The Five-Letter Game
Here's the premise...The first person gives 5 random letters. The next person makes a sentence out of those letters and then gives the next person 5 letters, etc. E.g., I give the letters H A P P Y and you make a sentence out of those letters like "Having a pretty perfect year." and then you give the next person their…
Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler
Picking up where we left off!
Girl Scout Cookies are Crack
Wells its that time of year Ladies and Gents. I remember on NM one of the big discussions each year that took place at this time is about the dreaded Girl Scout Cookiessss...... Well yesterday something happened that I haven't seen in a very very long time, 2 girl scouts selling cookies door to door. Now I live out in the…
Got any recipes you want to share?
Use this post to share pics until MFP fixes the pic sizing issue.
Just a quick message to let everyone know I made it over from Nutrimirror, though I had to change my moniker. Did I lose any mojo in the process?
NM'isms & NM Memories
Jim's 8 Guiding Truths 1. Balancing calories and nutrition is a LIFELONG process; "after" does not exist. 2. The key to lifelong health is finding satisfaction in the choices that move us to balance. 3. A slow approach to weight loss is better than extreme calorie deprival. You must eat! 4. We should satisfy our…
Is this group still active?
Anyone here?
Is this group still active?
Anyone here?
DO NOT!!!!!! open MFP email that says you got $40
If you click on it just to look at the email, it sends your computer into lockup with a warning telling you to call this number to fix your computer. There is nothing wrong with your computer. Just go to your task manager and shut your computer down. Then restart your computer. Run your anti-malware programs and anti-virus…