The Five-Letter Game
People love a nice kangaroo.
K A N G A0 -
Kangaroos are never going away.
N E V E R0 -
Not everyone vies everyday randomly.
R A N D Y0 -
Runners are not dancing yearningly.
Y E A R N0 -
Yesterday Evelyn awarded rare nickles.
A W A R D0 -
All wings are rare delights.
W I N G S0 -
Which insect needs green slurpies?
G R E E N0 -
Go round every empty ninja.
N I N J A0 -
Nina's injured nose just astonishes.
N O S E S0 -
No one saw Elijah sneeze.
R O U N D0 -
Really old underwear needs ditching.
D I T C H0 -
Do it today - clean hands.
C L E A N0 -
Cleaning leaves everything all nice.
L E A V E0 -
Let's eat a vada, Ethel.
S W E A T0 -
Sad Willy eats all Twinkies.
W I L L Y0 -
Why is Lily Lucas yellow?
Y E L L S0 -
Yesterday everyone let Lucy sing.
S I N G S0 -
Since it's nighttime, go sleep.
S L E E P0 -
Slippery little elves eat pizza.
P I Z Z A0 -
Pete is zig zagging away.
S W A Y S0 -
Stay wary always y'all, seriously.
S T A Y S0 -
Stacie tried a yam Saturday.
T R I E D0 -
Telephoning really is extremely dated.
D A T E D0 -
Duke ate turnips every day.
E V E R Y0 -
Exercising very energetically really yields.
Y I E L D0 -
You include each little dot.
D O T E S0 -
Do offer to educate students.
L E A R N0 -
Learn each article really needed.
N E E D S0 -
Need excitedly eats dead squirrels.
Y U C K Y0 -
You usually can knife yams.
K N I F E0