Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, March 2nd - 8th



  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    @Italian_Buju‌ I mix up the meals ocassionally by getting peaches, pears, etc. instead of a banana, and I'll change up the dried fruit or seasonings on the eggs. In general though I view my daytime meals as something to sustain me and keep me full until I can go home and eat the variety.

    The last time I lost weight I brought salads everyday, but that was too difficult to eat while doing other things and took too long to prepar so I drew away from them. To help avoid that issue I've tried to get a variety of flavors in easy to prepare meals; it seems to be helping this time.

    @Skittles2183‌ The meal looks pretty good to me; tasty, and avoiding added sugars and empty calories. My meals typically need to allow me to be quickly out the door (no prep) or I don't stick to them. If you tend to be the same, you may want to look at prepackaging items in bulk ahead of time.

    The only ingredient suggestion I would make is try to get some additional protein in the meal. In general when I eat protein I stay full longer than when I eat mostly fruits and grains. Even just shaking a bit of protein powder into the mix may help.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Italian: sugars are better today then in a long time but they are still too high I'm not sure if you know the mmol/l numbers
    Or the mg/dl numbes but I'm excited about a 9.6 or 172.8 morning and a 9 or 160 after meal!!! I think my doctor will up my meds one more time! I started new meds about 4 months ago when I finally got smart and got a new doctor!!!
    Sleep is so essential for your body I hope you can get in a better pattern :smile:

    Skittles: I second the protein so essential and fibre both help keep you feeling full longer!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Skittles - I do not drink smoothies, cuz I find them kinda gross, I tried and tried and tried....but what you posted seems good....I would add some protein to it maybe, but other than that, it looks great!

    HLaR - That is not as bad as it could be lol. I try and keep between 4.5-8 before meals and 6-9 two hours after a meal, which gives me an A1C of 6.6 pretty consistently

    Glad you have a better doctor now!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    thank you all for the input. it truly does help.

    I am going to add more protein in next time.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    How is everyone doing today? I am still doing good with my food. and I'm going to be going for a walk today. I will weigh my self next Friday and see if things are really going well for me. I also want to thank you all for the help and for being here
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I feel off the wagon last night and ate a bunch of junk after dinner. I have noticed when I am really tired is one of two times when that is most likely to happen, so I try and just go to bed when I can. However, yesterday I woke up at 5:20am for work, worked 9 hours, then ran a few errands....came home, cleaned the kitchen, made dinner, and then sat up waiting for my son to get home from work. I was falling asleep in my chair by 9:30pm. However, I woke myself up and between then and when my son got home after midnight, I had a few snacks that I did not need, and should not have had. However, today is a new day, and I am back on that wagon. The other time I find I cannot seem to control eating crap is when I am having a bad low blood sugar.....sometimes I can treat it properly, but if it gets too bad I lose control.

    Skittles - glad things are going better for you!

    How is everyone else doing?? Anyone do their mini goal?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    @italian your right its a new day and you now are getting aware of when your eat bad, as your said when you have bad low blood sugar. so maybe when they happens come here to us and talk about it before going to food? it might help.

    I know I tend to eat more at night or when I am bored so I am going to try that as well, Just come here and talk about it. or try and read a book
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Skittles: hope your week goes well, all the little things add up!
    Italian: that's not so much falling off the wagon as it is getting jolted around!
    I have never had low blood sugar, but if mine gets high I crave sweets when I want butter cream icing I always know to check lol!

    Mini goal:
    I bought and used black beans to add to a taco salad I know it's not really a vegetable but it's the first time we used them I don't like beans usually! :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    HLaR - Low blood sugars are terrible! I feel like I am going to literally die! First my thighs start burning, and then I get shaky and my hands go numb. If I do not treat it fast enough, I will start to sweat and get confused and sometimes my eyes go blurry. I am STARVING! My mind screams at me to eat, eat something, anything, and fast to bring it up.

    On the other hand, when my blood sugar is high, I do not feel like eating anything, I feel usually bloated and thirsty, and tired.
  • chris2365
    chris2365 Posts: 76 Member
    edited March 2015