Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, March 9th - 15th



  • Worked out yesterday and the day before. I am lucky enough to have a swimming pool in my building, I also walked like 3.7km. Today I'm a little sore and feeling slothish but my goal is to be active in some way after work everyday, So I had better get busy! does petting my cat and watching Boy Meets World count as a work out? :smiley:
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Skittles, I'm going on may 31st wohoo! I love working out on the boat/ship/whatever. Actually I like jogging there. Amazing views you can't get anywhere else.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Great job shamrocker! I don't think boy meets work counts, but I would count trying to bathe your cat :). I used to (when I was in shape) do bodyweight excersizes, pushups/squats/crunches, during commercials. HIIT style.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    Skittles, I'm going on may 31st wohoo! I love working out on the boat/ship/whatever. Actually I like jogging there. Amazing views you can't get anywhere else.

    Nice where are you headed to and what cruise line you going on? we are heading to the Bahamas ( did this cruise last year for my birthday, but friends picked this year and wanted to go there) I been to Bermuda,Bahamas come on pretty mama haha, East Caribbean, and New England/Canada. and Next sure we are doing a South Caribbean. I love cruising a lot lol we also do RCRL
    @shame wtg for getting exercise in, and Mat has a good idea try giving the cat a bath, I know thats a work out for me lol

    well off to look at an apt so I'll get some steps in
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey everyone! Love to see the thread so active!

    Well, this week has been a complete fail for me. I have literally spent the last four days straight running around for my daughter's sister. The good news is that she is mostly situated as much as I can do for now, but my house, diet, life, sleep and wallet have all taken serious hits from it. My blood sugar control has been terrible, and my house looks like a small hurricane hit it! And I have only made my steps ONE day this week.....ugh

    Tomorrow is a new day, and I am running errands for myself, the weekend things should be back to normal, and now, even when I need to help her more, things will not be as dire, so it will be a bit here and a bit there, instead of eight million things at once!

    I have fallen off the food wagon pretty bad last night and is also the two year anniversary of the death of my best girlfriend. So, it was a busy AND emotional day. But I am ready to get back on track now! By tomorrow I should be able to get my step count back up and log my food, and by Sunday I should be able to get my sleep back on schedule and hopefully get my butt to the gym next week!!

  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over helping out someone else. After all, being able to run around and get things accomplished - isn't that one of the reasons you are not his journey? I know it is for me.

    And the week can't be a complete fail, since it isn't over yet! :) Recharge, rev yourself up, and do what you can in the days that are left.

    Yesterday I got my cleaning done, I got 11,000 steps in, I took a lovely 2.5 mile walk with my husband but no sun (and then encouraged him to get on the treadmill to get the rest of HIS steps in for the day!), I did my strength training (even added a couple of new exercises to target my abs), and I had ONE serving of Girl Scout Cookies

    Even though there was a massive attempt by someone to stress me out to the point where I would polish off both boxes last night. But I complained about it on FB, and on my feed here, and then went to bed - ignoring both the cookies and the stressor. Unfortunately, she didn't go to bed like a sensible person, so I am still having to deal with the stress this morning.

    So my goals for today:
    1. 10,000 steps
    2. get my dining table completely clean (I've been working this in 15 minute sections or so)
    3. no more than ONE serving of GSC - or maybe just save them for tomorrow or next week
    4. two blog posts stashed
    5. Not stress eating. Not stress eating. She's not worth it. I have great backup. I am NOT going to stress eat!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    Craft is right about not beating your self up. you will get back into you are still here so it really shows you haven't given up.

    Craft wtg on tracking the cookies and you got some great goals for today.

    today I did my fitness boxing class and I decided to walk an hour on the gyms track, I also reached my 12k step goal of 3 days this week.

    3/3 12k steps
    2/3 body pump
    4/7 at least 30 mins of exercise a day
    4/7 tracking all my food
  • I am loving how positive everyone on here is, it's really keeping me going on my goals. You guys are amazing!
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    On the 9th, I celebrated eight months of no binging. I can't believe how far I've come. I have really difficult days/weeks/months, but I feel like I'm doing really well. I last almost three months on my home cooking challenge. I think I was three days away. I saved a lot of money, and it made the experience of eating out a lot more enjoyable. I can't believe how often I used to eat at restaurants and order takeout. Now, it's more of a monthly treat. It also renewed my love of cooking.

    I'm constantly dealing with weird leg pain, so I'm just trying to take it easy, and it's really difficult. The only thing that isn't painful is dancing, which is weird, but it helps me get in my steps for the day.

    This week, my goal is to stretch every morning and night. I'd like to make it a routine.
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Congrats on the 8 months mark! @jocoblossoming‌

    @Italian_Buju Hang in there. You did a good thing helping your daughter's sister.

    I didn't get to post as early as I planned. Work has been crazy, but luckily I've been able to avoid the stress eating that had been a problem for me in the past. Started today off with 40 mins of cardio (20 on elliptical and 20 on treadmill). I'll be going for about 20 more mins when I get off of work today. I've got to remember to weigh in for the weight loss challenge thread tomorrow morning.

    This one will have to stay short for today. Work is busy and I've got a lot to finish before my night relief comes up. Hope everyone has a good night!

  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    20 minutes on the elliptical??? Holy smokes, that's awesome. I can only do, like, 2 minutes. Then I fall off.

    So, yesterday I finished cleaning my dining table, even put a tablecloth and decorative objects on it; I avoided stress eating although that issue kept stressing me all day; I walked the dog twice (after having to give her a bath because she ROLLED IN THE MUD); and consequently got over 11,000 steps in. Yay!

    Today? I'm going to do my strength training, get 10,000+ steps in, do jumping jacks for one minute (challenge in another group), not stress, walk the dog, and make good decisions when I go out to eat with my kids and my parents.

    Le sigh. But first I think I might go back to bed for an hour. (Yay, spring break)
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    Well guys I have been doing what I really need to be doing, tracking my food, eating healthier things and exerting and in a weeks time has paid off. I dropped 3 lbs. I know what needs to be done, because I did it last year. so now I'm back in it and I feel amazing. but I really need to thank you all here for helping me and being active and giving me ideas to keep moving. thank you all

    today I meet with my trainer which we do all weights, I count this as another body pump class because its all weights and she really pushes me. I love it. I also want to get some walking in for the day. I'm going to try and get my husband to take a walk with me this evening and get the mini goal in of being out in the sun.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Skittles - going western Caribbean, cozumel, jamaica, grand caymans.

    Had a good day yesterday mostly, had a slip up with late night snack, but moving on. I have done all of my workouts for the week but plan on 2 more as I try to establish my new routine.

    Joco - well done on the 8 months keep it up! I was just listening to a podcast about binge eating yesterday and I, being ignorant on the subject, kept saying "holy crap that sounds like me!" I just call them black hole days where there is no end to what I can consume. It's a subject I'm looking to learn more about.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    You are doing awesome, Skittles, keep up the great work!

    Mat and Joco, I think many of us need to get addicted to binge-exercising instead of binge-eating. :) It's so hard to stop at normal proportions, when stuff tastes so good. Or the mindless "I'm sitting in front of the computer" eating which isn't even about the flavor. Or the stress eating. That's what I am fighting right now.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited March 2015
    Joco - congrats on eight months, that is a HUGE feat! I am also blown away that you went almost three months with no outside food at all! I honestly do not think I could do that....I do not eat out too often, but there are also times, like yesterday, when I was out running errands and did not get a chance to eat before I left the house, so if I didn't grab a bagel while I was out, I wouldn't have gotten to eat at all.....did you never run into a problem like that? Have you had your legs checked out? Do you have any idea at all what is causing that pain?

    That makes me think, how often does everyone here eat out? I would say, that I eat in a restaurant 1-2 times per month (actual food, not fast food), I order in to my home about once per month, and I grab something on the go, because I did not get time to eat before leaving the house, 1-2 times per week (but that is almost always like sandwiches or yogurts, things like that).

    Rdmoore - I agree, 20 minutes on the elliptical is pretty amazing, I can only do five minutes, and I spend that entire five minutes convincing myself I can last the five minutes lol

    Craft - Stress eating is one of my biggest problems. Maybe even my BIGGEST! Kudos to you for not giving in, that is showing amazing strength.

    Skittles - Way to go, that is awesome! You have officially broken out of your slump! Congrats!

    Matt - sounds awesome, have fun! When do you go?

    I am going alright, hanging in there. Last night I got a few chores done around my house, so that is helping me feel a bit better....but it is still pretty bad! I work late shift tonight, so I just woke up an hour ago, but will go to bed as soon as I can after getting home from work around 1am. I am looking forward to cleaning up and getting a lot of errands and chores done over the weekend. Then I will feel much better. My daughter should make an appearance this weekend to go to her aunt's wedding on Monday, and now that we know where her sister is, she can go too. I am also really looking forward to getting on a better sleeping and eating schedule, and getting more working out in. The weather is getting nicer, so I am really looking forward to getting some sunlight! On the plus side, I did not gain any weight during this past stressful week, so I will take that as a win!
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Today wasn't the best day for me. Really poor food choices on my part. Partly gave into stress while making my choices. Luckily my next few days at work will be easier than the last 4. It's been a long 14 hours working so I'm going to run and try to get a little exercise in before I crash. Got to atleast burn 400 calories so I can loss today.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Wow miss a few days and miss a lot! Sounds like a really positive week, even through everyone's stress!

    I have been out of town with my son and my friend and her son, I'm not making good choices eating, but we have done a fair bit of walking and swimming!

    I met with a diabetic nurse earlier this week and we made some plans and a goal to help manage my blood sugar and to help me loose some weight! I am looking forward to implementing it at home starting Sunday! They include stop eating the crappy food at work and no complex carb at supper because I like to snack! This will be an interesting week!

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow :)
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    I do not want to weigh myself tomorrow. I will. And I will even post it honestly, but I am dreading it.

    The good: more than 10,000 steps; strength training; jumping jacks for challenge; walked both dogs, including a little running for the 85 lb lab that I walk too slow for.

    The bad: Indian food for dinner - not a buffet, and I tried to monitor my portions. I did only eat 2 pieces of naan, which is unheard of. Frozen yogurt for dessert (though I opted for 1/2 c. of the 45 calorie for 4oz. variety). But still. Tikka masala. Saag paneer. Biryani. NAAN!! Oh, sweet jebus I love Indian food.

    The UGLY - buffet for lunch. Filipino food. So. Good. So not full of vegetables. I did not overeat, because I did not leave feeling stuffed or even full. But I know that what I ate was not low calorie.

    Le sigh. We'll see if working my muscles and racing my heart was enough to overcome my stupid mouth.
  • My mouth is watering thinking of phillipino and Indian food. Good for you for your portion control because I would have been getting "turnt up" at that buffet.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Stupid mouth won. Gained 3 pounds.