The horrible rotten bad binge day....

SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
Yes - today was it for me. I woke up had my cereal, went to the gym. While at the gym did my weight routine and for cardio did the C25K Day 1. My ankle feels great and I wanted to get back at it. So 35 minutes on the treadmill and I am heading home. I drink my protein shake, shower, and get ready to pay our car tax and return a printer via UPS to Lexmark. So far so good (yes, I took my vitamins this am). The I go to Wal-Mart to return the ankle brace...then my day went to crap. I went to the 'deli' and ordered the food for Saturday night's scout party - then I got 10 ranch chicken wings, a small container of mac and cheese, and 6 cheese sticks. OOps did I mention the 6 pack of cupcakes - my mind was in a blur!!!! I walked up to redbox and got a movie and away I went. While in the car I scarfed down the 6 cheese sticks, got home cracked open a soda - put in the movie and ate ALL the chicken wings and mac and cheese. By this point I am feeling sick but since I seemed to be in some sort of sadistic trance I oped the chocolate cupcakes and started to eat one. The first bite was delicious. Then the second bite hit my mouth and it was like I woke up....I spit it into the trash can and just stood there thinking 'WHAT IN THE HE%% DID YOU JUST DO YOU IDIOT!!!" I dumped the soda down the drain and waited for the vomit - didn't come - waited and my stomach hurt so bad...Well after a few sips of water I just could not function so I just sat in sugar land....forced myself to go to Zumba tonight and while I feel much better I swear I am still burping ranch chicken wings. I still have a headache and my stomach hurts. I am forgetting the protein shake not because I am over my calories but because I am afraid I may throw it up. Long story short - today I was an idiot. I fell back into the habit I am fighting to get out of. I refuse to feel guilty when I have had 41 years to make the bad habit but only 55 days of trying to correct it. I am making a choice now to get back on track and make better choices.

This is life today. My life. I am the size I am today - I am smaller and wiser than I was yesterday - and while tomorrow is never promised I will make better decisions. Now where is my water?!?!?!?


  • miranda823
    miranda823 Posts: 91 Member
    It happens! I did something similar yesterday, and wanted to throw up the whole time I was working out. The important part is we realize what we did, and we do our best to make up for it. I am so proud of you for going to Zumba especially since you probably felt like crap! Don't let today define you. You are better than that. Take care.
  • bearcrusher
    At least you stopped yourself. Oh well we all slip sometimes, we're all human.

    I've already decided on my punishment for when I finally do cheat.1 week of veggie shake fasting (a 7 day plan from so I've been afraid to cheat knowing how much it'll suck to only drink veggies and not get my meat.
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    Besides the way I felt the scale went up 1.8 lbs - adding insult to injury. Well that was yesterday and today I have been in a good mood despite the scale. I went to the commissary and purchased some items to help me stay successful and make better choices.

    Thanks for having my back. I am glad I was able to snap back before really doing any kind of on to damage repair.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Man now I want wings. I completely believe that we sometimes have an auto-pilot when it comes to food. Llike ordering a coke in the drive through, or fries with that order, grabbing a milky way at checkout, etc. Agreed with the others, you snapped out of it, and now not wallowing. :D Besides, I bet that gain is bloat. Next week you'll kick *kitten*,