Help! Going on a European vacation

gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
Any ideas how to keep up with the program while on my 2 week vacation? I'll bring the workouts on my iPad, but what can I do for weights if they don't have a gym at the hotel? I'll probably be doing Phase II - Cardio 2, Workouts 5-8.


  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    water bottles of various dimensions? You can weigh them at home and see how close you can get to 3 and 5 lbs. or more if you are stronger.
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    alot of them you can do with resistance bands also. GOOD LUCK!!
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    water bottles of various dimensions? You can weigh them at home and see how close you can get to 3 and 5 lbs. or more if you are stronger.

    What a great trick! I'm using 5lb and 10lb weights most of the time. Maybe if I fill the bottles with sand or rocks I can get to 10lbs. l'll try this at home and let you know how it goes. Thanks!!