this coming week...

lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
We are each facing our own challenges and struggling to maintain our momentum. Something that was included in a recent continuing effort course hit a spot with me. It's not just what we are facing that is at issue... it's what we plan to do about it.

I have 3 things which make my weight loss issues difficult:
1) fatigue
2) long hours at work
3) very little time for intentional exercise

my plan for this week to compensate:
1) get to bed early each night
2) make my meals ahead of time and pack both lunch and dinner
3) stop on the way home at least twice during the week for a walk, do a workout on Saturday.

each day-without excuse


  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    3 things which make my weight loss issues difficult:
    1) Fatigue from long work hours, winter blahs
    2) My loss of motivation and my current I just don't care attitude
    3) My love for bad food, therefore I don't log

    My plan for this week to compensate:
    1) Don't be lazy... try get outside more as the weather is supposed to be beautiful! Try a different form of exercise each day.
    2) Figure out what my problem is. Stop feeling sorry for myself. Go back to the basics.
    3) Record my food religiously!
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    I love this Light!! I love both your and Kelly's goals....and even more being forced to stop long enough to IDENTIFY the problem and address it. Kind of like being stopped at a light, isn't it?? Thank you Light - this is just what I needed.

    3 things which make my weight loss issues difficult:
    1. Stress/nervous picking
    2. Prioritizing (putting necessary tasks, or the needs of others before my own)
    3. lack of willpower (easy excuses, lack of "plan B", I am poor me)

    My plan for this week to compensate:
    1. Make a "to do" list and DO IT. Every time I want to reach for food in that empty minute I will at least begin if not accomplish something on that list.
    2. Plan to do some sort of exercise first thing in the morning, BEFORE doing anything else and letting the day get away from me.
    3. Willpower is the hard one. I know I am "doing wrong" at the very moment I'm doing it. And even dumber, I do the "cheat" and then feel guilty about it!! I've given some thought to #1 and 2. This one requires more thought, but I know it's the big one I need to work on the most.

    This exercise is really quite telling. It's a mini-therapy session. Oye!!

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    This was posted while I was away and unable to get online, but I enjoyed reading it today, and it has made me think! The top 3 things that make my weight loss difficult are:

    1. Long work hours sitting a desk.
    2. Using food for something other than nourishment, i.e., entertainment, comfort, etc.
    3. Procrastination.

    What I can do:

    1. Sometimes I work longer than I should because I don't feel like I was productive enough during the day. I can't do anything about some deadlines and some of the work load, but I can try to work smarter so I'll feel okay about stopping earlier.
    2. The eating for fun or comfort is tough to address, but I can try to remain aware of why I'm eating.
    3. Procrastination is the main reason why I haven't started lifting weights regularly. The shoulder injury plays in a little--but just not doing it is the main issue. I find so many other things I "need" to do first. I am going to try to remind myself that most of these things are not as important as building my strength. I'll remember my Mom's struggle with her stenosis and how she resisted doing physical therapy, which made things more difficult for her. I think she'd like to think that she is encouraging me somehow.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    there should be "like" buttons on here... ;):)

    I can identify with making excuses/prioritizing and using food as comfort/entertainment. I will have to give both more though... particularly the excuses. I can prioritize better and if I plan healthy snacks, I can avoid the unwise between meal eating...