My goal for the week :)



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Dad arrives tonight, dinner will probably be tomorrow night, or maybe Sunday. No idea where we're even taking him yet (or he's taking us, but y'know we live here, so we do the choosing within parameters of what the 83 year old stuck in his ways Dutchman wants), but I kind of live in foodie heaven, so the options are pretty endless.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I'm excited to hear about where you go. I know what you mean about living in foodie heaven. I live 10 min. from Portland, Oregon, and OMG they have the best and most unusual restaurants anyone could dream of. So do share and I hope you have a great time.

    Where exactly do you live?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited March 2015
    I live in Wellington, New Zealand, the coolest little Capital in the world (as voted by Lonely Planet). We apparently have more cafes per head of population than New York :lol: . So yeah, we're also coffee snobs.

    This place is looking like a good contender for dinner: I am reminding myself that I have saved calories for this.

    Also, I now have four packets of Girl Guide biscuits (cookies) - two plain, two choc bottomed, and a box of 10 bags (forget how many grams in each, maybe 100, so yeah, like a kilo) of garlic roasted peanuts :\. Thanks parents. Nuts are that thing I can't have in the house (esp. these particular ones), so this will be an interesting challenge!! The eggs (my Dad has hens), tomatoes (and a hothouse) and cucumber I can handle :p.
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    Nony, I hope you have such a good time with your dad! My dad is 80, so in my head I'm picturing someone like him visiting you. :) I hope you can enjoy all parts of the visit.

    I'm feeling goals maybe just went out the window....I don't feel like doing anything but sleeping. I am trying to make myself eat, though it's hard because I feel so bad. :(

    Minipony, I love Portland! I do believe i met the man of my dreams there during a horrific wind storm, but alas...we didn't exchange numbers, so it's up to fate if we meet again...
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Aw sorry you're not feeling well hon! It's really hard to eat when you feel punk, I know, but do try to get some nutrients into your body. Maybe some soup? And if you feel like sleeping, sleep. xx
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I agree with nony...sleep is healing. Are you feeling bad emotionally or physically or both?
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    By the way last night was a great night. No eating and slept well. Today went well too. After tonight that will be two days in a row. =)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Awesome :)

    After a trip to the Dutch Shop, a packet of cherry liqueur chocolates has also been added to the stash of things from Dad. PMS week is not an ideal time to have those in the house!!

    On the plus side, I am now restocked with amazing cheeses :D.
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    Cheeeeese!!! I used to be a cheesemonger. :) I can get really excited about cheese.

    Minipony, it's mostly physically...achey, weak, cough, sore throat. I worked this morning, and that made me feel horrible.

    I ran into a little emotional rut this afternoon...frustrated with myself for being stuck with this ed, and not being able to get out of it. Wondering if I'm sick with something real, or if I just feel horrible because my body isn't happy with how I've treated it, but not being able to "fix" it by eating. Dumb. But I remembered one of the people at the IOP saying it's not my fault I have an ed, I didn't ask for it, but I am strong enough to learn how to fight it. I just have to not expect to be fully recovered immediately, but realize it's going to be a trajectory.

    Anyway, that was a book. Sorry for the long response!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Haha I can get really excited about cheese too!! I am quite certain that I am genetically adapted to eat lots of it :p. I got Maasdam, Montana, Bleu and basil and garlic. I thought I was quite restrained only getting four kinds.

    The IOP person is quite right. As much as we'd like to snap our fingers and say 'done with that now', it's a process and it takes time. And sometimes you will have setbacks. Remember that you are doing something to get out of it.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh! Forgot to add, dinner was yum. I had enchiladas (actually we all did). Didn't even finish because I was full. Think I'm just going to log it as 1000 cals and be done with it.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Had another great night last night! Ready for a third! =)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    You go girl!!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Right, my goal for this week is to move more!! I knew I'd be slacking on exercise the last few weeks, but just looked at my graph from when I started MFP until now, and yep, I'm clocking only about half of what I was (which wasn't excessive). Exercise is pretty important for PCOS (, so I need to commit to moving my butt more before whining about weight stalls.

    It is an absolutely miserable day here (curse you Autumn!!), but I'm going to rug up warm and get out for a walk. Which reminds me, need to charge my iPod!!
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Right, my goal for this week is to move more!! I knew I'd be slacking on exercise the last few weeks, but just looked at my graph from when I started MFP until now, and yep, I'm clocking only about half of what I was (which wasn't excessive). Exercise is pretty important for PCOS (, so I need to commit to moving my butt more before whining about weight stalls.

    It is an absolutely miserable day here (curse you Autumn!!), but I'm going to rug up warm and get out for a walk. Which reminds me, need to charge my iPod!!

    That is a great goal Nony. I know what you mean about the weather. Living in the Portland, Vancouver area is hard with all the continuous rain and gray. Let us know how you do for the week. One more thing, what do you do for exercise? Just curious.

    To recap on last week, I had bouts of making my goal. Yesterday I did eat before bed, not during the night, but pretty late. I just wanted to much. So my new goal is to non eat after nine. I am going to just up my goal from last week a bit. Also, no night eating, but that has been much better. I will check in tomorrow and let everyone know how the night went.

    We can do it!!! =)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I walk and do yoga (though haven't done yoga in over a week, not even my bedtime routine :( ). Really need to do some every day this week, cos I'm doing a little overnight yoga weekend this weekend and don't want to be stiff as a board! So, going to do a BIG walk this afternoon, then a yoga practice. I'm going to restart the 30 day challenge I did in January and commit to doing it every day again.

    We're catching the edge of the cyclone that devastated Vanuatu at the weekend, so it's cold and windy out there. Not raining though, and meant to stay dry till this evening, so as long as I'm wind-proofed I'll be fine out there.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Spring is around the corner! I love yoga!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Haha, autumn here!! We're still getting a lot of really lovely sunny warm days, but definitely cooler in the evenings.

    10km walk achieved :D. Have wounds for my efforts (slipped on some gravel, aided by a strong gust of wind, so have a bit of a bruise where I landed on my hand and probably one on my butt too).
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    9.5km walk today (same route, but corrected the bits where I took wrong turns).

    I thought I'd set another goal of managing PMS munchies, but obviously not! Anyway, PMS munchies did not happen, so I guess those lime and black pepper rice crackers can wait another couple of weeks for ovulation (an entire packet is only 440 cals, so they are perfect for grazing on when your body insists that's what it needs to do).
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I hate slipping or falling. It feels so weird as an adult and kind of scary. Hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad. Lime and black pepper? Those sound amazing!!! I just bought black pepper popcorn and was surprised at how good it was. I like that strategy of planning for the munchies. I'll keep that in mind.