craftscout Posts: 290 Member
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I'm Irish American (among other things), and this is one of the holidays that my father and my kids love, because of what I cook every year. My son even said it was his favorite holiday, after Christmas, Halloween, and his birthday. The menu is always corned beef simmered in beer all day in the crockpot, with potatoes, carrots, onions, and cabbage, and a big beautiful glazed soda bread.

And that's what I'm cooking again this year. But, I'm going to be careful with my portion sizes, and make sure I get my exercise in. This kind of gets to the heart of what I'm trying to do, change my lifestyle without changing who I am. I am a fantastic cook. I am someone who likes traditions.

I did, incidentally, start a new tradition a few years ago for St. Patty's Day - Rainbow Salad for lunch, to offset the heavy dinner. Salad greens topped with cherry tomatoes, carrots, yellow pepper, cucumber, and purple carrots (blueberries on the side!). Today me and the kids will also have one Trader Joe's Irish Banger, and some gold wrapped peanut butter cups (I only saved one for myself, 60 calories).

Do you celebrate St. Patty's Day? How? What holidays revolve around food in your family (besides Thanksgiving in America, that's a whole different subject!!)?


  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Sounds like a tasty day!! We are not the celebrating kind except for the Christmas/thanksgiving/ Easter days! Though we do plan a lot of food for everyone's birthdays and we have a lot
    Of birthdays in our family!!!

  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Holy carp, those peanut butter cups are delish! I recommend them, but only if you can give away 8 out of the 9 that come in a bag! ;)
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    My family hails Irish American as well, proven by my green eyes and grandpa's (formerly) bright red hair!

    Living in New Orleans being an immigrant town we have tons of St Patrick's Day celebrations. My favorite is in the Irish part of town on the Saturday before St Patrick's Day, called the Irish Channel Parade. They throw all sorts of crazy throws, including the traditional cabbages, carrots, potatoes, etc. You can come home with all the fixin's for a nice stew if you pay attention. They also throw crazy things like boxes of Lucky Charms, Irish Springs soap, old Mardi Gras throws, and really too much to name.

    My aunt and my cousin usually join us for the celebrations, and we spend the weekend enjoying the city and all the parades and celebrations. Several Irish bars will do bagpiping and Irish dancing. Also, lots of beer and Jameson's is usually involved. Lots.

    I'm now in recovery from the weekend, but I will be throwing in the corned beef at some point. You can see our picture from the parade in my profile picture right now. :)

    My SO and I are hoping to get the wedding planning moving along so that we can celebrate both St Patrick's Day and a wedding with friends and family next year!
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    I went to an engineering college that shut down for three days to celebrate St. Patrick's day; St. Patrick being the patron saint of engineering.

    Unfortunately the only way I know to celebrate is green beer, and maybe dance a little gig (if the green beer hasn't wiped the ability from my memory).

    But corned beef sounds really good right now.