lost 120 lbs on Keto and new to MFP. I'm starting an egg fast on Monday to break a stall

ortrud Posts: 3 Member

First of all I would love it if anyone would like to add me as a friend here, I'm trying to use this app as a way to get through the last bit of my weight loss journey. I still have 50 lbs to lose. I'm currently in a plateau and thought I'd try an egg fast this week to help break through. Has anyone else tried this? All advice is appreciated.


  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    Working on the same thing myself. I lost 100 lbs. with 50 to go, now I am back up about 11 lbs. from my low. But it was 15 earlier this week! Tracking has gotten me back on track...it helps me avoid unnecessary snacking or overeating when I'm not hungry. I've never tried an egg fast though. Good luck!
  • ABrownGrl
    ABrownGrl Posts: 41 Member
    First, congratulations on losing 120 pounds already! That's a huge accomplishment!!!

    I'm on day 5 of my egg fast. It's the first one I've done and I have loved it. I am not tired of eggs, and still have had plenty of energy to workout. I found some recipes on a blog called I breathe I'm hungry that do different things with eggs so you aren't eating scrambled eggs 3 times a day for 5 days.

    I had been sick last week and was up 5 pounds from my lowest weight. I had kicked myself out of ketosis because I ate top ramen, drinking cold medicine (full of sugar) by the bottle and eating cough drops (more sugar) like candy. Anyway, I'm happy to report this morning on the scale I am down a total of 8.6 pounds in 5 days. So yeah....try an egg fast. Maybe it will help break that plateau. Good luck! Let us know how it goes if you decide to give it a try...