Returning to LCHF after a break

hello fellow LCHFs!

Tomorrow I'm returning to a LCHF lifestyle after a week long break brought on by an egg fast (made me feel pretty rotten even though I only lasted a couple of days!)

I'm pretty familiar with the low carb lifestyle having tried out the Atkins diet about a year or so ago. Since then I've scouted blogs and cycled on and off the low carb life style.

I'm returning again, not for significant weight loss (I only have a stone between me and my goal weight) but more so as it helps me control my bingeing. When not on the LCHF way of eating I eat very little in the way of actual meals and instead eat very large quantities of crisps and sweets. A typical day would include a sharing packet of crisps, a sharing chocolate bar, packet of haribo and some toast. Very carb heavy!

I like the LCHF lifestyle as it controls my cravings and forces me to eat set meals to meet my macros. The fact that certain foods are prohibited I find helpful as you never have the issue of 'just one bite' as you do with other WOE!

A typical day of me on LCHF is:

Breakfast- bulletproof coffee

Lunch- raw spinach, chicken, Parmesan and balsamic vinegar dressing

Snack- olives

Dinner- protein shake (low carb) and fat bombs if required to meet macros

I try to stick to 20g carbs, 80g protein 100g fat which usually gets me to 1000-1200 cals.
My starting weight is 140lbs and height is 5'9. Ideally I'd like to be at the 126 mark.

So, after the introduction above I would love to see if anyone is keen to buddy me with this? Hopefully the accountability will help me see this through past my record of 3 weeks!

Good luck all!


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It may just be me, but alarm bells are going off in my head regarding your relationship with food. Plus, you're significantly under-eating. Even if you're at 35% body fat (unlikely with a goal of 126), you're eating at a pretty high deficit.

    The macros aren't necessarily that bad. I'm just worried that you're doing this because you want to restrict yourself, and not because you're focused on health.