Crossfit and weightless XP

I had my daughter almost 3 years ago now and I have struggled with losing the last 30lbs that I gained during my pregnancy. I gained 57lbs (not healthy, I know!).

I started doing Crossfit in November and I love it. I feel stronger and I am definitely more toned. I have been unable to lose ANY weight. In fact, I put 3 lbs on!! :(

I know that results are not right away but I thought by now with eating right and working out 4-5 times a week I would have lost some of the weight.

I've been trying to be paleo/whole food -- ish. Giving up grains/beans/lentils was hard but I've almost been able to do it. I will eat greek yogurt but I've cut out all other dairy.

Right now I'm eating 1800 calories a day but I have a hard time eating back the calories from working out. Any suggestions? I feel defeated. :(


  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    Its a mistake to use the scale as your yardstick of progress.
    You need to take measurements and see if you are losing fat.
  • beachbriel
    beachbriel Posts: 70 Member
    I have the same concern! I have 28 pounds to lose to be at my ideal weight. I have lost over 50 pounds from moderate strength training, cardio and eating balanced with calories around 1,200-1,500 depending on the day over a year. I started to lift heavy and 3x a week about a month ago and weight loss has stalled to .2 ounces a week. I still get 3 cardio sessions of mostly HIIT in a week. I look/ feel better and have lost a few inches which is great. I am more concerned about body recomposition and health than a scale. However, I have an overweight BMI, and I need to see the scale go down eventually. I have researched DOMS and plateaus and am trying to be patient through this phase. I weigh/ measure every bite. Hooray for food scales! I eat around 1,300-1,550 calories a day. I just did my first mini refeed half day in hope to restart my metabolism as I have been eating on a deficit for a while. I also just drastically increased my protein intake and lowered carbs. I am going to weigh and measure in 2 weeks to see if I am going in the right direction. Until then, I stay the course...