Help not losing weight

EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
I have been tracking my calories for 118 days religiously. I exercise six days a week . I have added muscle but not making any progress on weight loss for about a month now. I rarely and I mean rarely go over my calorie goal of 1420. Not sure what else to do. Any ideas?


  • jessypug
    jessypug Posts: 142 Member
    If you've put on muscle and lost fat then the scale probably won't move much! Take your measurements, are you getting smaller? Leaner?
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    I did and my last improvement was about three weeks ago. Have not lost anymore inches since then. And I only weigh in once a week. Same day and time.
  • angiehaney5
    angiehaney5 Posts: 4 Member
    The only thing I can think of (if you're not already doing this), is to look at how much bread you're eating. The inches fell off me the moment I cut out a lot of bread. And that's anything like pasta, rolls, potatoes, stuff like that. Also, I try to really be sparse with butter. I eat 2 eggs every morning and the 1 tbsp of butter was 100 calories! It's nuts, I had to cut out stuff like that. But everyone is different I hope you find something that helps
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    I already eat low carb. So bread and pasta is rarely in my diet . But Thanks for your ideas!
  • sarabclaypole
    sarabclaypole Posts: 74 Member
    This isn't meant to be offensive but my weight drops when I drink less alcohol x
    Also do you get enough protein for muscle repair? Xx
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    I don’t drink. I only drink water. No sugar, no juice .I eat within my guideline for protein. As I eat low carb is pretty much protein and vegetables with some healthy fat included and fruit. You can see why I am getting a little frustrated and discouraged. But I just keep working at it.
  • sarabclaypole
    sarabclaypole Posts: 74 Member
    You sound like you are doing everything right so I can see the frustration :-/
    I had some advice from a PT and she just re looked at my daily calories and made sure I eat enough when working out harder x
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Is your exercise program fairly new? If so, it could be some water retention. Are you weighing your solids & measuring your liquids? Here's a great link that might help fix any issues there may be...

    Hang in there!
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    Some of the core exercises are newer. So maybe that is it. I do feel "puffy" like I am retaining water but scale hasn't gone up so I kinda brushed it off. I do measure my food. Thanks for all your great help!
  • freefallebby
    freefallebby Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2015
    Edited because it was already answered just prior, lol.
  • modmom1
    modmom1 Posts: 210 Member
    I wish I had advise but I'm in the exact same boat 7 weeks in. I completely understand your frustration. Do you do cardio at all? I've only been strength training with some yoga in there, but I'm starting minimal cardio ( eg. 30min 2x/week) to see if that moves things. I'll let you know if that helps I hope you figure it out.
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    I do cardio 30 min 6 days a week along with strength training. Yes very frustrating!!
  • sweety510
    sweety510 Posts: 99 Member
    I 'm sorry your getting frustrated and feeling discouraged, but I hope your problem will get resolved soon. Hmmm are you under a lot of stress lately and are you getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep? Hopefully this help and hang in there and keep it up. :)
  • edf620
    edf620 Posts: 7
    maybe you need a re-feed day or something, like relax and eat 2200 one day and 800 the next. See if that helps. Have you tried intermittent Fasting? Or cut your cal's further? Have you re-adjusted your TDEE for your weight loss? Maybe your body is too used to the exact same exercise and food every day, you gotta switch it up!
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    I get 5-6 hours of sleep a night. Just what I am wired for. And I have decreased caloric intake and increased. And my exercises change for the day of the week. Also so do my reps and weights. So doing all that you have mentioned. I will keep at it :)
  • EPK1071 wrote: »
    I have been tracking my calories for 118 days religiously. I exercise six days a week . I have added muscle but not making any progress on weight loss for about a month now. I rarely and I mean rarely go over my calorie goal of 1420. Not sure what else to do. Any ideas?

  • Drink green tea and lots of water it boosts your metabolism and if possible eat citrus fruit it basically prevents your body from storing fat
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    I will try that...Thanks!!
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    It is really hard to see the whole situation on a message board. 3 things to consider.

    what does your overall activity look, housework, walking to the store, cooking, cleaning, etc ? This is an area where many thin people and maintainers have a big lifestyle difference. (Coming from an 8 year maintainer..a clean house and zero mileage on my car is the path to a size 2 for me!)

    If you have been doing the same exercise at the same intensity for all this time it is time to up your game. Increase your calories and intensity.

    If you got sick and took antibiotics this winter then you've got some work to do with repairing the bacteria in your gut. If you eat a lot of chicken that isn't organic...cut it out of your diet for a bit
  • EPK1071
    EPK1071 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes I agree. I lost 50 pounds three years ago and have maintained it. But the last 20 I want to lose is hard. My exercise routine changes. I know all about your body adjusting to exercise and food. I have hit a plateau before and worked through it. And I will do the same this time also. It is great to hear everyone's ideas. Let's me know I am on the right path. I might be frustrated but I do not give up :)