WEIGHT IN DAY 03/10/15

cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
I did weigh in yesterday (as I should have.) I sure as heck wasn't going to report THAT number. I did get a walk in yesterday, drank an ocean of water and ate very, very attentively. As of Friday, I was actually down to 155. Saturday was a hoot day there are lots of excuses for, but the fact is I overate and drank too much wine by choice. Today, the scale looks better and thanks to Light's little therapy session, I hope to be back on track.

Starting weight 166.8
Last weight 157.5
Today's weight 156
Loss: -1.5
Total loss so far: 10.8 pounds
Goal weight: 153 (boat weight - just 3 more to go!) 143 (ending goal)

It sounds like everyone is faltering for one reason or another. I really do feel more "in control" after doing Light's exercise. I was disappointed in last week's loss. That was the first time I didn't get more than a full pound. I was as good as I could be this week with some admitted cheating.......and LOTS of exercise with all that snow. Once again, of course I am home alone and doing it all myself. We had more than 12" in less than 24 hours and between shoveling, snow-blowing and carrying firewood I was able to do damage control. On Friday, I weighed 155 and was thrilled with myself. Saturday night was a MOV'n Dragon Pasta Dinner Fundraiser, and despite being on my feet for 14 hours, running constantly and doing 90,000 stairs, yesterday I weighed 158. I think I peed down my leg a little. Water and salt no doubt, I didn't lose two pounds in one day, any more than I gained 3 in one.

I keep thinking 'DO YOU BELIEVE IN GLOBAL WARMING NOW???" This weather is insane. Last week I was in a blizzard. In one night I used the little snowblower, the big snowblower and shoveled at least 3 times. Try as I might I just could not keep up with it. It was below zero for three days.........and yesterday I had the windows in the house all open. It was in the high 50's and it is amazing how much snow is GONE. I see GRASS!!! I did get a walk in yesterday and borrowed a DVD from my daughter. I just got a DVD player a couple of weeks ago when loss of cable service left me bored to death. At least now I'll have a back up plan. Today is supposed to be in the 50's again, but heavy rains all day. With all this melting snow, now we're back to flood warnings.

Love to you Sarah in this trying time. Sheesh, your vacation pictures looked divine - and Kelly, you have a blast girl........be a good girl, enjoy - and come home ready to recommit!

Does anyone else have trouble with the numbers on fitbit and myfitness pal jiving? I am not really sure how it all works. I logged my weight on fitbit but myfitness pal immediately said "Cheryl lost .6 pounds (rather than 1.5) I LOVE MY NEW FITBIT CHARGE HR. It has remotivated me. I ESPECIALLY LOVE the challenges. LOVE THEM!!! I have walked circles around the coffee table just to try to look respectable, and one day even had 17,000 steps. For a brief moment there, I even had first place. One of these days, I'M GOING TO KEEP IT TOO!

Love you all!!



  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    I weighed in yesterday, but had no time to post until today:

    SW: 156
    LW: 135
    TW: 134.5 (loss of .5 lbs)
    Goal weight: 120 - 125
    I have a feeling it will be slow going from here on.

    Sarah, ((hugs)) to you. It's so difficult to lose a parent. Know that we are all thinking of you and are here for you.

    Cheryl, from my spot on the planet, I do believe in climate change as we have had almost no snow or rain, and it's been unusually warm. California is in a serious drought. It just seems that things are out of balance, at least this year. Hang in there . . Spring is almost here! And, great job with the weight loss!

    Lois, you're amazing, I agree with Cheryl. :D And on top of that . . another challenge this weekend!! Wow, you ladies are on fire, LOL! I hope it will get my scale moving!

  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    weigh day today for me and I'm happy to say this has been a better week. Got more exercise in, which seems to be the biggest denominator for me. Actually was able to get out for a lunch walk 4 out of the 5 days at work. YEAH!! It's been months since I was able to make that happen. I am still leaving early and getting home with about an hour to spare before hopping on the exercise bike and then to bed, but I've been able to maintain the routine this week. I'm concerned about how that will all change when mom is down for her visit and am thinking thru the exercise of how I will compensate. The lunch walks during the month of April are going to be a must, I think. Eating will be fairly good as I am responsible once she gets down here but she will want to eat out at least once/twice each week and we have to consider the meals while on the road, too. Hopefully I will have it all thought out so I don't derail myself. So easy to derail...

    but for now, I'm doing good :)
    SW 198
    LW 181.2
    TW 179.8 :)

    Thoughts and prayers continue for Sarah and her family (hugs, too!!)
    Thinking of Kelly on her vacation and praying for her safety while away, as well as good choices...
    and then of course I'm thinking of each of the rest of you, especially as you all whop me on the challenges. I can't seem to access the challenges but don't think I'd be able to keep up with you all anyways. Been dealing with some feet and shin issues again lately as I restart my walks. It's not like I'm going that far each day as my time is limited, but I have had lifetime issues with my feet and will never be a long distance walker. But I have to say, you each are pretty awesome with your daily totals :) I can't keep up with you, but I can certainly do more than what I've been doing as far as activity goes... speaking of which, I need to get up off of here and get going on some of my housework. Maybe even get out for a walk sometime today as well :)
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Way to go Light!!! I agree with you. If I don't walk, I don't lose. Simple as that - and I've proven it to myself time and time again!! A loss for you too Sheesh! One pebble at a time, eh?? Enough little pebbles will grow a mountain. I live in the mid Ohio valley. We usually have mild winters with very low temperatures. We'll get a couple of substantial snows, but they generally melt off and move back into the mild winter with cold temps. This winter has been insane with storms coming right down the valley rather than blowing over us. Oddly however, we go from sub zero to 40's and 50's the next day. One day I am walking in a sweatshirt and the next day I'm shoveling a foot of snow. Then two days later all the windows in the house are open. There is no longer a "norm."

    Well, Kelly is layin on some Mexican beach. Lois is hiking the mountains of Nevada. I think I had less than 2,000 steps yesterday. I am waiting for a cat to die, and if I have to say good-bye I'd prefer to do it while she's cuddled in my arms. She is still with me this morning, but today I have to move. My back and hips feel like I've been beaten I am so stiff. There is something to be said I think for this new and improved "moving lifestyle." See you tomorrow at my weigh in! Love to you Sarah. I hope you're getting through this week okay.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    ah, so sorry about the impending loss of your cat. They are such sweet companions and it is hard to lose such a friend. I don't remember not having a cat other than during the few years I was in nursing school. My oldest one died just shy of her 26th birthday (caught my cold and I think it went into pneumonia). I felt awful going off to work that morning but could not stay home to be with her and luckily, Mom was down for a visit and was able to stay with her until the end. Sad day for me... she was my sweet, sweet girl.

    I spent a little time on the fitbit site looking at weight trends. Seems most of my weight comes off in the fall/winter and comes back on during the summer. Since we have intense heat and a lot of rain in the summer, that usually means no summer walks and the activity level goes down as well. I am going to have to address that little bit of knowledge now and see if I can reverse the trend this summer.

    yep, one pebble at a time, and no need to be trucking any extras in, either ;):)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    We are back! We got home late last night, and I spent the morning unpacking, and I'm going to work a few hours this afternoon. My Mom lived a good, long life, and the one thing she feared (having to go into a nursing home) thankfully did not happen. She had been in the hospital and was diagnosed with some heart arrhythmia, but it was not considered life threatening, and she was responding very well to the medication. She was happy in the rehab center that they had sent her to for a few weeks for physical and occupational therapy and fully expected to go home soon, when she had an unanticipated and fatal heart attack. She was making phone calls 8 minutes before asking her caretaker to bring her sausage and biscuits because she did not like the breakfast served that morning!

    I am now faced with a lot of potential problems, though. She adopted a child after my sister and I were grown and gone, and although we knew he was low IQ, she hid the extent of his problems. She did not let us know that he has a serious mental illness and that he will not take his medication. My mother was one of those people who thought that if you didn't acknowledge a problem, it would go away.

    My sister is also physically disabled to a large extent, so I know that I probably have unpleasant issues to deal with down the road. But I'm trying to not project, and just deal with it as it comes.

    I haven't weighed since we left and frankly, I'm afraid to! We ate whatever was handy. I have to confess that sometimes that was brownies and milk, and sometimes it was whatever dish or tray someone dropped by. Goodness knows how many calories I ate, and of course, I got no exercise and was on the road for more than 20 hours. I did pack boxes all day on Friday and Saturday, but I don't know how many calories that burned. I do know that I'm ready to get back to healthy eating and some regular activity.

    Cheryl, I am so sorry that you are losing your kitty. I, too, am a cat lover. We have two who are the center of attention in this house. Pets are important family members. We had one cat for 18 years, then lost the next one to a rare cancer at the age of four. I hope our two "hooligans" who are now almost 2 years old will live long, healthy cat-lives. Hugs to you.

    Thanks to everyone for their sympathy and well wishes. I didn't have internet access in NC, but I thought of you all. Now I'm off to my work inboxes for a few hours.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    good to see you back home again but sorry about all the remaining issues you are left dealing with. (((hugs)))
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome home Sarah!! I am so enjoying reading notes from everyone. It's kind of like "having coffee with the girls." I really do treasure this group! Happy to know all the chicks are back in the coop.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    I second that taking a moment to read what and how everyone is doing is a great way to start the day. I checked into my work inboxes and then bopped over here to see if anyone had posted. Loved that they had.

    I did my workout on the treadmill last night. I had to be on the phone for nearly an hour, so I put on my headset and walked and talked. I may not have walked as fast as I would have otherwise, but when compared with sitting and talking, it was a great improvement. :)

    After mid-70s in the Carolinas, and 60's here for a few days, we're now expecting 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow!

    Hope Kelly is having a ball down in Mexico.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Just checking in . . Sarah, I think Kelly should be back home today. Maybe posting here tomorrow ? She posted some photos on Facebook, and it looked like she was having a great time! She's so cute!! By the way, I always pace around while on the telephone . . . some of my family and friends can really chat! It's a good way to get steps and not feel like I'm just sitting there. Not much of a "workout", but it can't hurt.

    Cheryl, you're so close to your boat weight! I'm getting excited for you!

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Had an evening meeting to attend and needed to spend some time on family matters before that, so I didn't much activity yesterday. The good thing is that now when I don't get to walk or do something else active, it just doesn't feel right. A big improvement from having no activity feel normal.

    The snow is coming down here. It's the big, wet, fluffy type that makes the trees look so pretty. I'd be happy to see it except that hubby is driving an older man we know to a doctor's appointment in Baltimore this morning, and that's a pretty good haul, even in nice weather.

    Kelly, welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful time in the sun.