Difficult Truths- Week 2 Homework

sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
What are the harsh truths that you face that keep you down some days and push you harder others?

For me logging my food honestly this past month has been a lesson in the obvious...I'm fat because I eat too much. Pretty simple and yet I was trying to ignore the obvious. The newer realization I discovered is that while shopping for clothes for my promotion that is taking me out of scrubs I learned I now wear a size 20. Still hurts.


  • JustWatchMee
    JustWatchMee Posts: 14 Member
    I identify with the realization of just how big one let themselves get. Until recently I only had 2 pairs of jeans that I would wear and then both of them ripped in unfixable (atleast for my skill level of sewing) and I had to go get new ones, I learned I too was in a size 20 I almost broke down and cried in the dressing room.
  • Gdogg92
    Gdogg92 Posts: 16 Member
    My harsh truth is im too fat ti give my partner the child he wants so badly and im the only one who can fix it thats what makes me get off my *kitten* and do a mean workout !!!:)
  • MoreFabbLessFlab
    MoreFabbLessFlab Posts: 60 Member
    My truth is that sometimes, I really do not care how big I am. Inside I know I want to be a better me, lose weight. I know I will never be that perfect size 2 or 4 or even a single digit. I will be happy to be a size 14 again. My obstacle is exercise, I loathe it, I don't get that rush after a good workout, I am finally pushing myself and it shows. And the not caring thing is something I need to get over bc my daughter is my real motivation, and my cats. hehe
  • rachwill2002
    rachwill2002 Posts: 16 Member
    My truth is that my older sister who was always bigger than me is now 20 lbs lighter. Nothing like a little sibling rivalry.
  • who4fan
    who4fan Posts: 388 Member
    My truth is that although I do fine most of the time, my inner fat chick sometimes stages a revolt and I eat everything not tied down. I need to be more disciplined and determined.
  • ekat1234
    ekat1234 Posts: 290 Member
    My truth is that I am the heaviest of all of my friends and have the largest size. It makes talking about clothing or shopping difficult because I can't wear the same things or shop at the same atores that they can. I have let myself get to this point and haven't done anything about it or thought much of it until now.