Planning Request - Outdoors Food Requests - Cross Posting to LCHF & Keto

KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
So, everyone, if you knew me pre-LCHF/Keto, you know that I worked the Renaissance Fair locally last year. This is essentially 4 days of on my feet all day, few breaks, eating on the run, refrigeration only in cooler, etc. I managed okay last year, but I wasn't eating the Keto way of life then. (Next week, Thursday through Sunday.)

Obviously, I'm thinking of packing things like: pepperoni sticks/slices, cheese, beef jerky, pickles, nuts, and stable fat bombs. Oh, and the makings of BPTea...maybe a thermos of super hot water so I can make it onsite, and broth too. Like a case of water!

I'm not as concerned with keeping carbs under 25 grams, but more like 50 grams, for the day, though it will be adjustments, for sure. If I can swing the finances, I can definitely get a turkey leg or something while out there, but that is unlikely (due to cost). Luckily, I'm a month in, and by next week, will be 5 weeks in, 9 since low carbing it, so I'm pretty adapted and don't think it'll be difficult, especially if I do snacky food (nuts, etc.) if absolutely necessary with more than one BPT and do a form of IF....

So, please, all, I'll look back at that post about surviving hotel/conferencing to see the suggestions there, but any suggestions/advice. We usually leave home 7 am, arrive on site by 8 am, work until 6 pm or later, get home by 7 pm, and have ZERO interest in cooking (we did pizza last year each day, I think, though I can do related prepped nosh, but I'm looking at the same types of more convenient food at home as during the day...)... I really really don't want to knock myself out of Keto, as the ventures I've had out of it (bites of snacks off plan) were pure hell, and the "flu" getting into keto wasn't fun either...

Thanks in advance, Knit aka Carly


  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Carlyle, I saw a recipe for keto scotch eggs. Don't know if you have those in US? Normally hard boiled egg covered with sausage meat and then breadcrumbed and fried, but keto version wraps in bacon nd bakes. Can look out recipe if interested?
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Carly, not Carlyle... sorry, stupid predictive text!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Carlyle, I saw a recipe for keto scotch eggs. Don't know if you have those in US? Normally hard boiled egg covered with sausage meat and then breadcrumbed and fried, but keto version wraps in bacon nd bakes. Can look out recipe if interested?

    Absolutely yes, interested! Those sound amazing!!!!!!!!!! And sound like they could be eaten cool if kept in a cooler bag. :) I think I saw a recipe in passing some time back, but if you have access to it, I would love that. Thanks, @totaloblivia !!!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    These are great either hot or cold. I like to make mine with ground turkey wrapped around soft cooked eggs. I found pork shrank too much. I first started making them from a recipe on Mark's Daily Apple. Wrapped in bacon sounds good too.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    oooobaby. If someone finds the recipe for this can you post the link. I'm always looking for food that travels if only for convenience sake! Carly, what group/forum do you remember that post from about conferences/travelling? I'd like to check that out as well.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    edited March 2015
    OK so I found a number of variations on the Scotch Egg theme and this is the vote that I'll test this weekend with the bf.
    I'm chosing this one because it seems the least labor intensive, I liked the photo, they're baked not fried and seem like they'd stay together better when packed for a period of time where they might get bumped around. I think they would be tollerable cold, unlike the bacon wrapped ones.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Also if you don't want to go to the trouble of Scotch eggs, do meatballs and hard-boiled eggs.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I make my own beef jerky. It travels well and is fairly filling. :)
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Carlyle, I saw a recipe for keto scotch eggs. Don't know if you have those in US? Normally hard boiled egg covered with sausage meat and then breadcrumbed and fried, but keto version wraps in bacon nd bakes. Can look out recipe if interested?

    Absolutely yes, interested! Those sound amazing!!!!!!!!!! And sound like they could be eaten cool if kept in a cooler bag. :) I think I saw a recipe in passing some time back, but if you have access to it, I would love that. Thanks, @totaloblivia !!!

    I'll dig it out tonight - I love scotch eggs - very filling too.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    oooobaby. If someone finds the recipe for this can you post the link. I'm always looking for food that travels if only for convenience sake! Carly, what group/forum do you remember that post from about conferences/travelling? I'd like to check that out as well.


    That's the conference post.

    There was another discussion about places to safely eat out...

    This prompted the discussion:

    Finally found it! Here's the what to eat while out post:
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    Hey, Carly...just want to throw something in here. I believe that sometimes we overthink these kinds of events/special occasions/whatever out of fear. We're feeling good, have had success, and are terrified of screwing it up...but I really don't believe there's as much to worry about as we might think. I took a look at your diary and for the most part the things you eat every single day could be adapted to your festival if you have a cooler to keep them chilled. Sure, you might eat something cold that you'd normally eat hot, but that so weird? Start off the day w/ a big 'ol mug of your BP tea...that will keep you going for awhile. Then look at what you'd normally eat (and at what time at home), and see if it's doable, substitute for what's not. Go ahead and pack the nuts, cheese, whatever snacky type things as emergency rations, but you're probably going to be so busy with everything going on that you're not going to need it. Put your energy and prepping time into easy things to pop in the oven/micro when you get home, as you've already said that's when you'll be exhausted and looking for nourishment fast. Domino's is WAY too easy to call on when you're feeling like that.

    The above has just been my experience with situations like this...I get so caught up in having "all the right things" with me, that I forget that I'm going for the event itself. 9 times out of 10, I'm too busy to eat (or care!) because I'm having such a good time, and all the hard work I put into prepping is wasted when I'm packing all that food back home with me. ;-)

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    tru2one wrote: »
    Hey, Carly...just want to throw something in here. I believe that sometimes we overthink these kinds of events/special occasions/whatever out of fear. We're feeling good, have had success, and are terrified of screwing it up...but I really don't believe there's as much to worry about as we might think. I took a look at your diary and for the most part the things you eat every single day could be adapted to your festival if you have a cooler to keep them chilled. Sure, you might eat something cold that you'd normally eat hot, but that so weird? Start off the day w/ a big 'ol mug of your BP tea...that will keep you going for awhile. Then look at what you'd normally eat (and at what time at home), and see if it's doable, substitute for what's not. Go ahead and pack the nuts, cheese, whatever snacky type things as emergency rations, but you're probably going to be so busy with everything going on that you're not going to need it. Put your energy and prepping time into easy things to pop in the oven/micro when you get home, as you've already said that's when you'll be exhausted and looking for nourishment fast. Domino's is WAY too easy to call on when you're feeling like that.

    The above has just been my experience with situations like this...I get so caught up in having "all the right things" with me, that I forget that I'm going for the event itself. 9 times out of 10, I'm too busy to eat (or care!) because I'm having such a good time, and all the hard work I put into prepping is wasted when I'm packing all that food back home with me. ;-)

    It's SOOOOO funny that you say this... You know me IRL, right? I'm 100% the overplanner!!!! LOL

    We typically had time for 1 meal-ish thing, maybe 15 minutes, but if I can grab a handful of macadamia nuts or a stack of pepperoni slices and keep powering up for several hours, that is awesome. I think we had about 2 teeny breaks (less than five minutes), and no real pee breaks... My water last year was atrocious! So just wanting to plan/be prepared, because it was weird last year.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    It's SOOOOO funny that you say this... You know me IRL, right? I'm 100% the overplanner!!!! LOL

    We typically had time for 1 meal-ish thing, maybe 15 minutes, but if I can grab a handful of macadamia nuts or a stack of pepperoni slices and keep powering up for several hours, that is awesome. I think we had about 2 teeny breaks (less than five minutes), and no real pee breaks... My water last year was atrocious! So just wanting to plan/be prepared, because it was weird last year.

    Yeah, I think I'd be more worried about the lack of potty breaks than anything else!! lol I know I get half my daily steps in at work just walking back and forth to the ladies room when eating Keto, so I can't imagine only a couple of breaks over a 12 hour period for THAT. ;-)

    I hope you have a wonderful time! It's always been on my list of things to do to attend one of these at least once...sounds like a blast!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Scotch eggs: makes 6. 6 large eggs, 20 oz pork sausages, 12 slices back bacon, rind removed. Hard boil eggs and cool. Remove sausage meat from skins. Divide into 6 portions. Form each piece into a circle large enough to cover egg. Wrap carefully. Place in fridge to set. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Wrap 2 piexes bacon round each egg and secure with cocktail stick. Place on baking tray. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until cooked and bacon crisp. Can be eaten cold!

    Hope it works out for you! <3