Day after surgery



  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    My doctor encouraged me to get off my back, but it was too painful (as Jessicadmx says, everything shifting around hurt). So I was on my back for 5-6 days, then I was able to very very carefully sleep on my stomach, as I'm naturally a stomach sleeper.

    I was able to comfortably lay on my sides around... 9-10 days after surgery.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Wow, I never thought about the whole sleeping thing after surgery. I guess I should ask doc about that tomorrow when I have mine.
  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    One of my coworkers had bariatric surgery 15 years ago and that was one of the first things she told me; to prepare to sleep in a recliner for a while. :)
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    The recliner worked really great for me the first 3-4 days!
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    I have used the recliner most of the time since being home. It's been a life saver.
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    having surgery in two days. no one has mentioned sleeping on your side issues and that's how I sleep. thanks for the update, now I know the issue may come up. and yeah, I have a comfortable recliner
  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    Good luck! By four days post-surgery, I had trouble side-sleeping, but I was able to (very carefully) lay on my stomach. I think it'll depend both on your procedure and where they place your incisions. Got our fingers crossed for a smooth recovery!
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    Good luck badhair! Everyone seems to be different. The recliner was the place that was most comfortable for a little more than a week. Then it took me until about was about a week and a half out before I could sleep on my side.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    I was able to sleep on my side from day one, I also had minimal pain.
  • Laurac727
    Laurac727 Posts: 60 Member
    @ac7nj I am JEALOUS!!! I still can not makes me crazy too! [post op day 9]