Discouraged in reporting of foods being accurate from MFP verses a couple other nutrition sites. :(



  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Well I think we crashed the USDA site. IT is down right now. I was trying to be cautious of protein. My system is so sensitive I need to watch everything right now. Mostly carbs though and I am keeping them low. Shrug. No idea what to do other than track my own using the USDA if it comes back. It is crazy to be so cautious with weight and measure only to come up with crazy numbers. Pointless. I am not giving up this WOE Just giving up the way I was tracking it.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    yturie47 wrote: »
    Why can't MFP just set up a database using the USDA stats. At least as an option. It is public information after all.
    With a tick box to change that to other country's figures for those of us in other countries pretty please. I know we have UK, Australia and Japan represented in this group alone. Perhaps there are more? It's possible (I'm not certain) that the USDA stats are as useless for me as the user submitted information. I suppose nothing is exact science in this field without a scientific kit on each of our kitchen benches.

  • raventwo
    raventwo Posts: 91 Member
    I'm losing weight - errors or not. I think the idea of a usda list coming up separately as a choice is a really good one. Until then, I'll continue to read my labels, and when that isn't giving me calories, get a sense of the most accurate by looking at 3-4 entries, as I've been doing. Just not worth it to me to get wrapped around the axle about this.
    DO agree it's an issue, just saying (sorry, don't feel well and my don't be too blunt filter goes off in such a case).
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    yturie47 wrote: »
    Why can't MFP just set up a database using the USDA stats. At least as an option. It is public information after all.
    With a tick box to change that to other country's figures for those of us in other countries pretty please. I know we have UK, Australia and Japan represented in this group alone. Perhaps there are more? It's possible (I'm not certain) that the USDA stats are as useless for me as the user submitted information. I suppose nothing is exact science in this field without a scientific kit on each of our kitchen benches.

    Oz doesn't have it's own food authority industry to set standards? If so, that's who I'd use if I were you. For those in the UK, Sainsbury's seems to have moderately reliable information.

    What does it say about all of us that the processed foods are more accurate on MFP than the REAL FOODS? It think that speaks volumes as to the whole mess here and that we're expected to fall into!!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    edited March 2015
    Right Knit. This is some thing that has been churning in my head too. Very few items I buy have labels. Could be some thing to do with sponsoring.

    Edit and OHHHHH me thinks there is a need to keep the people fat to feed the drug companies that keep them alive after they get fat or so the people thik and I need to sign off this one before I really get on a rant.
  • KetoCutie
    KetoCutie Posts: 161 Member
    Sending you a hug, Shades.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    yturie47 wrote: »
    Why can't MFP just set up a database using the USDA stats. At least as an option. It is public information after all.
    With a tick box to change that to other country's figures for those of us in other countries pretty please. I know we have UK, Australia and Japan represented in this group alone. Perhaps there are more? It's possible (I'm not certain) that the USDA stats are as useless for me as the user submitted information. I suppose nothing is exact science in this field without a scientific kit on each of our kitchen benches.

    Oz doesn't have it's own food authority industry to set standards? If so, that's who I'd use if I were you. For those in the UK, Sainsbury's seems to have moderately reliable information.

    What does it say about all of us that the processed foods are more accurate on MFP than the REAL FOODS? It think that speaks volumes as to the whole mess here and that we're expected to fall into!!

    TBF, even the processed stuff isn't all that accurate. MFP rounds everything, so it's still wrong. I have good luck with Sparkpeople's database - they use decimals and they incude all micros, not just the 4 on a Dorito's bag.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Oz doesn't have it's own food authority industry to set standards? If so, that's who I'd use if I were you. For those in the UK, Sainsbury's seems to have moderately reliable information.
    We do have one - Food Standards Australia New Zealand - it would be fantastic if that database was included in MFP.

    It actually surprises me what a high % of Americans are here, I truly thought this site would be more international. Not complaining by any means (there's nothing to complain about!), just surprised. Though I know the relative population of Oz is tiny, what about all the other countries around the world? Rhetorical question, don't worry.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Oz doesn't have it's own food authority industry to set standards? If so, that's who I'd use if I were you. For those in the UK, Sainsbury's seems to have moderately reliable information.
    We do have one - Food Standards Australia New Zealand - it would be fantastic if that database was included in MFP.

    It actually surprises me what a high % of Americans are here, I truly thought this site would be more international. Not complaining by any means (there's nothing to complain about!), just surprised. Though I know the relative population of Oz is tiny, what about all the other countries around the world? Rhetorical question, don't worry.

    We Americans are some fat SOB's. We are very indulgent, compared to the rest of the world, and have higher levels of obesity, per many studies (granted, I haven't personally confirmed this), but my fiance used to live in the UK, and he said the differences in obesity here versus there are unbelievably lower in the UK. Astronomically so! Stands to reason more struggle with extreme levels of obesity here...
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with Raventwo "I'm losing weight - errors or not." We have two scales at home - each with different weights, and my doctor's office and gym have different weights on their individual scales - I love stepping on a "light" scale, but as long as I'm losing on any scale, I'm happy. Same for calorie counts - there's no way to make them exact because (in the example of beef) the fat content may vary per animal...I use MFP for an estimate and as long as I'm consistent with entering what I'm eating and the approximate weights (another guess as I don't measure when I'm at work) I feel like I'm doing great. Then when I see "likes" from people I've connected to here on MFP, I know that I'm in good company - whichever plan we're following. For me, just as GaleHawkins mentioned, it's a lifestyle change. I am NOT dieting and I am not going to obsess ever again about every minute crumb I put into my mouth - just going to follow the low carb way and meet my goal of reducing or eliminating my use of metformin.