rough couple of days

omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
Sometimes life and work get in the way of plans for exercise and working out. I had a rough couple of days and that took a toll mentally. I didn't overeat because of it although I did sneak a couple late night snacks which was something I was trying to get away from. I didn't feel like exercising either. Kinda just vege out in front of Netflix for a couple of nights.
I feel like I'm slipping back into old habits - not eating much during the day while busy at work, but then coming home and binge eating the whole night.
Tomorrow is a new day and will try again!


  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    I use to do that too, veg in front of netflix. I made it a goal I could not watch TV unless I was exercising. It has work really well for me and there have been nights that watching just wasn't worth it. I didn't watch. This was actually the hardest goal I have made (I use to watch a lot of TV while lying in bed doing absolutely nothing. But I found the shows help the time go by and if I could get into at least 10 I was usually there for the whole show. Not always. Start small if you have to and when you don't want to exercise, tell yourself, OK 10 min. I can get through 10 min. Then after a couple of weeks, up the amount of time. You can do it. A little bit every day. Good luck.