Weigh in 03/01/15

cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
Yes, I know today is the 4th but I honestly did weigh in on Sunday. Maybe I really was too busy, and maybe it's a slip of the conscious mind....but I didn't do so well this week. My worse ever since this "beginning again." No excuses, I ate like a fatted calf on Saturday and drank three days worth of my allotment of wine. It was an exquisite day with two special friends - one of whom was having her last chemotherapy coming up (yesterday) and another who is beginning again on her third round, the first two being unsuccessful. It was a happy day with the three of us together - carefree and acting like fools for the first time in a long time. I fear we don't have so many of those kinds of three-some days left. The weather also continues to plague me and I didn't get to walk EVERY day (although I did well step wise thanks to our "competition.")

I have employed something I usually seem unable to do. If one of you have a bad week I can easily offer advice to just keep on going. Rah, rah, rah. I don't do that for me and usually would beat myself up....often times making even more bad choices or giving up. This time I said "to hell with it", just plain and simple - it was just one day. GET RIGHT BACK IN THE SADDLE AND KEEP GOING. That's exactly what I did, and so far, it looks like I'm going to be a lot happier reporting NEXT Sunday than I am this week!!

Starting weight 166.8
Last weight 158.8
Today's weight 157.5
Loss: -.2
Total loss so far: 9.3 pounds
Goal weight: 153 (boat weight) 143 (ending goal)

Sarah how's your mom? Light, where have you been girl?? (Hiding out with me?? I can't see you!) Kelly, I can tell you're back to work by the numbers you've been putting up on this weeks challenge.......Sheesh, your vacation pictures look so wonderful!!

It's 6:30 AM. I went to bed at 1:00 with 49 degrees. It's 6:30 and still 41. By tonight they are predicting what may be our worst storm of the season, and 4-8 by nightfall......with more to come. Time to get ready. AGAIN. It is amazing how quickly the snow has melted. The storm sewers are just racing and both my rivers are almost completely unfrozen and high up their banks. It's been raining for 24 hours - and snow is going to make it monumentally scary. Imagine two rivers flooding at once, with a foot of snow and freezing temperatures. I am so done with this winter!!



  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    SW: 155
    LW: 144.2
    TW: 144.2

    It was not a good week. My average daily deficit over the 7-day span was only 292 calories, and for me, it has to be at least 500 to get any movement.

    Work is still very busy and very stressful, and now instead of stopping around 6:30 and getting ready to walk, I stop around 6:30 and get ready for phone calls related to my mother. The least I can do is be a sounding board for my sister who is doing the direct dealing with the situation while also coping with her own health issues. Mom has 7 more days in the rehabilitation hospital, but in the 13 that she has been there, she has made little progress in walking. Unless she can walk, she can't go home. We can't afford to pay for two caretakers and one can't handle her now. It's not a good situation and it's almost inevitable that worse is coming. I know a lot of people in my generation are facing similar issues.

    Sounds like we're all getting weary of winter. Cheryl, the storm that is hitting you today will hit us tomorrow. Yesterday, we had sleet and freezing rain, but I did make it to the mall. The main roads were okay, but parking lots and sidewalks were one solid sheet of ice. I usually leave my coat in the car, and run like a wild turkey into mall because I hate hauling anything around. Last night, just standing was tricky, but cold is better than broken--so I crept in! :smile:

    The good news from the week is that I now have another walking partner. A woman from one of my volunteer groups asked if she could join me one night a week. She broke her back last year and gained some weight as a result. She met me around 7:30 on Monday night. Unfortunately, she can't walk nearly as fast as I can because of her back, so I had to slow down a bit. But that should improve. I'm also still trying to meet a woman that I met at the mall walking at least once a week. She has a fast pace, so when I walk with her, I get in more steps and my burn is higher, too.

    Sheesh, welcome back. I'm envious of your time in a warmer clime. :smile: I still need to get a personal Facebook page so I can see the pics, too.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    W: 238
    LW: 183.6
    TW 184.0

    I am on an upward trend. I just figured out that I must be a slow learner. We had the UFC fight and gathering at my house last Saturday and even tho I believed I made healthy choices and only had 1/2 a drink (friend accidentally dumped out the rest thinking it was someone who had left), I went up quite a bit overnight. I made home made chicken chili and beef chili. I restrained from the fried food options. I dont know if it was sodium from my seasoning packets or salsa or chicken broth (low sodium version), but I did puff out. the numbers are going down daily from Sunday, so I think by the end of the week will be back or below my weigh in, but dang it. I feel that I have to cut off gatherings until I get my weight where I want it. Work in progress.

    Cheryl - HUGS HUGS HUGS to you my girlfriend. You know that I'm a text or phone call away my dear!

    Sarah - happy that you're getting partners as they do help you be more accountable that you have to complete your activity.

    Sheesh - your vacay pics were awesome. It looks like you had a great time...which is really hard not to no matter which island you're on. Really makes me miss my little girl living on Oahu..you know her as Pancakes.

    On to the next meeting for my Wednesday. Have a great day everyone and I'll check back later.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Hmmm. I posted a thread on Tuesday with my weigh-in, but I must have done something wrong because it's not here :|

    SW: 156
    Last time: 134.6
    TW: 135
    Gain of .4

    I'll take that. I actually deserve more of a gain because of my vacation indulgences. Probably the activities we did saved me.

    It sounds like we're all having struggles this week. Cheryl, you still had a loss, so you're doing great. . and your steps are awesome. Hang in there. I lost my best friend and college room-mate to cancer a few years back and the loss was really hard. Hugs to you. I hope you can stay focused on what gives you joy and makes you feel alive.

    Sarah, I hope the situation with your mother gets better. It's a tough time of life when our parents health starts going downhill.

    Lois, I really love seeing your posts and comments on FitBit! Your hikes look awesome. All of you women are an inspiration!

    Hope to see posts from Light and Kelly . . .

    Have a great week.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    SW: 150
    LW: 140.8
    TW: 142.3

    Yep.. those were my Tuesday, March 3rd numbers. I also didn't get a chance to post, but I'm being accountable now and getting it done. I'm not worried, as I weighed myself yesterday and was back to 140. Must have been a bad day of too much carbs and salt.

    On a positive note, it's 7 days to Mexico! Although I won't be sporting a bikini, I'm really looking forward to going... coming back.. and getting back at it. Last night I went ice skating and shot some pucks around our outdoor hockey rink at work for about an hour. My Fitbit still recorded my skating as steps, which was really great.

    Looks like all of us have hit a bit of a plateau this week and had a blah time. I can tell by our posts that we're not super positive, but we're all willing and committed to get back to it.

    Lois - I sure wish I had places like that to hike where I live! It's beautiful there!

    Sarah - Thinking of you during all the tough times you're going through with your Mom. Hugs!

    Cheryl - I really really had to push myself this week with that challenge. I didn't get to work until Thursday, March 5th and Wednesday was 8 hours of me sitting in a vehicle, so I really struggled. Glad you thought I was doing well lol BTW.. I'm also sooo done with winter. It's FINALLY warmed up here but I'm just done. It's been -30 to -50C for weeks and finally yesterday and today it's going to be around -16C (3.2F) although it's -39C here right now.... :'(

    Well.. enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies! Tonight is the Jets game, so I'll be glued to the TV. I'm going to try get my workout done during my lunch.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Happy Saturday SNSers. Kelly, how are liking the new fitbit? I've made peace for the moment with the tight armband (I was able to stretch it some), but now my BodyMedia unit doesn't seem to be charging properly. I plug it in and it says that it's 39% charged. I can take it off the USB cord and put it right back and it claims to be 100% charged. Right!!

    I weighed on Wednesday, but have been afraid to get on the scale since then. I walked with my mall friend on Wednesday night, but Thursday, I had to work late and then deal with some things related to my Mom, so I got almost no activity that day.

    On Fridays, I have to be out of here by 8 p.m., and yesterday, we had to pick up one of our cars from the mechanics by 6 p.m. Then I had to log back into work to take care of few items and call about Mom. So I had only about 30 minutes on the treadmill. I set the speed a bit higher than I normally walk to try to make good use of that time, though. Oddly, I have a knee that talks to me when I'm on the treadmill that feels fine when I'm walking those concrete floors. Seems the opposite would be true.

    We are expecting a warming trend here over the next few days and will even see mid-day temps around 50F by Wednesday, so there's a chance I can put on waterproof shoes and get a lunchtime walk in addition to my evening walk at least once before our next weigh-in day. Monday, I'm using lunchtime for a doctors appointment that I have been putting off way too long. But daylight savings begins tomorrow, so there's an end to the cold, dark winter in sight!

    Tonight, we're going out to an early dinner with friends, so I need to get my behind in gear and get some calories burned. Hope every one is doing well, eating smart, and moving as much as they can. :smiley:
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    uh... Cheryl...redo the math, as you reported less of a loss than the numbers indicate :)
    Sorry about your friend but glad you had a really good day together. And some days, you just have to let go... and count it as wisely spent even if not according to the meal and exercise plan.

    Hello out there to all the rest of you, too. I am trying to keep up with the posts but can't always take the time to respond. Due to the heavy work load and understaffed situation at work, my dr decided to start 1/2 hr earlier which means leaving the house no later than 7a. Unfortunately, I'm not getting out any earlier so there are many days that I pack my lunch and supper and eat before heading home, getting home just in time to wash dishes, take care of the mail and fall into bed. Fatigue is my major struggle but at least I am seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. We got a new site manager who has taken over some of the supervisory duties I had inherited from the last one and we have now hired a new gal to take the place of the one we had to fire about 6 wks ago. I have a week off at the end of March and am okay treading water until then, even if it means I maintain my current weight instead of going down. I did it before, I can do it again, though I am 7 lbs short of where I had planned to be at this time :(

    Don't remember my last weigh in but think it was when I went from 178.2 to 182.8. I've bounced up and down 1.5-2 lbs every day or so but this last week seems to have evened out and I've held pretty steady at the 181 mark. So....
    LW 182.8
    TW 181.4 Heavier than I should be, heavier than I want to be but still in the fight...

    Sarah, keeping you in thoughts and prayers as you deal with the mom issues.
    Kelly, have a great time in Mexico!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Kelly, I'm so excited for you to get to Mexico to thaw out and have lots of fun!! Like Lois said to me, sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen and don't wear your FitBit into the ocean :D
    And, I say, if you have a bikini, wear it!! I'm 62 and I still wear one by the pool, and what's more, when I look around I realize there are plenty of people who look just like I do!! And, furthermore, I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS!

    Light, congratulations on the reduction!

    Sarah, hope you have a good weekend, and that your Mother recovers soon.

    Cheryl, you are soo tough on the FitBit boards!! My hip flexors are KILLING me .. I really appreciate your wit and humor, too! :)

    Lois, I know you have your big race tomorrow . . have fun!!

  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Sarah - I'm really liking the new fitbit! I'm having a hard time getting used to having something on my wrist all the time and it gets uncomfortable if I have too many layers of clothes around my wrist, but it definitely does it's best to keep me motivated. The first time I got to 10,000 steps with it (my daily goal), it scared the crap out of me because it started vibrating on my wrist and I had no idea what was going on. lol

    Sheesh - Nope.. no bikini for me. I don't care what others think, but I do know that I won't be comfortable, therefore I won't have a great time in it. AH well.... a tankini works for now.

    Lois - How did the race go?
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member

    For those of you who are not my friend on facebook - I MADE IT!!!! Just over an hour and half (waiting on official results still). We had gorgeous weather.. a crazy river to cross - TWICE that was just over my knees. And man was I worried about falling into the water because I had my FitBit on and it's not waterproof!!!

    I have to be honest, I was so worked up and nervous that I was unable to sleep the night before and unable to eat breakfast. Then our carpooling plans changed as hubby volunteered so had to be there uber early so everyone went separately. I forced myself to eat my breakfast and thought I was going to throw it up, but it stayed down and once my fellow runners arrived, I began to calm down. Though my friends who signed up with me knew my running speed and agreed to stay with me...ummm that didn't happen. I got left at the starting gate by two and then lost two more about the first mile as my co-worker and I struggled during the first uphill mile. They didn't wait...they continued at their own speed. I was bummed. Though I stayed slightly ahead of my co worker, we were within sight at all times and I double back a couple of times to encourage her. My coworker, her boyfriend and I all crossed the finish line together (the positive of one friend leaving us behind was she took our picture during our strong finish). I will be doing this race series when it resumes in October. IT WAS A BLAST!!!

    Thank you all for your encouraging notes on FB, it really meant alot for me to have you cheering for me! Hubby even smiled as I read him the various notes and comments. You ladies are such an inspiration and true supporters!!! I can't accurately relay how much that means to me!!! THANK YOU!!!!

    OK..Only working today and tomorrow so I had better get my butt back to task!!!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Lois, you are my hero!!! Congratulations!! :D
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Hi, everyone. I am just checking in to let you all know that I may appear to disappear for a short time. My mom passed away this morning. It was quite a surprise as the medication to regulate her heart rate was working wonderfully and all of her other vital signs were strong--good blood pressure, oxygen levels, clear mind, etc. As you know, I was worried about how we were going to handle her mobility issues in upcoming months/years since she was adamantly against going into any type of assisted living, but never anticipated that she would go this soon. Apparently, she had a massive heart attack this morning, just after the nurses had helped her out of bed.

    We are getting ready for the long drive to NC, but I wanted to take a break from that for a few minutes and do something normal, so I logged on here. If you've been in this situation, you probably understand that need for a few normal minutes here and there.

    This is a good lesson that what you expect often does not happen, so it's foolish to try to worry ahead too much. Do what you need to do, but stay in today.

    Lois, congratulations on finishing the race and thanks for sharing the photo so us non-Facebook folks get to see it, too.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Oh Sarah - my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I can relate to losing parents who didn't live nearby. Stay strong and remember all of the happy times you had with her. She is now at peace and with God to watch from Above! Hugs!!!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Sheesh - thanks for the nice comment...you ladies are truly inspirational and supportive and I'm unsure I would've done it without you gals cheering me on. Seriously - my support group!!!!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss Sarah. Big hugs and thoughts are being sent your way from all of us!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Good job on the race Lois! I did a color run last year and told my friend that I was doing it with that we would jog/run/walk when we could. At first she ran and then, she just didn't. She kept telling me to go ahead if I wanted to run, but for most of it I stayed with her. The last part of it, I really wanted to run and I just couldn't get her motivated to even try. She just wanted to walk and that's not what I was there for. Finally I took her offer and left her in the dust. I felt bad, but I too was there for a race and wanted to do my best.. and my best wasn't to walk the whole thing. I'm sure your friend felt bad leaving you, but feel proud that you tried and did the best you could, as did she.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Sarah, so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum. I'm glad she didn't suffer and was spared the nursing home and way of life that she didn't want. Many hugs to you as you face the days/decisions ahead. I'll put you and your family in my prayers
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. Both of my parents are gone, and it's a difficult time - no matter what your age is. Much love to you.
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    There are no words Lois that can adequately be put in writing. I talk about you at home like you are my girlfriend who lives just down the street that I see every day and talk to 10 times. Hard to imagine we found each other on the Internet - and I can't even remember how. What I do remember is how much you weighed, and how you'd start and stop. Company, lack of willpower, excuses, work obligations. And then you'd start and stop. And start and stop. You don't do that anymore. You took off out of the gate and this time you never looked back. You still have company, but you get right back on track. You still fight that lack of willpower, but you are now stronger than it. You beat my *kitten* routinely on those fitbit challenges with more vigor that you EVER made excuses. You push me daily to do better!! You still have your work obligations, but rather than "enjoy" that golf outing you found a way to ENJOY THAT GOLF OUTING WHILE WALKING 20,000 STEPS TO COMPENSATE. When I say you've "found that it".........I MEAN YOU FOUND THAT 'IT'!!! Look at you now. Your weight loss is REALLY showing. Your pictures are amazing!! And the race you accomplished - well, I just could not be more proud of you. You set your eyes on the horizon and you just kept moving. Some days fast, some days slow, but you just kept on moving. YOU DID IT, and the best is yet to come. I am so very proud of you!! You are my hero, and my strength.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Oh my gosh Sarah! My heart broke when I read your post today. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you, your sister, and your family as you grieve. Even though we know on some level we will lose our parents, it's still so hard when it happens. It's a blessing that she didn't have to go to assisted living that she opposed, so I hope you can take some comfort in that, and that she didn't languish in illness a long time. <3