Has anyone lost weight by walking?



  • operavagabond
    operavagabond Posts: 84 Member
    With my bad knees and hips, walking is about as intense as I go. But I've been losing weight consistently.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    All the athletes that walk are skinny.....
  • dilbyrn
    dilbyrn Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost alot from walking. I eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. I started out with two miles about 5-6 days a week. Now I do 5 miles that often. I found that when I cut down on walking, I didn't lose as much. Guess it is my lifestyle now. I also do cardio or weight training a couple of days a week. I actually even started jogging occasionally now. I feel so much better:)
  • Kamile69
    Kamile69 Posts: 87
    I walk constantly and have a fitbit to help keep me motivated. I also do the Leslie Sansome walk 5 mile DVD and it's awesome! I haven't started any weight resistance yet due to physical disabilities, but hope to soon. So far I've lost 23 pounds.

    I log everyday if anyone is interested in adding me.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I don't walk for my exercise, but have a friend that did. She lost close to 100 pounds walking and managing her diet over the course of a year and a half. Diet, though, is crucial. If you are not eating at a calorie deficit, walking alone isn't going to burn enough calories for you to lose weight. If you want the weight to come off a bit faster, try cutting another 100 calories from your daily intake and see what happens.
  • LisaYon
    LisaYon Posts: 22 Member
    I started walking because I don't want to be stuck in a sweaty gym! I walk about 5 miles a little over 10,000 steps 3 x's week. I don't really know how much of my weight loss is because of it, but I do know that since I have been losing and eating better, I just have more energy and want to use it. I get stir crazy sitting too long. Does it matter if you lose weight doing something that makes you feel good? I love the fresh air and waving hi to the other walkers/runners/ and cyclists!
    But fall is coming which means winter isn't far behind... Boo!
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    I have been walking consistantly for a couple years-I am sure it has helped with the 50 pounds lost, at this point it also keeps my head clear as well. Plus some days I get to have a cookie if I have walked, others, not so much....:)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Walking is my primary workout. I do this every single day: Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Fat Burner Walk + Cooldown
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    Exercise is not needed for weight loss. A calorie deficit is what is needed.

    Good luck!

    ^^^This! You exercise to earn more food calories and to tone your body. You reduce calories to lose weight.
  • michele5coker
    michele5coker Posts: 2 Member
    I walk 5-6 days a week anyway from 2-3 miles at a time, the gym 2-3 times a week for strength training and i follow at 1340 calorie diet a day. I have lost 23 since July 5, 2013 so I think its working. Good luck to you all :drinker:
  • debbiehudson1
    debbiehudson1 Posts: 3 Member
    I think you are doing great, just dont give up on the walking. I am not sure if you already do, but try taking a bottle of water with you and finish it during the walk, and more when you get home. I keep to my 1200 calories per day, and find if I dont walk I dont lose. I just maintain my current weight. Walking definitely works for me. Dont give up and finish the race!!! Youre welcome to freind me and we can keep each other motivated & accountable :)
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    I started on my weight loss journey on 8/17/2013. As of today (10/11/2013) I have lost 47 pounds. I started logging my food and staying under my daily calorie allowance and almost never eating into any of the calories I gained from the exercise. Now for the exercise, I started with walking just a mile at a time and trying to walk 2 times a day and as I got stronger I moved the distance up and the speed at which I was walking. Now I am up to 5 miles at a time with an average walk speed of 3.5 MPH. I have started swimming again and try to swim a mile on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It usually takes me about an hour. Finally completed a mile the other day in 50 minutes. Also just earned my 25,000 step badge from fitbit on 10/09/2013 by walking 13.74 miles that day. I think people disregard walking as a viable exercise, but it works for me. I bought a Bluetooth heart rate monitor and I try to always keep my heart rate at between 70 and 80% of my max heart rate of 176 BPM, which is getting harder to do.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    Hi all,

    I don't walk that much - around 7,000 steps a day - and I've lost 11 pounds in 7 weeks (my BMI is 25 so for me that's really good, since I don't have all that much to lose).
    I think the most important part is food control. Then doing some cardio workout. Walking is a plus for me but not essential. But the - I can't really walk that much what with my job and the kids at home :-)
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    Like everyone else stated, you need both cardio and weight training/resistance and calorie counting to lose weight/get fit. I've got the calories and the cardio down, and this weekend will be incorporating the resistance training once I get my Hubby to put together the bowflex he ordered for me!!!

    I walk - not much, but I take the stairs at work whenever I come and go, and depending on what's on my to do list, I take a 20-30 minute walk at lunchtime. My husband works right across the street, so sometimes when he'll be working late, I'll walk while I wait for him, as well.

    I'm incorporating the resistance training to firm up what I've been losing...oh, how I'd somebody love to get rid of these bat wings!!! LOL I have a feeling starting the Bowflex is really going to make a difference...we'll see!

    I've been with MFP for a little over a month (started 9/15) and as of today have lost 18.4 pounds.
  • phranny88
    phranny88 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a Fitbit. I try to walk 10000 a day. I have lost but I have by calories way down. Also tons of water :smile:
  • trulyjoyouswoman
    trulyjoyouswoman Posts: 36 Member
    Beginning in 2002 through 2004 I worked out at the Y with cardio on the stationary bike and treadmill, and lifted weights every other day, but I got where I walked 7-10 miles a day on trails and around town, and I went from a size 24 down to a size 18. I got compliments on my calves by strangers which I thought was weird. Yet my boyfriend still says I have great legs because of all the walking I did. I have regained the weight due to some problems with not maintaining an active workout, but I am like a size 20 and can almost fit into a size 18 if I could accept how tight the jeans are. But I prefer being comfortable in my clothes. So yea one can lose weight by walking, and it looks nice on the leg and butt muscles. I would still add some weight lifting to help strengthen and tone the muscles. Working out that much and that intensely I did not have to change my eating habits, but I tended to eat healthy with lots of vegetables and some meat and low intake of sweets. So I would say that caloric intake needs to be adjusted in a healthy way to benefit the exercise as the calories consumed has to be less than the exercise to lose weight.