Amino Acid experiment

MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
Yesterday, I started taking the amino acid protocol recommended in "The Diet Cure" and "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. She believes that depleted brain chemistry (low serotonin, dopamine, gaba and endorphins) is one of the major causes of disordered eating and many other physical and emotional ailments. I am taking 5 amino supplements spread throughout the day. L-tyrosine, DLPA(l-phenylalanine), l-glutamine, gaba, and 5htp (l-tryptophan) plus some other vitamins. According to Ross, amino acid therapy coupled with a healthy, whole food diet consisting of enough protein and calories will help the brain get back to normal. In a few months, I should be able to back off the aminos as long as I continue to eat well.

My story in a nutshell: I have had a lifelong BED. I have also been overweight most of my life. In 2010 I found Paleolithic eating. As of June 2014, I had lost 80 lbs. Unfortunately it was not a straight road. There were a lot of regains and losses due to the BED. I am currently back up 40 lbs of that 80. I am in the middle of a very bad binge episode. I am getting therapy for the emotional side, but it has been my experience that there are some nutritional/physical aspects to my BED as well. I have used some of Ross's recommendations in the past, but have never been desperate enough to do the whole multi supplement protocol. Well, I am now.

I thought I would share the journey with you in this thread. Let me know what you think and if you have any experience with amino acid therapy.


  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Yesterday I had no cravings. I ate 3 paleo meals including meat, vegetables and starches. It was my first binge free day in a week.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    Very interesting. Thank you for sharing! I will be researching these books more tomorrow!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Interested in following - I too have read l-glutamine, & 5-htp are essential for seratonin production and sustaining levels. My protein powders contain these supps and the others you mention.
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Yesterday was another binge free day. This is significant because my husband was at work. It is easier to binge when he is not there. Days Binge Free-2

    I am experiencing minimal negative effects from the new supplements. At various times I have felt a slight headache or stomachache. I am taking them on an empty stomach as recommended by several sources. There is something about competition between the supps and the protein that you eat.

    Here is a list of the aminos and amount I am taking.

    5 AM
    l-tyrosine 1000mg
    (My Daily Total 2000. Max (Ross) 6000. Most sources say max 3000, should be 10x 5htp)
    dlpa 500mg (Total 1500. Max 3000)
    l-glutamine 500 (Total 1500. Max 4500)

    10:30 AM
    l-tyro 500
    dlpa 500
    l-glut 500
    gaba 500 (Total 1500. Max 1500)
    5htp 100 (Total 200. Max 300. Other option l-tryptophan, Max 2500)
    St. John's Wort 300 (Not an amino, helps raise serotonin. Total 600. Max 900)

    2:30 PM
    Same as 10:30AM

    *In addition, I am taking my regular morning vitamins. Phew! That's a lot of pills!
    **Please feel free to ask any questions if confused.

  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    I should say that I am a 47yr old female. This is important because I suffer from both PMS and perimenopausal symptoms that worsen my BED.

    Edit on the aminos list. I take 500 Gaba in the evening, making up the 1500.
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Dennis4766 wrote: »
    Interested in following - I too have read l-glutamine, & 5-htp are essential for seratonin production and sustaining levels. My protein powders contain these supps and the others you mention.

    I was thinking that a protein powder with BCAA's would be a good maintenance plan once I back off the supplements. That or an amino acid multi that contains a low level of all the essentials.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I would encourage you to keep us updated. I am very interested in results. Thank You!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Days Binge Free - 3

    I haven't had a three day run in months.
    Yesterday was a very tough emotional day, but I did not even think about bingeing. I ate 3 clean meals. (no wheat, no sugar)

    I have also lost 7 lbs since Monday morning. Even though it is water weight, I am glad because I had gotten to the point of having only one pair of pants to wear.

    I am slightly nauseous today. I think my l-tyrosine/ dlpa intake is too high. Maybe I need to cut out the coffee. Those aminos have a stimulating effect that can increase the effect of caffeine.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I ordered the book. Congrats on day 3!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Dennis4766 wrote: »
    I ordered the book. Congrats on day 3!

    The book has a lot of good information. I hope you get a lot out of it.
  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    I found Julia Ross' books a few years ago when struggling with sugar cravings, and highly recommend them!
    I was pretty reluctant to start taking a lot of supplements, so I started with just 5-HTP, and noticed an obvious difference in my moods. I was simply calmer, less likely to work myself into a frenzy of frustration over whatever - traffic, work, the news, etc. Intrigued and encouraged, I added L-Glutamine, and later GABA. At first I noticed an immediate elimination of sugar cravings, particularly with the L-Glutamine - it was nearly miraculous. I thought I'd found THE ANSWER (all caps!), and became a bit of an annoying evangelist over it (oops!)
    Unfortunately, the effect for me a couple of years later is no longer so dramatic, but I do notice more subtle differences, especially in mood. On the other hand, I've also noticed very brief spells of breathing difficulty when taking higher dosage L-Glutamine (1000 mg rather than 500) and GABA (750 - 1000 mg) together. It look me awhile to make a connection, it was almost like a panic attack that would last about 30 seconds, but I finally realized it always happened about 20 - 30 minutes after my morning dose. Not sure whether that's common, but I'm being more conservative about dosage now.

    I'm still working on finding a good balance for me between addressing the physiological aspects of binge eating with the emotional / psychological aspects. I really have to address it from multiple sides to be successful. At the moment, I've found some great meditation apps and podcasts to add to my strategy. But I consider the amino therapy to be an important element for me as well.

    Great job on day 3! I generally find the first couple of weeks are the hardest for me. I'm on day 6 myself, and feeling optimistic.
  • Cherona37
    Cherona37 Posts: 52 Member
    Can I get these amino acids at a Health food store or should I consult a naturopath about this? Interested in these books!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I purchased all on Amazon (books and supps). I noted they were all at local drug store also.
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Yes. I would recommend amazon as well. My health food store carries all of them, but they are more expensive. My local drug stores (Rite Aid and Walgreens) carry 5htp and l-glutamine. The others are harder to find.
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the input. I agree. I have used some of these in the past and there is a point that they seem to stop working or cause unwanted symptoms.

    That is the tough part of her plan, knowing when to wean off the aminos. She suggests taking a day off one day a month to check for symptoms and staying on the complete regimen no more than 6 months.

    Ross believes that once you get on a balanced eating program with enough protein and calories, stop inputting allergy foods (gluten grains and dairy if they are a problem for you) and garbage (real and artificial sugar), your body will eventually heal and be able to synthesize aminos from the protein you eat into the chemicals the brain needs..
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Days Binge Free-4. On a streak. 8.1 lbs lost. 231.6 down from 239.7 I am happy to have clothes that fit for my upcoming trip.

    I am leaving for vacation in Florida tonight. Florida trips have always been binge fests with a gain of 10-15 lbs. My goal is to remain binge free, eat fairly clean paleo and gain as little weight as possible. I have a huge bag packed with my supplements.

    I will check in when I can.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm on day 2. I feel so mellow & care-free. Definitely feel so much less anxiety.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Where do you buy these? just places like GNC? is there a particular brand?
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Wow Dennis, you jumped right in. Excellent.

    tsikkz - GNC should have them. I would check several sources for pricing. See posts above.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I started taking the 5-HTP and L-Glutamine. Chromium is being delivered. These were in my protein powders, but not the dosages she recommends. I'm holding off on the others until I can read more.