Perimenopause/Partial Hysterectomy

Hi ladies
Wondering if anyone one has any advise, success stories, what worked for them...type information...
Here is a bit of background
Discovered I had fibroid tumors back in 2013.
In May 2014 went under the knife for a partial abdominal hysterectomy (kept my ovaries with a cut below my belly button horizontal) and bladder reconstruction/sling.
I'm 45.
I work out 6days a week doing T25 (High Impact Cardio).
On occasion I will go for a walk 1-2 miles not fast, but not slow either.
I have a desk job, but when I'm home, I cook, clean, laundry, run after the kids each night until about 8:30-9pm-when I first sit down (other than dinner).
After my hysterectomy I had lost 5lbs. I kept it off, and I worked really hard around the holidays to keep it off and after the holidays like in January of 2015, BAM!! I put on 10lbs. and it went on around my belly. I didn't change how I ate, I didn't change my work outs-nothing. Prior to this surgery any weight gain would have gone to my hips/thighs.
Now, let me start off by saying, yes, I track every day, I weigh my food, I keep a spreadsheet of my weight, measurements, workouts, calories eaten/calories burned, deficits each day (kinda a numbers freak). I have stats from Sept 2014-Now. My average intake is between 1850-2000 cals per day.
My fitbit says I have 8-10K steps per day and burn 22-2400 cals avg per day.
According to calculators, my numbers that I use, I should be losing .5-1lb a week.
I'm sadly not. :-(
As of right now,today, this month, my average is .25lbs per week. One pound a month. Hoping this will change by the end of the month, but not counting on it. :neutral_face:
I have never felt stronger
I have never eaten as healthy as I have
and I haven't been sick this winter yet (knock on wood).
So I know I'm doing something right but the weight is NOT coming off.

I've been doing a ton of research. One thing I think I'm learning about myself is that my body no longer likes carbs. I've been trying to up my protein and lower my carbs a bit...My body adjusts really fast to what I'm doing, and usually halts at that point. When I have a high sodium day my scale flies up about 2-3lbs sometimes 4 and it takes 2-3 days to go back down. I drink enough water to keep a camel hydrated....This is the largest non-pregnancy weight I've been. I've been in the same size jeans since I was 14--and now had to jump a size. I was so good at maintaining, obviously!!

Could this potentially be a hormone imbalance not allowing me to lose weight anymore?
Looking for support, suggestions on what worked for you during this time, or if you had similar experiences, what helped? I have my physical in April-can't wait to talk to my doctor too! :-)


  • Hello Skinny!
    Wow! Awesome! Congratulations for doing such tremendous self care!
    Yes, it's terribly frustrating to do all this work and not have it show on the scale. Many of us are experiencing this as go through this stage in life. I too had a sudden weight gain; it came on quick and is slow to leave.

    I'm not a medical doctor, but like you I've been doing some reading. One book I would recommend is The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing During the Change by DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP.

    She talks about nutrition and weight gain. If I remember correctly, she also talks about how are bodies during this stage don't handle carbs so well.

    Two things you might want to check are your hormones and your sleep. There are four herbs to check out; I can't find the info right now, but from memory two are Black Cohash and Dong Quai.

    Melatonin levels drop too, so you might want to look into a supplement if you are not sleeping well.
