Top 10 Bariatric Post-op Mistakes



  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    Thank you for posting this! It is all so true! I work with someone who had RNY before I did and she is breaking all the rules. She has gained a good portion of her weight back and can't figure out why she feels bad all the time. I sit 5 feet away from her and hear about all the cakes, cookies, donuts, etc she is eating. She has carbonated drinks constantly. My guilty sin is having a glass of water when my husband and I go out to eat. I set it away from me and only reach for it if I need to rinse my mouth. No gulps, just a sip will do.

    I want to print this out and post it near our shared work area so she can see it. I think I'll put it up as a daily reminder to me, but if she "gets it", maybe I won't be bombarded with hearing about how much cake she ate.