherine, I saw it before but am a little nervous to try as 3/4 of my thyroid has been surgically removed. Also not sure if the treatment is available in Australia. Will investigate further.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Lil14U wrote: »
    Thanks for the link Katherine, I saw it before but am a little nervous to try as 3/4 of my thyroid has been surgically removed. Also not sure if the treatment is available in Australia. Will investigate further.

    Lil14U I am on Armour and it has been much better for me than the Levo or Synthroid. It has more of the natural thyroid in it. Unfortunately insurance does not cover it. Or Medicare does not. Yours might. It is about $25.00 a month so not staggering.
  • Lil14U
    Lil14U Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks shades, I just joind Australian thyroid facebook group, I will see what info they have.