Excessive hair gets me down, suggestions? Does weight loss improve it?



  • StephanieMoon6
    StephanieMoon6 Posts: 28 Member
    Jennym93 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new on here so forgive me if a similar thread has already been posted.
    I was diagnosed with PCOS around a year ago maybe a little bit over, I've tried metformin and vaniqua but I stopped the metformin as it gave me unpleasant side effects and the vaniqua is expensive to buy repeatedly and there isn't enough in the bottle cover all my hairy areas :s

    I'm having laser hair removal on my chin but I can't afford any more after these sessions are over, my parents have said they'll pay but I don't think they realise how expensive it will be.
    The thing is I have fine but dark hair all over including my lower back and even a few on my shoulders, I have fine but dark hair on my arms and stomach and it makes me feel disgusting, I'm already fat and unattractive I don't need to add excessive hair onto that, I really feel disgusting when I look in the mirror, at least without the hair I wouldn't look *so* bad.

    I epilate/wax most areas and shave where I have to but I feel like I'm doing it so much I don't get to relax, I'm almost obsessed with hair and hiding it if I find some I hadn't noticed before, I'm paranoid others will notice.

    Anyway long complaining bit over, my question is has anyone on here seen a marked improvement in their body hair after losing weight?

    Hi there. So, I have been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 16 but didn't start with excess hair on my chin (A LOT of dark, thick hair) until after I gave birth to my daughter at 19 years old. For years, I shaved EVERY SINGLE DAY. Until I discovered threading. Here is just a quick article I found, haven't looked it over, but a quick google search will get you all you need to know. http://ibrowboutique.com/about-threading/

    Now, I am poor so I cannot afford it as much and it is quite painful even though it only takes about 10 mins (since my hairs are so thick). but it lasts longer than shaving AND its better on my skin. But honestly, the thing that has helped me the most with dealing with hair issues is that I have learned how to love myself completely- fat, hair acne and all.

    I've always been a proud big girl, but it wasn't until last summer that I really decided I needed to go on a journey of self-love. I did a lot of things to help with this. the most important I think, was hanging out with amazing women who loved themselves too. I know not a lot of us have that, but if you can, seek out bad *kitten* women to chill with who will accept you as you are and encourage you to love yourself. I also stopped shaving my body hair as much, including my chin. I ventured out in public that way. It was scary at first, but it made me realize that strangers and others opinions aren't important or necessary for my life to continue lol. I wore crop tops and skirts and bikinis. I stopped dying my hair and wore way less makeup. Not because those things are bad but only because I wanted to be comfortable with my "natural" self for a while. And it has worked. I love myself regardless of anything that happens to my body. I think thats the most important thing. Because when you have that love there, then excessive hair or acne or fat etc won't feel as overwhelming.

    However, because of societal standards and people being immensely cruel, I understand that we feel pressured to remove body hair and thats fine. Like I said, I still shave my chin hair and go get it threaded out when I have money. So, I would recommend popping some pain medication before going because it DOES hurt if you have thick hair. It lasts about a week. Its smoother on the skin than shaving. And i have seen a slight difference in the reduction of hair. If you go every week for a long time, eventually the hair stops growing back (from what I've heard). Please, do some research, but I believe this is true, since like tweezing, threading removes the hair at the very root, and enough of that will get it to stop coming back.

    Hope this helps. Love yourself regardless and let me know if you need to talk about anything else! Please, everyone, feel free to friend request me or message me if you'd like. Thanks for reading!
  • prplepeep
    prplepeep Posts: 18 Member
    My weight and hair growth were the issues that bother me most! My doctor just put me on Metformin, I was hoping to hear others say it worked for their unwanted girlie beards. I've always known I would go to laser removal when I can afford to... but I'm really praying that this Metformin will do the job of removing most if not all as I had read it did in most cases. I'm only on week 2. I have thickened skin from all the plucking I have done over the years on my chin- there are too many hairs to manage with plucking alone, I shave what the tweezers and time miss. I have razors everywhere- in my makeup box, in my car, in my purses.... I'm scared to leave the house without one, then scared anyone will see me using it - let alone the fear associated with anyone getting close enough to notice, let alone touch me and notice!!!

    Much Love to Y'all!
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    Any updates on the IPL hair 'removal'????
  • la_vie_est_belle_
    la_vie_est_belle_ Posts: 139 Member
    I have thick, coarse hair on my chin and neck, and fine ones all over my face. I also have hair on my boobs (lucky me lol) , stomach, and hairy arms. Laser never worked on me. It was just expensive and the hair regrew. Electrolysis kind of worked, but boy was it painful. I felt like I was punishing myself for being hairy.

    Now I just use a little handheld razor (It's called Finishing Touch) , use an epillator sometimes, and tweeze.

    My advice would be to not think about it as much. It used to take over my life and I used to obsess over it. Especially with us PCOS girls--the hair grows back fast! I have a wonderful boyfriend, a good job , all accomplished while being hairy. So remove it in whatever way you can, and then don't think about it. You're beautiful the way you are!