
I just started this new venture. I'm trying to stick to a 1200 calorie a day diet and work out 4-5 times per week. I'm on my first week, so wish me luck!


  • needtobefit5
    needtobefit5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Newby,

    How have you been doing so far?

    I just started yesterday (for the umpteenth time). I have 45 lbs to lose and with menopause it is harder than ever to lose the pounds.

    But I'm feeling horrible. Shortness of breath going up stairs, sluggish, no energy etc. etc.

    I used to ski, kayak, walk 3 miles a day. Everything has tapered off to almost no exercise. I have to get with it again.

    Hope to hear from you,

  • Nospingirl
    Nospingirl Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, over 55!
    My name is Susan, and I have used myfitnesspal off and on for the past few months. What
    convinced me to join a group was the fact that I wasn't on here all the time. This is where you
    come in as I need support. Thank you for being here!

    Right now I'm sticking to tracking my calories and getting up off the couch and working out
    on my Tony Gazelle Glider. Reason I like this machine is because it is easy on my joints,
    makes me feel light as a feather (well maybe not that light) and I burn a lot of calories.

    This is going to be a long journey for me and no one likes to go on a journey by themselves.
    Again thanks for being here.
