Keto and quest bars =failure or success ?

Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
I'm about to throw in the towel : / Not really, just disappointed.
It's the end of my 3rd week of keto & no loss this week- is that normal ? I've added a daily quest bar, my ketone strips say small-moderate ketones, carbs are in check, gallon of water /day, walking 6days/wk.


  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    It's normal to fluctuate, usually caused by water weight. It's especially common right before and during your TOM. I stay away from quest bars, simply because it's a crapshoot which ones have the right combination of sugar alcohols to mess up my stomach, and people do report measurable sugar spikes from them, if that's something you need to watch. if you're truly logging everything you eat, weighed accurately with a scale, it's probably water.
  • ABrownGrl
    ABrownGrl Posts: 41 Member
    Quest bars are probably one of the "better" protein bars out there but they still contain fake sugar. Sucralose can stall weight loss. I used to eat them, but they gave me terrible cravings for carbage, so I had to stop eating them. I never crave junk since I stopped eating them and haven't had any moments of weakness and given in to non keto friendly foods. Keep at it and don't give up. It's more than just the number on the scale. Are you taking measurements? How do you clothes feel? Your efforts will catch up and eventually show on the scale! :)
  • Latse
    Latse Posts: 61 Member
    Love the word "Carbage" and will be using it from now on!

    I to use to eat a Quest bar now and then and found it increased cravings for junk food. Just like faux bread make me think I can have regular bread.

    Instead of keeping a spare quest bar in my lunch bag for emergencies I pack a shelf stable cheese and meat stick packet, or single serving of peanut butter.

    For me the first week or two I see big drops on the scale due to the water weight coming off, then a week or two of little to no movement (maybe even a slight increase) then a steady 2lb loss weekly. Give it time let your body adapt to a different source of energy.

    Good Luck!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Why did you add a daily Quest bar?

    What's your calorie deficit? Are you confident in the accuracy of your weighing and measuring?
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I added quest bar as a treat, everyday I take a break at 1:00, have 32oz of water & a quest bar. It's just something that has less carbs than an apple & on that used to be my treat. When I have a half serving of blueberries, I kick out of keto. I do absolutely weigh everything. This is a way of eating I enjoy. I'm never hungry, just wishing the scale would move.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Debbie….I hear you! fear not Keto can frustrate.. I backed off on 1/2c blueberries too, and have raspberries and just 1/3 cup per shake. my bmr is 1550, am 700 under daily burn of 2200…..but after my nutrition group weigh in last Tues-Mar 3..I have not budged.. despite staying in 1500 cal range, with a few bounces to 1770c...not an ounce lower…so I bought a new scale and kicked the 30 yr old digital dinosaur to the curb..and it weighed me at 1.3 more!…hahahaha…while I am tired of telling myself 5 lb water swing any time..I was expecting more..BUT am defiantly less pudgy here and there, I can feel the difference, so fat is burning up. we aren't machines so hang in there….
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    PS- Debbie peeked at your diary and your fat & protein % are almost equal> 107 F to 100 P…too much protein can stall you.. Keto is usually 60-75% fat, 25-30% protein see