Feast Days or Carb Splurges?

ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
New to keto in Feb, but with the upcoming Easter holiday and a personal celebration on the horizon for my daughter, I am considering just enjoying the afternoon and allowing myself to partake of my favorite foods. Haven't cheated in months, and now that I'm finally making headway since switching to keto, I'm afraid to get derailed.

I've been really good at immediately returning to plan for the last year while seriously low carbing, but what can I do to help myself get back into full burn after a cheat/carb day? I already naturally eat a 16:8, and most consider that a fast, so that wouldn't be a new thing for me.


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I'd go higher calorie but would stay keto. The carbs aren't worth it IMO.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    I handled a birthday celebration recently at a Chinese Buffet by keeping the majority of my meal keto with a sampling of a few things that I knew wouldn't qualify. By filling up on keto-appropriate foods first, the couple of tastes of things that were off-plan (obviously some sugar in sauce, breadcrumbs in stuffing, etc.) I was able to satisfy my curiosity (not really craving, just wanted to sample) and enjoy my meal. I didn't have any negative repercussions healthwise, and was back to the same 'ol same 'ol the next day. If I would've dived headfirst into full portions of things I don't usually eat, I don't think I would've fared so well. I would've felt like crap, and the scale wouldn't have helped the situation either.

    Anyway, that's what worked for me. ;-)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I also think that you'll find the foods you are anticipating to be amazing, as they used to be to you, will affect your palate and body differently, and most of it isn't worth the pain.

    Also, if you're cooking yourself, you can make Keto friendly versions of the treats, or if you're not, bring your own single serving of something so that you can feel included but not have to pay the price.

    Me personally, within two bites of anything sugary, I get almost migraine like headaches. Haven't tried other junk specifically, because there isnt' as much temptation, since I can make a version of almost anything I've craved.

    Also, I second both of the above - allowing higher calories, but balancing your carbs to stay in range, AND loading up on keto friendly or HIGH FAT treats first...leaves less room/desire for carb-binges...
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I've tried "refeed" or "cheat days" in the past. It leads to cheat days, weeks, and in some cases, months, for me. The foods arent worth the cravings to me.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    If you're willing to potentially go through carb flu squared, then eat the carbs. Honestly, they probably aren't going to taste all that wonderful and your body may reject them.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    The key to doing a re-feed is to deplete Glycogen before hand, so that the carbs go directly to replenishment. ( ref http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_ketogenic_diet / http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/keto2.htm )

    Keto body builders do this in order to maintain ability to do advanced, strenous activity for their training cycle, while cutting for show weight/definition.

    Youll stay in Keto if done properly, will not have to re-adapt.
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    edited March 2015
    I do higher calorie but don't eat carb laden foods. I went over both carbs and calories today but it was from some unplanned guacamole, so I don't feel too bad about it. And yesterday I didn't track because I ate what I wanted quantity-wise, but again it was all low carb.

    I think if you are 100% sure you will get back on track, then go for it. You may or may not have a readjustment period. If it is off-plan for one day, I would guess you won't have a problem with keto flu, and can get back on track as long as you mentally commit to doing so. But just realize it can be a slippery slope.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    IMO, it's not worth the 1-2 days of being ready to run for the bathroom at a moment's (or less) notice.
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    Is the "keto flu" anything like the withdrawl you go through at the beginning when <20 carbs? I had the headaches, irritability, lethargy, and probably wasn't pleasant to be around for a few days. Since I've kicked myself out of ketosis more than a handful of times over the last five years, I know those symptoms fade in about three days.

    As far as returning to keto immediately, I'm not worried. I had thanksgiving then went right back the next day. Some things just weren't worth it, and others... oh baby. They were definitely missed. Christmas was more challenging, because of the numbers of parties we attended, but even then, I think I only cheated one or two days, maybe three. My biggest issue was it totally stalled any losses, and I struggled until I started keto in Feb.

    Easter is an easy work-around now that I talked to my family. With the traditional ham, deviled eggs, and cauliflower mash, I'll be a happy girl. The celebration for my daughter though, I'm looking forward to having a few drinks. Liquid carbs. I only drink about four times a year, and I'm looking forward to it.
  • vanhavely
    vanhavely Posts: 33 Member
    For me the "Keto Flu" was exactly like withdraws. I was a pasta muchin machine, and god forbid there was ice cream in the house. The "Keto Flu" is your body crying out for those carbs.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    What would a "cheat item" do, do you think? Not a whole meal or whole day...but one item, like a dessert? (Sorry, am wicked stressed and pmsing and staring at a dessert menu as I type this, I am away from home at a hotel with none of my go to snack items)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    What would a "cheat item" do, do you think? Not a whole meal or whole day...but one item, like a dessert? (Sorry, am wicked stressed and pmsing and staring at a dessert menu as I type this, I am away from home at a hotel with none of my go to snack items)

    See my previous answer. A lot of variables involved, like how long you've been keto adapted, exactly what you're cheating with, what else you have with it, but it's really not much different from an alcohol-induced hangover for a day or two.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Eh...I didn't order it. Was going to be cheesecake, and it would not have even put me over 40g for the day. It just didn't seem worth it. I have been doing keto for a couple months at least, but the thought of wanting it all the time again was not pleasant.
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    When I was doing <50 carb, I could eat cheesecake minus the crust and it wouldn't kick me out of ketosis... entirely....

    It did go to trace, but two days later, I would be burning hot again.

    I think all of us have had weak moments, but this time I want to plan ahead. Since this isn't a diet, but a total lifestyle change, I need to have a handful of days a year I can cut loose a little. I have been able to make a lot of acceptable replacements, and outgrown a lot of foods I formerly thought I couldn't live without. However, there are some things I'm not willing to give up for good - even if it means it takes 6 months longer to get to goal.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    Idmoor, I think that's a great attitude. Life is still about pleasures and if you know it's not going to completely derail you for years then I say go for it. Sounds like this thing with your daughter is a one shot deal that you really want to celebrate. So celebrate, make some wonderful memories however you see fit. :-) You seem to know what you're dealing with and only you can weigh the consdquences. People have made some good suggestions on how to deal with them here. So... have your cake and eat it too!
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    This is my last year with my baby girl. She heads to culinary school across the state in January. She has many milestones this year, including turning 18 in September. I want to celebrate all her successes in her last year at home full time.

    She and I will be good friends in the future, but right now, she's my baby girl and I want to celebrate her accomplishments. She is a baby that doctors told me I'd never have, and God proved them wrong - despite the PCOS diagnosis. There are only so many things left for us to celebrate besides turning 18. Graduating college, first job, marriage, grandbabies.... all hopefully in the future, but we only have today, and today is a gift.
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Not sure if this will help or not because this was an unintential derailment, but...
    I got terribly sick with strep throat for New Year's and ended up loaded up with liquid medicines...which pretty much all contained sugar in some form. Needless to say, between my body fighting off the sickness and the sugary medicines, I was out of keto for like 2 weeks. I decided I wouldn't stress it because, after all, STRESS can also throw you out of keto, IIRC. I just tried to eat as clean and healthy as I could to feed my body with broth (plus olive oil, sage, and sometimes sausage), and laid off the dairy. My macros were within acceptable range, but still the strips said "No, T. Just relax and get BETTER, ok? Stop checking."
    Anyways, once I was all better, I took my weekend and did a 2 day fat fast with tons of cream cheese and butter. Also had some eggs and other fats. I was back to normal in no time.

    Regarding tempting foods, try just a small bite if you can manage it, or try to have alternatives that still fit into your plan. I put together a keto (and diabetic) friendly Thanksgiving dinner last year for my fiance and family. Fiance's mom was SO happy to be able to eat pumpkin pie...and so were we!
