How many little nagging injuries do you have?



  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,679 Member
    I've been lucky and have kept free from serious injury. That being said, when I feel my hips are out I'm straight to my osteopath to get it sorted which prevents the injusry escalating or moving elsewhere (I first went to him with sore calf years ago, he traced the injury back to a misaligned hip, fixed the problem in one session after months with a physio and seeing very little improvement). I'm also very good with doing at least 20 minutes of yoga, targeting running muscles, after every run which helps with injusry prevention I'm sure.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    The front of my left ankle/top of my foot hurts sometimes. Most of the time, it's just a little pain that doesn't require me to change anything.

    This is why I am in PT right now. I sprained my left ankle twice in one year and the last one was a doozy. Apparently after you sprain something enough times or bad enough the ligaments never tighten back up so I have a "wobbly" ankle. That would be fine if it didn't ache all the time--even when walking. Oh well, the PT said I could strengthen the tendons and muscles in my ankle/calf and wear compression socks and I can still run. But I have to ease back in. Right now I'm doing 3:1 intervals.

    I aslo have achilles tendonitis on the left side (probably has to do with my weakened ankle) and IT band syndrome on my right side (outer thigh/knee)--also from my weakened ankle. I didn't think I was changing anything in my stride either, but obviously I was...

    As long as I keep my ankle and surrounding muscles strong, I am allowed to run, but it sounds like it might never be pain free again. As long as I know I'm not making anything worse, I'm ok with that.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    lorierin22 wrote: »
    The front of my left ankle/top of my foot hurts sometimes. Most of the time, it's just a little pain that doesn't require me to change anything.

    This is why I am in PT right now. I sprained my left ankle twice in one year and the last one was a doozy. Apparently after you sprain something enough times or bad enough the ligaments never tighten back up so I have a "wobbly" ankle. That would be fine if it didn't ache all the time--even when walking. Oh well, the PT said I could strengthen the tendons and muscles in my ankle/calf and wear compression socks and I can still run. But I have to ease back in. Right now I'm doing 3:1 intervals.

    I aslo have achilles tendonitis on the left side (probably has to do with my weakened ankle) and IT band syndrome on my right side (outer thigh/knee)--also from my weakened ankle. I didn't think I was changing anything in my stride either, but obviously I was...

    As long as I keep my ankle and surrounding muscles strong, I am allowed to run, but it sounds like it might never be pain free again. As long as I know I'm not making anything worse, I'm ok with that.

    I've got the ankle/achilles/ITB thing all in my right leg.
    The bone in my right ankle protrude more than the bone in my left ankle (proven with x-ray) so the tendon is irritated with the rubbing. I've also got decreased ROM in my right ankle. And a tight left hip so I'm all off balance lol

    What's the PT having you do to strengthen the ankle?
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    lorierin22 wrote: »
    The front of my left ankle/top of my foot hurts sometimes. Most of the time, it's just a little pain that doesn't require me to change anything.

    This is why I am in PT right now. I sprained my left ankle twice in one year and the last one was a doozy. Apparently after you sprain something enough times or bad enough the ligaments never tighten back up so I have a "wobbly" ankle. That would be fine if it didn't ache all the time--even when walking. Oh well, the PT said I could strengthen the tendons and muscles in my ankle/calf and wear compression socks and I can still run. But I have to ease back in. Right now I'm doing 3:1 intervals.
    My pain wasn't from a sprain or any incident. It seems to be an overuse injury from how it comes on.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member

    I've got the ankle/achilles/ITB thing all in my right leg.
    The bone in my right ankle protrude more than the bone in my left ankle (proven with x-ray) so the tendon is irritated with the rubbing. I've also got decreased ROM in my right ankle. And a tight left hip so I'm all off balance lol

    What's the PT having you do to strengthen the ankle?

    I'm standing on one foot with and elastic band around the other. I do short kicks forward 15 times, to the side 15 times, and to the back 15 times while maintaining my balance on the other foot. (2 sets)

    I also stand on a step and do modified calf raises. I go up on both feet, but then lift one foot and only go down with the other foot (does that make sense?) I do 15 with each foot. (x2)

    I'm also doing planks and clam shells to strengthen my hips and core.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    lorierin22 wrote: »
    This is why I am in PT right now. I sprained my left ankle twice in one year and the last one was a doozy. Apparently after you sprain something enough times or bad enough the ligaments never tighten back up so I have a "wobbly" ankle. That would be fine if it didn't ache all the time--even when walking. Oh well, the PT said I could strengthen the tendons and muscles in my ankle/calf and wear compression socks and I can still run. But I have to ease back in. Right now I'm doing 3:1 intervals.

    I've similar weak ankles and used a Bosu Ball for strengthening my ankles after the last surgery from breaking my leg last May playing hockey (3rd time doing so in 20 years playing). Below are 2 pictures of the hardware store holding my legs together. It's amazing how much difference it can make. I used to just be walking along and roll my ankle turning the corner or stepping off a curb. After 6 months with a Bosu it never happens.


  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    lorierin22 wrote: »
    This is why I am in PT right now. I sprained my left ankle twice in one year and the last one was a doozy. Apparently after you sprain something enough times or bad enough the ligaments never tighten back up so I have a "wobbly" ankle. That would be fine if it didn't ache all the time--even when walking. Oh well, the PT said I could strengthen the tendons and muscles in my ankle/calf and wear compression socks and I can still run. But I have to ease back in. Right now I'm doing 3:1 intervals.

    I've similar weak ankles and used a Bosu Ball for strengthening my ankles after the last surgery from breaking my leg last May playing hockey (3rd time doing so in 20 years playing). Below are 2 pictures of the hardware store holding my legs together. It's amazing how much difference it can make. I used to just be walking along and roll my ankle turning the corner or stepping off a curb. After 6 months with a Bosu it never happens.

    I googled Bosu Ball and it looks like a lot less scary version of a wobble board. I have PT tomorrow...I'm going to ask her about this. I might have to look into getting one of those! Thanks for posting!
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    Zero. I haven't been injured in a long time. Over two years ago I think and maybe it was my calf. Oh wait, last November I did have a spectacular fall at a trail race and gave myself a black eye. Now that takes skill.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    right now only injury I have is a slight knee pain that usually I don't feel when I'm running but I did yesterday and I also have 2 scabs on the back of my heels I got from breaking in a pair of new shoes. I only walked in them but when I got back the damage was done.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Does the small tear in the labrum of my right shoulder that I've been carrying around since I was fatjason in high school count? Living proof why you should put a shot and not throw it.

    Other than just general soreness that 5-6 days of working out per week gets you...

    The big toe on my right foot decides to remind me every once in a while that it's still there. And my left hamstring/gluteus minimus act up every once in a while. Ever since I pulled the hammie playing softball many, many moons ago.
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    Some of you make me feel so blessed.

    Left hamstring has been acting up off and on for about 6 months, seems to be getting better and stiffness goes away quicker. I think I was overcompensating for old injury in opposite foot. Being diligent about stretching after, and tweaking my form and posture a little have helped.
    IT, I think in left knee region was bugging me but seems to have healed completely. I think it's more from driving long distance than from running.

    Aside from rest when needed, most of my ouchies have been seemingly remedied by building more muscle from running.

  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    Left hip is perpetually wonky, even with strength training and PT exercises. This causes some sort of imbalance that will also irritate the PTT in my right leg. ATT in left leg gets tight on slanted sidewalks (I try my hardest to avoid).

    New issue is in the joint/area under my big toe on my left foot. It hurts a tiny bit, then pops, then its fine. Started about halfway into HM training. It usually bothers me on the treadmill, not running outside.

  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    My stupid pinkie toe is acting strange. Not like hurting or anything but like burning, red and itchy. Oh dear Lord don't let it be athletes foot this close to summer. :smiley:
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    After a few days off the shin feels much better. I have just over a week till this marathon so I hope it agrees to work with me. I can make it work but I hope it does it on its own.
  • teacton11
    teacton11 Posts: 65 Member
    1. Janky toenail that I'm convinced will never grow back.
    2. A mental disorder that involves extreme fear of a ITB injury coming back whenever my left leg doesn't feel right.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    billscreen wrote: »
    PF (piriformis) that flares up in my left glute after some runs (especially hills). It's in a region that's difficult to massage and stretch. Strengthening has been really helpful, but if I miss a few workouts, it comes back with interest.

    The stretch for that (lying down and crossing one ankle over the other knee and pulling it towards you) is my absolute favorite stretch. Feels so good. Do you do this, does it help?

    Love that stretch. Also, a lacrosse ball is great for massaging it. Just sit on the ball on the floor and roll it around.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    I'm perpetually broken.
    I just graduated/got kicked out of PT on Wednesday in fact.
    I run anyway since the ortho dr said I wasn't making it better but I wasn't making it worse - that was in September so maybe I should pay him a visit again

    I'd like to add to this.

    I now have a broken fibula at my left ankle...
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm perpetually broken.
    I just graduated/got kicked out of PT on Wednesday in fact.
    I run anyway since the ortho dr said I wasn't making it better but I wasn't making it worse - that was in September so maybe I should pay him a visit again

    I'd like to add to this.

    I now have a broken fibula at my left ankle...

    Wow! How did you accomplish this? I confess I was worried I fractured something but the x-rays came back clean. The doctor said you typically need blunt trauma to the lower leg to get a fracture.

    Update: My shin is nearly back to normal and wasn't a factor this last weekend. 50 mpw for 3 - 4 weeks was the issue. It's great now and getting better with rest. Hurray!
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    I'm perpetually broken.
    I just graduated/got kicked out of PT on Wednesday in fact.
    I run anyway since the ortho dr said I wasn't making it better but I wasn't making it worse - that was in September so maybe I should pay him a visit again

    I'd like to add to this.

    I now have a broken fibula at my left ankle...

    Wow! How did you accomplish this? I confess I was worried I fractured something but the x-rays came back clean. The doctor said you typically need blunt trauma to the lower leg to get a fracture.

    Update: My shin is nearly back to normal and wasn't a factor this last weekend. 50 mpw for 3 - 4 weeks was the issue. It's great now and getting better with rest. Hurray!

    I hit a pothole or the edge of the road on an early morning run and went down.
    I heard a pop. Limped the mile home. Tried to ice/elevate it myself, wasn't getting better so I brought myself to the hospital.
    Walking boot for 6 weeks. I can start run/walking again in July - I have permission to walk one of my June 5ks but my half, 15k, trail 5k, and Avon Walk for Breast Cancer are off the table (and probably my weekend excursion up Mt Katahdin lol)
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    I'm perpetually broken.
    I just graduated/got kicked out of PT on Wednesday in fact.
    I run anyway since the ortho dr said I wasn't making it better but I wasn't making it worse - that was in September so maybe I should pay him a visit again

    I'd like to add to this.

    I now have a broken fibula at my left ankle...

    Wow! How did you accomplish this? I confess I was worried I fractured something but the x-rays came back clean. The doctor said you typically need blunt trauma to the lower leg to get a fracture.

    Update: My shin is nearly back to normal and wasn't a factor this last weekend. 50 mpw for 3 - 4 weeks was the issue. It's great now and getting better with rest. Hurray!

    I hit a pothole or the edge of the road on an early morning run and went down.
    I heard a pop. Limped the mile home. Tried to ice/elevate it myself, wasn't getting better so I brought myself to the hospital.
    Walking boot for 6 weeks. I can start run/walking again in July - I have permission to walk one of my June 5ks but my half, 15k, trail 5k, and Avon Walk for Breast Cancer are off the table (and probably my weekend excursion up Mt Katahdin lol)

    Ouch! That's hardly a nagging issue. That's a flat out injury and you're done running for a bit type thing. Bummer.