BMR Reassessment

mphillip6 Posts: 28 Member
Hi all! Quick question. I've seen multiple posts about reassessing your BMR and TDEE for every five pounds you lose, but what if you remain the same on the scale but are losing inches? Should you still only reassess after the scale drops, or should you be looking at inches lost as well?

Sorry if this has been posted before!



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You should indeed, because likely your LBM is going up, and even if the majority of that is stored water, that is exactly what increases BMR.

    So if you based your calcs on the Katch BMR that uses the bodyfat stat, then indeed keep checking to see if there is enough of a difference to worry about.

    If using the spreadsheet and you enter in new measurements, takes care of it automatically when you update the BF% cell.
  • mphillip6
    mphillip6 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the help!