
Hi group members!

I created this challenge to help keep myself accountable and make some supportive friends along the way. Each week there will be weekly challenges for exercise and food choices. For me, this is about making life changes, not just making it last for 4 weeks. I hope you all are along for the ride too because doing this alone isn't easy!

Now about me! I am 24 years old and a recent college graduate. I am starting a new teaching job in the fall. I find it hard to balance my time to fit exercise in and still get everything done! I hope that this summer, and my new schedule in the fall (which will include coaching a sport) will allow me to continue to make smart choices and have the time to do what I enjoy! I have always lived in a household where smart choices were never encourage. There was (and sometimes still are) snacks and things that make healthy clean eating a challenge. I hope to make these habits last forever and not only impact me, but my family too.

Please post a little bit below about yourself and why you wanted to join the group!


  • shanniebanannie73
    Hi! I'm an (almost) 40-year old momma to a sweet 17-month old boy. I also work full time and have a hella commute to and fro each and every day. Finding it REALLY really hard to find time to fit in exercise: I leave home at 6:30 a.m. and get home around 6:00 p.m. and after being cook, wife, momma, cleaner, etc. I literally find myself with less than an hour to myself, after getting the kiddo asleep, before I have to kit the sack. I'm not making excuses, by any means! Just looking for some additional accountability to force me to use those precious minutes making habits that are going to improve my life :smile:
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi! I'm Kaci, 23 years old. I live in CT with my boyfriend of almost 4 years and our 6 year old son. I work 40 hours a week at a desk and go to school full time so I'm pretty sedentary in my lifestyle. I'm also a typical mom, rushing around to baseball, birthday parties, and cub scouts. I struggle with a few hormone disorders so I tend to binge eat and get lazy/lose motivation to workout so I'm hoping this challenge and all of you help keep me in check! Right now I enjoy walking, hiking with my family Insanity and yoga! I love to utilize my planner, I plan out my days a week in advance, it's my secret weapon to being the super s-mom that I am!
  • MeBo826
    MeBo826 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone!! My name is Megan and I am so excited that I found this group! I am 25 years old and live in Orlando, Fl. I am getting married at the end of July so I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to lose the rest of my weight to get to my goal. I started WW in September I think it was and did great. Then I fell off the wagon during the holidays all the way until February. I decided to save the $$ and rejoin MFP (did this a few years back). So again, I started off great, and then I fell off again. I am just so tired of watching what I eat!!!!!! I am not overweight anymore, however, I can easily gain the weight back (I have already gained back 4 lbs...I have to update my weight on here). But yeah, I started Insanity about 3 weeks ago as a way to try and jump start my healthy eating again, but have fallen into the "I am working out later so having a few cupcakes now won't hurt since I will burn them off later." LOL!! Guys this is terrible!! I don't have anyone else in my shoes so this is the next best thing for me since I do love a challenge. :)
  • allierae14
    allierae14 Posts: 167
    Welcome everyone!

    Looking forward to using this challenge to keep us all on track! Woohoo. I am REALLY competitive too :)
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Denise Im 53 years old I have 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren, I sit at a desk all day in a very stresful job. I do schedueling for a Home Health Care Company. My biggest challenge right now is making healthy food choices and controling my stress eating. My ultimate goal weight right now is to get down to at least 168 for starters. I have been on MFP for over 2 years and have managed to lose 16 lbs only to gain it all back. I want to get rid of this extra baggage for good. I Love Zumba which I do 2 nights a week. I want to start running and do some weight training. I have a gym membership but dont use it like I used to.
    Lets get this challnge on I love a good Challenge
  • ashleu2011
    Hi guys! My name is Ashley and I'm 19, almost 20! I'm looking for a support group for my goals and this summer challenge seems to be perfect. I'm looking to lose at least 15 pounds. Hope to hear from you guys soon and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Wait for me, I wanna join, I wanna join.

    Hey how are you all?

    I've just had a week off following The [MFP] Hunger Games Challenge, it was gruelling so I promised myself a week off to recover.

    I am a 42 year married mom of 3 and also work full time. I've always enjoyed exercise but just did not have the time to fit anything 'for me' into my life.

    When my youngest turned 3 two years ago I became able to carve out some time for myself though this does mean waking at 6am whilst the rest of the house is still asleep to fit in my exercise.

    I've been searching MFP for a new challenge so thank you for being here.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey everyone!! My name is Megan and I am so excited that I found this group! I am 25 years old and live in Orlando, Fl. I am getting married at the end of July so I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to lose the rest of my weight to get to my goal. I started WW in September I think it was and did great. Then I fell off the wagon during the holidays all the way until February. I decided to save the $$ and rejoin MFP (did this a few years back). So again, I started off great, and then I fell off again. I am just so tired of watching what I eat!!!!!! I am not overweight anymore, however, I can easily gain the weight back (I have already gained back 4 lbs...I have to update my weight on here). But yeah, I started Insanity about 3 weeks ago as a way to try and jump start my healthy eating again, but have fallen into the "I am working out later so having a few cupcakes now won't hurt since I will burn them off later." LOL!! Guys this is terrible!! I don't have anyone else in my shoes so this is the next best thing for me since I do love a challenge. :)

    Congrats on your engagement!
  • allierae14
    allierae14 Posts: 167
    Welcome everyone!!

    I am so looking forward to finding a supportive and motivating group of ladies to reach my goals with!