The Five-Letter Game
Six others utilized their hands.
H A N D S0 -
Healthy and nutritiously delicious smoothies.
S M O O T0 -
Smart minds on operations timeline.
Vegmebuff, I have very sad news that Marcie (mygnsac) passed away Thursday morning. We will miss her popping in here and joining in and chatting. No details right now, if I get any, I will share them here. So far, just that a co-worker posted on Facebook that she died while getting ready for work. I am so sad, I never realized what an impact an on-line friend could have. I chatted with Marcie every morning and considered her a dear friend even though we never met face to face.0 -
sannferris wrote: »Smart minds on operations timeline.
Vegmebuff, I have very sad news that Marcie (mygnsac) passed away Thursday morning. We will miss her popping in here and joining in and chatting. No details right now, if I get any, I will share them here. So far, just that a co-worker posted on Facebook that she died while getting ready for work. I am so sad, I never realized what an impact an on-line friend could have. I chatted with Marcie every morning and considered her a dear friend even though we never met face to face.
Oh my goodness! I can't believe it - you just never know about the people you chat with online (although, all I knew of her was this forum)
I am so sorry for your loss - thank you for letting me know
Macarons in NYC delivered Saturdays.
M A C A R0 -
Magpies are crazy about radishes.
C R A Z Y0 -
Corn raises a zany yellow.
C H I C K0 -
Come help in counting kittens.
C O U N T0 -
Caloric oatmeal uncooked needs thickening.
N E E D S0 -
Necessary energy exceeds Deb's supply.
C E E D S0 -
Celery energizes enzymes definitely Saturdays.
S A T U R0 -
Seizure action takes unusual reactions.
T A K E S0 -
Tanzania Africa keeps everyone smiling.
S M I L E0 -
Smiling makes infants laugh eternally.
L A U G H0 -
Little ants usually go hunting.
A N T S S0 -
Aunt Nancy teases seven sisters.
S E V E N0 -
Seven Eleven vacated every neighborhood.
E V E R Y0 -
Even violinists eat real yams.
E A T E N0 -
Every animal teaches evolution nightly.
N I G H T0 -
Norma is gaga high tonight.
my sister, Norma, just got an engagement ring slipped on her finger last weekend
G A G A S0 -
^Exciting news for your family I'm sure! When is the date?
Glitter and gold always special.
^as I'm sure the ring was!
0 -
Glamour lets in tantalizing talk.
yes, the ring is gorgeous
I'm so excited for her, I have to share, she was married for 38 years and then widowed the last 10, so she deserves some happiness again. She's 67 and he's 61, but they are like teenagers.
0 -
^so sweet...she does sound like she deserves this so very much. Lovely ring:)
Tranquil and lovely kisses satisfy.
K I S S E0 -
Kindly insist she sigh excitedly.
S I G H S0 -
Sundays in Guadalajara have siestas.
0 -
She insisted evacuation, take action!
A V O I D0 -
Another very odd incident downtown.
O T H E R0 -
Olden times help enlighten rulers.
Red umbrellas let everyone rove.
B R E L L A0 -
Brenda read every love legend available.
A V A I L0 -
^...sorry for the previous one - apparently I can't count!
Another very absurd incident lasted.
L A S T E0